Kikapu wrote:These so called pussy whipped "reporters" must be related to VP by being illiterates. In their haste to name everything in Cyprus "Greek Cyprus, Turkish Cyprus", they have gotten their knickers in a twist.
Greek Cyprus plans tax breaks, casinos to kickstart economyIn a bid to attract more tourists to the south of the island, it also hopes to lift a ban on casinos,
which so far only operate legally on Turkish-controlled northern Greek Cyprus. ... onomy.html
they have got it spot on. are you not the one who has been claiming that 80% of the north is gc. see it makes sense. or is it the word kick that attracts you with your attention seeking disorder.
the fact the the south is considering casinos should worry you and we all know for certain what the next business they legalise is, right. apparently the arabs like blonds. so the east europeans will come very handy.