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Postby Oceanside50 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:02 am

"...The outright confiscation of private property in the western world has occurred twice before: In Nazi- Germany against German Jews and other “sub-humans”; and in Nazi-sympathizing Turkey, which in 1942 enacted legislation, the infamous Varlik Vergisi, or “wealth tax,” enabling the Turkish state to confiscate the property of Turkish citizens – Greeks, Armenians and Jews – and sending those who could not pay into “exile” in desert Anatolia, from which most did not return...." ... ted-310718
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Re: Cyprus"Czech-mated"

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:59 am

Oceanside50 wrote:"...The outright confiscation of private property in the western world has occurred twice before: In Nazi- Germany against German Jews and other “sub-humans”; and in Nazi-sympathizing Turkey, which in 1942 enacted legislation, the infamous Varlik Vergisi, or “wealth tax,” enabling the Turkish state to confiscate the property of Turkish citizens – Greeks, Armenians and Jews – and sending those who could not pay into “exile” in desert Anatolia, from which most did not return...." ... ted-310718

Good summary article.
Of course, the anti-Greek-brigade forget Cyprus was punished in this way, with the excuse it had Russian "mafia" money and British tax-avoiding money in its bloated banks (part-owned by Russians etc). It's so easy to blame it on Greek banks instead - like the nazis who are part of Cyprus' destruction are doing. False flags always fool such idiots.

Unfortunately, the ease by which the anti-Greek-brigade can be fooled paves the way for the nazi-bankers to carry out part 2 of the plan which is the confiscation of property (in some clever modern form) with the continuing easy-to-believe excuse that it's all owned by Russian Mafia or Tax-avoiding Brits and so legally confiscatable.
The anti-Greek-brigade will cheer on because some Greeks will be destroyed in the process too.
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Re: Cyprus"Czech-mated"

Postby claret21 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:23 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:"...The outright confiscation of private property in the western world has occurred twice before: In Nazi- Germany against German Jews and other “sub-humans”; and in Nazi-sympathizing Turkey, which in 1942 enacted legislation, the infamous Varlik Vergisi, or “wealth tax,” enabling the Turkish state to confiscate the property of Turkish citizens – Greeks, Armenians and Jews – and sending those who could not pay into “exile” in desert Anatolia, from which most did not return...." ... ted-310718

Good summary article.
Of course, the anti-Greek-brigade forget Cyprus was punished in this way, with the excuse it had Russian "mafia" money and British tax-avoiding money in its bloated banks (part-owned by Russians etc). It's so easy to blame it on Greek banks instead - like the nazis who are part of Cyprus' destruction are doing. False flags always fool such idiots.

Unfortunately, the ease by which the anti-Greek-brigade can be fooled paves the way for the nazi-bankers to carry out part 2 of the plan which is the confiscation of property (in some clever modern form) with the continuing easy-to-believe excuse that it's all owned by Russian Mafia or Tax-avoiding Brits and so legally confiscatable.
Cyprus's financial calamity was self inflicted entirely. Russian "Mafia" money laundering has been happening for years now. Cypriot banks erected banners welcoming black bags containing thousands of euros/ dollars enticing all investors without questions asked and ignoring warnings from the EU. The Germans are not Nazis, they are efficient, industrial innovative and successful. Let's not apportion blame for the current financial catastrophe to others. It was brought upon by the mismanaged Cypriot banks and the ruling elite spurned on by an exaggerated insatiable appetite for money and wealth, for themselves only of course.
Its easy to blame others for ruining the Cypriot economy, but its hard to accept responsibility.
The anti-Greek-brigade will cheer on because some Greeks will be destroyed in the process too.
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Re: Cyprus"Czech-mated"

Postby claret21 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:27 am

My apologies, I seemed to have muddled my last post, here it is again:
Cyprus's financial calamity was self inflicted entirely. Russian "Mafia" money laundering has been happening for years now. Cypriot banks erected banners welcoming black bags containing thousands of euros/ dollars enticing all investors without questions asked and ignoring warnings from the EU. The Germans are not Nazis, they are efficient, industrial innovative and successful. Let's not apportion blame for the current financial catastrophe to others. It was brought upon by the mismanaged Cypriot banks and the ruling elite spurned on by an exaggerated insatiable appetite for money and wealth, for themselves only of course.
Its easy to blame others for ruining the Cypriot economy, but its hard to accept responsibility.
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Re: Cyprus"Czech-mated"

