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Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 14, 2013 4:44 pm

LynInCyprus wrote:Dear Sotos

Why are you now inferring that BerkshireScouce acted in this matter to kill the cat - I just don't understand this attacking manner that seems so prevalent.

If you properly read and absorbed his last post on the actions taken it is clear that they were advised and then directed by a qualified veterinarian. This adviser has trained for years to assess, interpret and then diagnosis an animal illness and provide a prognosis which is of best benefit to the animal. I can only assume that you are not implying that all Vets are therefore animal killers who wilfully play god - or are you?

ALL wild animals who feed on rodents catch diseases from the rodent’s blood and thus become carriers of various things but that is very normal in their life cycle and it doesn’t stop them from having a normal life span and contributing towards their numbers.

The Cyprus feral cat is one of the HEALTHIEST and HAPPIEST cats on the planet because it lives EXACTLY how nature dictates for it to live!

But, uneducated people like you think that cats should live on tinned cat food, weight 20kg, wear tartan collars with novelties, live to age 20 with mutilated genitals, and sleep all day on your couch to amuse you!


Now be a good Mother Teresa and go save some animals from here...

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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby BerkshireScouse » Tue May 14, 2013 4:51 pm

There are many animal welfare experts in Cyprus so the OP could have approached those authorities and got all the information they needed rather than seek praise and advice from strangers on a forum who may not necessarily provide the best advice!

I assume that 'OP' is referring to the original poster. In which case it is plainly obvious that the sole motivation behind my original post was to help the wellbeing of a feral cat, rather than inviting people to massage my ego (seek praise and advice from strangers? Advice definitely. Praise - I'm not sure where that bizarre notion came from).

Sadly there are a number of contributions here which do not deserve to be dignified with a response. No doubt this will continue after I've posted this.....
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Sotos » Tue May 14, 2013 4:55 pm

LynInCyprus wrote:Dear Sotos

Why are you now inferring that BerkshireScouce acted in this matter to kill the cat - I just don't understand this attacking manner that seems so prevalent.

If you properly read and absorbed his last post on the actions taken it is clear that they were advised and then directed by a qualified veterinarian. This adviser has trained for years to assess, interpret and then diagnosis an animal illness and provide a prognosis which is of best benefit to the animal. I can only assume that you are not implying that all Vets are therefore animal killers who wilfully play god - or are you?

Many vets (including that one, apparently) couldn't care less about the animals. What they care about is how they will profit. It was probably too late for that cat to be turned into a pet (so they could charge for castration, medicines etc) so how could they profit from it? How much was the "euthanasia" injection? Thats how much the life of that cat worth for that vet. BerkshireScouce went along with it because he is either too naive, or he too would prefer to kill the cat rather than letting a "pest" roam the streets. At least he should admit that he believes that feral cats are pests that should be either turned into pets or else exterminated and stop pretending that he is so "humane" and better than us.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 14, 2013 5:05 pm

BerkshireScouse wrote:
There are many animal welfare experts in Cyprus so the OP could have approached those authorities and got all the information they needed rather than seek praise and advice from strangers on a forum who may not necessarily provide the best advice!

I assume that 'OP' is referring to the original poster. In which case it is plainly obvious that the sole motivation behind my original post was to help the wellbeing of a feral cat, rather than inviting people to massage my ego (seek praise and advice from strangers? Advice definitely. Praise - I'm not sure where that bizarre notion came from).

Sadly there are a number of contributions here which do not deserve to be dignified with a response. No doubt this will continue after I've posted this.....

Only you know your deep seeded motivation.

The cat on the other hand probably had a few good years of life in it.

As to being diseased, I am not so certain because in Cyprus we have lived with cats for thousands of years and these animals are very resilient! They are stronger and more resilient than any pet cat!
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 14, 2013 5:34 pm

Hello Lyn
LynInCyprus wrote:These cats belong to all -

They don't "belong" to anyone actually, other than the island of Cyprus where they are considered native having been here for thousands upon thousands of years. As such, if there is a policy to be made on their disposal, it should be up to the RoC and not the "Sovereign British Bases" and the people who work there.

If you read through the posts with an open mind you will see how much the Cypriot forumers here actually care for these animals, their rights for freedom and survival. This is a deep seated attitude (freedom) with cultural differences; the expats still hold on to the colonialist dictat of thinking they know better than the natives on most things, even the natives' environment.

LynInCyprus wrote: No cat living a feral existence evolves an immune system that allows them to resist (without medical and/or drug intervention) the diseases that 'generally' kill them.

This is a preposterous and uneducated view. Do you really believe such a thing? Their immune system is similar to ours. Do you believe we need drugs for every bug we catch? Well, we don't! And neither do wild animals. Precisely by leaving them alone, drug free, immunity will develop in the community. If there is no epidemic-related concern for a major condition, it's not right to pick individual cats and decide to have them killed off.

LynInCyprus wrote:I am not daft about 'animal rights' -

There's nothing daft about animal rights. They deserve rights as much as you or I.
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby LynInCyprus » Tue May 14, 2013 5:48 pm

I'm afraid I am such a novice at the forum posting that I do not know how to reply pasting in any previous poster's comments, so bear with me if this is a little basic:

Yes Sotos - personally I do feel that your comments offering to castrate and arrange for another persons euthanasia if any virus is found on them is a vaguely veiled threat of harm. I can only imagine how you would feel if the same, or even remotely similar statement was made to you and/or your family!!

The last time, to my knowledge, such a type of statement was made from one human being to another it came from the mouth of a very short man, with a funny moustache who wished to rule the free world. Coincidence perhaps, or not?
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby LynInCyprus » Tue May 14, 2013 6:11 pm

Wow what an eye opener on what a load of bully boys and girls you are :shock: So nice to be welcomed onto the forum - NOT!

Selectively and partially cutting and pasting comments from previous posts to then bend them to fit your own responses (yeah - there goes freedom of speech for one and all) and then in the most cowardly manner resorting to personal insults on education standards - shame on you :roll: However I am guessing that this is what is common in 'virtual world' scenarios when words and statements can be thrown around without direct face to face consequence :lol:

I live on this island, I do what I can, when I can, how I can - for animals and humans alike. My name nor family history links me to Mother Theresa, although I have not fully yet researched my family tree, so if I find I am related I'll let you know.

I would love to meet up with any/all of you and take you to spend a day working at the shelter/clinic - let me know if you can make it :wink:
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 14, 2013 6:47 pm

Yes, let's all meet in Pissouri. :D

(I thought I could smell a rat ... must be due to the declining feral cat population. :wink: )
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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby LynInCyprus » Tue May 14, 2013 6:57 pm

Pathos is nearer to the clinic/shelter I volunteer at - but where ever suits you best.

This is a genuine offer to meet up (anyone on island)- I can live in the real world and have face to face sensible debates :)

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Re: Help re trapping a feral cat - Limassol area

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 14, 2013 7:04 pm

Both are possible.

But, first you should try and answer some of the points raised from what you have tried to "debate" here.

(You should refrain from judging people as bullies just because you object that they have an opinion different to your own. It's much easier dealing with "dumb animals" that don't answer back, isn't it? :wink: )
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