Oceanside50 wrote:The interesting thing about this interview that Pissarides the Cypriot Nobel prize winner, insists that Greece is at fault when in reality it is only 10% of the loss...
@kurupetos.. I ain't doc!
Oceanside50 wrote:The interesting thing about this interview that Pissarides the Cypriot Nobel prize winner, insists that Greece is at fault when in reality it is only 10% of the loss...
@kurupetos.. I ain't doc!
supporttheunderdog wrote:http://qz.com/65299/the-truth-behind-cypruss-bank-catastrophe-cypriot-banks-are-really-greek-banks-in-disguise/
Another take - a large percentage of (possibly non performing) loans were seemingly to Greeks....
GreekIslandGirl wrote:There are many out there wanting to blame the Greeks. All part of the brainwashing bandwagoning that led to all this in the first place. Both countries are only in the EU as a defence against Turkey and both countries have Gas-Oil reserves to protect.
The truth is the eurozone banks acted like racketeers; planning the whole scenario:
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