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Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

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Re: Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:31 pm

You're just proving my point. Why would the EU want Greece and Cyprus for membership? They neither posed a threat nor constituted serious competition.

So of course the EU had to be 'bribed' to accept Greece, and then Cyprus. The EU knew it would become liable for protecting these two against Turkey and it was an expense they preferred Greece and Cyprus to manage on their own. So Greece and Cyprus had to offer cash incentives to receive EU defence.

However, Greece's oil reserves were known since before the 70s. So Greece was allowed in with all the conditions we have seen enacted - open access to their funds and assets.

Once Cyprus' hydrocarbon reserves were established (before they became common knowledge) then Cyprus was allowed in with only the haggling for how much the EU was going to benefit financially.

(The UK opposed Cyprus' entry because - among other things - they did not stand to benefit much personally from Cyprus joining the Eurozone.)

Turkey would have carried out ALL its threats against the RoC's explorations if Cyprus was not already receiving the protection from the EU as a contributing member to the coffers!
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Re: Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

Postby Paphitis » Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:27 pm

Good morning... :)

I would normally allow this to pass because we sometimes need something good to laugh at but I think you will find that it is not the EU that will be benefitting from the RoC's resources. It is Israel and the US! The EU will consume it, but it is Israeli/US companies that will make most of the money.

Therefore, it is not the EU that will offer the RoC EEZ security. Once again it will be Israel and the US. So I will like to see Turkey try to be clever. It simply just can't and will not even try. I just don't for one second believe they are as stupid as Cypriot politicians have proven to be.

Furthermore, most EU countries are under the NATO security blanket and all are members of the PfP, except Cyprus. Once again the US is a major player in European security and stability.

If we were smart instead of trying to just be clever, Cyprus could have been under the same security blanket from 1960 or at least 1963. Cyprus would never have been invaded. It just would not be allowed.

Regarding this crisis being engineered by the EU to plunder its National Assets to pay for this security they are suppose to offer the RoC. What national assets will pay for that? The Gold that caused the Gold price to drop by 5%? CYTA? The Gas in Aphrodite that will be extracted by Noble/Delek? What is it that the EU requires to offer this security or liberation?

I tell you what! If they want to liberate the island, they can have it. They can have the entire island because quite clearly we would be better off because Cypriot politicians are just plainly too stupid to be entrusted with the lives and well being of Cypriots. Fair trade or what?
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Re: Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:19 pm

And when these hydrocarbons are you people think that Cypriots will see even one percent of the revenues? ...Cyprus has shown since its inception that its leaders are not worthy of trust or competence...and this falls back on Cyprus' citizens, who keep electing the same type, which only shows that we Cypriots have a serious flaw..

Wasn't it the Greek Army commander Florakis, who stated in a speech that if Cypriots were more like the Cretans, there wouldn't be a Cyprus problem. Enough of the cutesy/ fartsy bullshit.
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Re: Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

Postby Cap » Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:30 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:And when these hydrocarbons are you people think that Cypriots will see even one percent of the revenues? ...Cyprus has shown since its inception that its leaders are not worthy of trust or competence...and this falls back on Cyprus' citizens, who keep electing the same type, which only shows that we Cypriots have a serious flaw..

Wasn't it the Greek Army commander Florakis, who stated in a speech that if Cypriots were more like the Cretans, there wouldn't be a Cyprus problem. Enough of the cutesy/ fartsy bullshit.

Florakis was not Cypriot.
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Re: Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:48 pm

Cap wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:And when these hydrocarbons are you people think that Cypriots will see even one percent of the revenues? ...Cyprus has shown since its inception that its leaders are not worthy of trust or competence...and this falls back on Cyprus' citizens, who keep electing the same type, which only shows that we Cypriots have a serious flaw..

Wasn't it the Greek Army commander Florakis, who stated in a speech that if Cypriots were more like the Cretans, there wouldn't be a Cyprus problem. Enough of the cutesy/ fartsy bullshit.

