How easy will it be for CY to change the "kommata" system, the nepotism, the asking and giving of favours, the who you know rather than what you know ways, etc...??? Aren't these the things at the core of the problem...???

How easy will it be for CY to change the "kommata" system, the nepotism, the asking and giving of favours, the who you know rather than what you know ways, etc...??? Aren't these the things at the core of the problem...???
Oceanside50 wrote:Maybe the demonstrations shouldnt be about the bankers and their dirty laundry but rather about change and changing the old ways....form a convoy of 1000 cars going from pyrgos to ayia napa, with placards demanding change, have big boobed cypriot girls flash politicians, organize and tell people your points of views, have big boobed cypriot girls flash priests, have a list of demands that could pass through the Cypriot parliament and be enforced, and make everyone learn accountability from the professionals, doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, etc..have big boobed cypriot girls flash old men on the street....create a petition with a list of demands and changes to the system with over 100,000 Cypriot signatures and sent to every politician in Cyprus, demand no more nepotism, demand a system of meritocracy, encourage big boobed Cypriot girls to flash everyone.....and that could only be the beginning...
DrCyprus wrote:Oceanside50 wrote:Maybe the demonstrations shouldnt be about the bankers and their dirty laundry but rather about change and changing the old ways....form a convoy of 1000 cars going from pyrgos to ayia napa, with placards demanding change, have big boobed cypriot girls flash politicians, organize and tell people your points of views, have big boobed cypriot girls flash priests, have a list of demands that could pass through the Cypriot parliament and be enforced, and make everyone learn accountability from the professionals, doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, etc..have big boobed cypriot girls flash old men on the street....create a petition with a list of demands and changes to the system with over 100,000 Cypriot signatures and sent to every politician in Cyprus, demand no more
nepotism, demand a system of meritocracy, encourage big boobed Cypriot girls to flash everyone.....and that could only be the beginning...
You are weird.
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