Sotos wrote:Paphitis wrote:claret21 wrote:Why on earth does Cyprus have to get involved with a bankrupt nation such as Greece is beyond me. You had a thriving economy , one of the highest standards of living in Europe, Cypriots on average were richer than the Germans as a recent study highlighted. This economic disaster was caused by Cypriots (banks and ruling classes) through sheer greed and disregard of the most basic and fundamental rudiments of economics.
Woa, this forumer is super intelligent! Welcome to the forum!
Yes, a lot of damage has been done to Cypriot and Greek relations. Cypriots will have to be stupid to do business with Greece again. The hatred now towards the Greeks is pulpable.
Once the complete destruction of Cypriot and Greek ties is complete, Cyprus will be forced to seek relationships with other
more serious nations such as US, Israel, Australia, Canada, UK, China, Japan etc etc etc...and leave Greece behind to eat Cyprus dust!
So far things are going according to plan!
Welcome once again.

You talk a lot of crap

First of all we (real Cypriots... unlike you) are Greek so nothing can destroy the relationship between us Greeks. Secondly we are always trying to have good relationship with other countries and with many of them we have as good relationship as it can be between foreigners. What do you expect a foreign country to do for Cyprus? Each nation is looking after its own interests ... there is no such thing as permanent friendships in international relations.
No you do not have good relations with many countries and as a result 37% of Cyprus is occupied due to your very stupidity. Yes Sotos, you twits pulled the Lion's tail by playing Cold War power politics by trying to be clever (which you are not) and Kissinger decided to screw you by getting Greece to betray Cyprus and then allowing Turkey the pretext to invade!
Sure, some countries (US the most noticeable) give plenty of lip service (even Greece), but they do not like us that much and think we are untrustworthy and a silly nuisance. Simply put, they do not take Cyprus seriously and neither does the EU. Look at the way Cyprus was treated.
I think Cyprus and Greece have a long way to go in order to earn respect and credibility on the International Stage. It is not a time to hold onto personal hatreds and anachronistic suspicions, but both have a lot of work to do in International Diplomacy. Need to look outwards to old "foes" US and UK and many more.
Oh and btw, you are not Cypriot! You're a Greek!