Postby DrCyprus » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:39 am

claret21 wrote:My apologies, I seemed to have muddled my last post, here it is again:
Cyprus's financial calamity was self inflicted entirely. Russian "Mafia" money laundering has been happening for years now. Cypriot banks erected banners welcoming black bags containing thousands of euros/ dollars enticing all investors without questions asked and ignoring warnings from the EU. The Germans are not Nazis, they are efficient, industrial innovative and successful. Let's not apportion blame for the current financial catastrophe to others. It was brought upon by the mismanaged Cypriot banks and the ruling elite spurned on by an exaggerated insatiable appetite for money and wealth, for themselves only of course.
Its easy to blame others for ruining the Cypriot economy, but its hard to accept responsibility.

*citation needed.
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Re: Cyprus"Czech-mated"

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:14 am

DrCyprus wrote:
claret21 wrote:My apologies, I seemed to have muddled my last post, here it is again:
Cyprus's financial calamity was self inflicted entirely. Russian "Mafia" money laundering has been happening for years now. Cypriot banks erected banners welcoming black bags containing thousands of euros/ dollars enticing all investors without questions asked and ignoring warnings from the EU. The Germans are not Nazis, they are efficient, industrial innovative and successful. Let's not apportion blame for the current financial catastrophe to others. It was brought upon by the mismanaged Cypriot banks and the ruling elite spurned on by an exaggerated insatiable appetite for money and wealth, for themselves only of course.
Its easy to blame others for ruining the Cypriot economy, but its hard to accept responsibility.

*citation needed.

Lol - have been asking this poster for some evidence for forming such bloated opinions. Not forthcoming so far.

Claret - who called the Germans nazis? You did. I was referring to bankers.

This money you label as Russian mafia money is the same which is in British banks and German banks etc - now these banks are hoping to get more of it having "restructured" the Cypriot banks.

BTW, claret, - you forgot to mention the "tax-evading Brits" that had the second biggest share in deposits. :wink:
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Re: Cyprus"Czech-mated"

Postby claret21 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:28 am

I hate arguments, here is what you posted:" ike the nazis who are part of Cyprus' destruction are doing. "
We are all entitled to freely express views
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Re: Cyprus"Czech-mated"

Postby Paphitis » Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:32 am

claret21 wrote:My apologies, I seemed to have muddled my last post, here it is again:
Cyprus's financial calamity was self inflicted entirely. Russian "Mafia" money laundering has been happening for years now. Cypriot banks erected banners welcoming black bags containing thousands of euros/ dollars enticing all investors without questions asked and ignoring warnings from the EU. The Germans are not Nazis, they are efficient, industrial innovative and successful. Let's not apportion blame for the current financial catastrophe to others. It was brought upon by the mismanaged Cypriot banks and the ruling elite spurned on by an exaggerated insatiable appetite for money and wealth, for themselves only of course.
Its easy to blame others for ruining the Cypriot economy, but its hard to accept responsibility.

Indeed Claret. You talk a lot of sense! :D

But let us not forget the Greek connection eithef...
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Re: Cyprus"Czech-mated"

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:58 am

I think that while there is a Greek connection, i.e. the Greek haircut on Greek Government bonds, and some Greek Corporate non-performing loans, one should NOT over-play it: there is no doubt a lot of Cyprus non-performing debt:

How much for example is outstanding by way of loans to buy shares in the Cyprus Stock exchange bubble of the late 1990's? How much is owed by developers, secured on property which has been sold to innocent buyers? How many more "Orphanides" are lurking in the back-ground?
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Re: Cyprus"Czech-mated"

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:25 am

claret21 wrote:Russian "Mafia" money laundering has been happening for years now. Cypriot banks erected banners welcoming black bags containing thousands of euros/ dollars enticing all investors without questions asked and ignoring warnings from the EU.

This is undoubtedly the image that has been created in the German media. I think it would be very beneficial to set up an independent commission to investigate the extent to which money laundering has been going on in Cyprus, and whether or not this continued after EU accession, and if so, to what extent. I am sorry, but just because the organs of the Axel Springer media group says something, this does not make it the absolute truth. As a foreigner who lives and does (perfectly honest and legitimate) business in Cyprus, I known full well that there is far, far more to the Cyprus business model than laundering Russian oligarch's money - if the latter has even happened at all recently.
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