It is not always as easy as you think. Let me state, first of all, that I'm bilingual English/French and have done some freelance professional technical journalism, for which I've won two awards. I've also written some books. It can therefore be said that I have some feeling for language, especially as I did several years of Latin and two years of Russian (difficult) at school.
I first learnt a smattering of modern Greek in 1952 (in this country). I've been living here since 1998. The first thing I found was that Greek had changed somewhat since the 1950s and the second is that I'd more or less forgotten everything I'd learnt 40-odd years earlier. I did take some private lessons to try and upgrade myself, but I found it extremely difficult to upgrade my language skills in, what you must admit, a difficult language, when one is one's 70s.
Yes, I have little difficulty in a restaurant or most shops (read supermarkets

) and I can exchange courtesies, but I cannot indulge in a discussion. If this forum were in Greek, I would not even open it.
Δεν καταλαβαίνω τίποτα.