Florakis was not Cypriot.

Well yes, but let's not get away from the terribly very important points Ocean and P raise, have CYs been let down by the usual powerful families...???, do CYs expect better from those in charge in the future...??? ... and if they do how will they ensure things change and this happens...???

... or are CYs resigned to the thought that these things won't ever change...???

It's nothing to do with a flipping foreigner like BillC of course, but if he was a CY, he'd insist we answer these questions.
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Re: Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

Postby Cap » Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:05 pm

Totally agree with Ocean, I was merely stating a fact.

The system is fundamentally flawed. Always has been.
All Cypriot politicians are corrupt, the system dictates it, you cannot be a politician or be in the public sector on merit. It doesn't work that way.
i have no clue on how to remedy it.
I've always thought complete foreigners would do a better job at running the country.
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Re: Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:01 pm

The flaw that I was talking about comes from having solutions right in front of us but not having the courage to get a grip in them....too conservative or too indifferent/averse to change, which may come from the gerontocracy that will not allow new ideas to filter through, which this gerontocracy even pollutes the youth and evaporates their newness.
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Re: Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:30 pm

A few returns by the EU for stealing Cyprus' investors ...

FAMAGUSTA GAZETTE • Friday, 19 April, 2013
The European Parliament has urged Turkey to withdraw its troops from Cyprus, return the fenced-off city of Famagusta to its legal owners, end the flow of illegal settlers in the occupied part of Cyprus and implement the Ankara Protocol.

Furthermore it urged Turkey to begin withdrawing its forces its troops from Cyprus and to transfer the sealed-off area of Famagusta to the UN in accordance with UNSC Resolution 550 (1984).

The resolution also called on the Government of Turkey to sign and ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) without further delay and recalled the full legitimacy of the Republic of Cyprus’s Exclusive Economic Zone, in accordance with UNCLOS.

A pro-Turkish lobby (Read "BRITISH" ) failed to include amendments in the resolution aiming at giving to Turkish Cypriots the status of observers at the European Parliament and opening direct trade between the Turkish-occupied area of Cyprus and the EU. ... 022-69.htm

Hope there is much more to come. Freedom for Cyprus.
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Re: Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:38 am

Change, boys and girls. Change ain't that easy.

Think given the devastation of the past few weeks, sensible people are looking collectively for that change, but just how easy is it for any nation to change the way it governs itself or the ways people allow themselves to be governed or the ways in which society functions... and this applies to anywhere in the World not just to CY...??? The old habits of centuries aren't gonna go away that easily.

How easy will it be for CY to change the "kommata" system, the nepotism, the asking and giving of favours, the who you know rather than what you know ways, etc...??? Aren't these the things at the core of the problem...???

After all, people like Costas and Stavros may have lost a few thousands of their savings through the demise of the banks, may be they are very worried about the security of their jobs etc etc ... but as individuals will they be thinking the old rotten ways, the old ways that keep the rubbish leaders in power, offer them the best way of personal recovery from the situation...??? ... :(
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Re: Christopher Pissarides on the Cyprus Economic Crisis

Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:32 am

Maybe the demonstrations shouldnt be about the bankers and their dirty laundry but rather about change and changing the old ways....form a convoy of 1000 cars going from pyrgos to ayia napa, with placards demanding change, have big boobed cypriot girls flash politicians, organize and tell people your points of views, have big boobed cypriot girls flash priests, have a list of demands that could pass through the Cypriot parliament and be enforced, and make everyone learn accountability from the professionals, doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, etc..have big boobed cypriot girls flash old men on the street....create a petition with a list of demands and changes to the system with over 100,000 Cypriot signatures and sent to every politician in Cyprus, demand no more nepotism, demand a system of meritocracy, encourage big boobed Cypriot girls to flash everyone.....and that could only be the beginning...
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