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New economic model wanted...

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Re: New economic model wanted...

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:37 am

Onegaishimas wrote:
Nikitas wrote:The banking sector is not in ruins.
Manufacturing has a future if we change our cultural attitude towards "dirty" jobs. Modern engineering systems, like CNC machining and 3D modelling offer new opportunities, but the problem there is that our politicians do not undersand such things, they are mostly lawyers, political science grads or totally unskilled demagogues.

As for exporting raw natural resources with no local value added, it is worth recalling a quote from Lee Iaccocca, former head of ChryslerQ "what do you call a nation that exports raw material and imports manufactured goods? A colony!"

Yepp I agree mostly. But has the Cyprus banking sector the know how to finance the built up of a clean manufacturing industry ? I doubt it. Cyprus could be the location people turn to, when they search some high class independent energy production & distribution for an island - could be a greek one as some sort of "home market" but there are many many islands that get their energy by fuel tankers.....<:-(( bad :cry: :cry:
As for the politicans there's good and bad news. Yes, they screwed up, are a pretty wrotten bunch, mostly. The good news is: Cyprus is a democracy. You (I' m not from Cyprus...) can do what :oops: you could have done years earlier: kick

them out and elect better ones....Many habits will be changed in the coming years, getting rid of the traditional voting
habits may prove as the best results of the crisis.....

Yepp, yepp yepp: it#s the value added that is the main road to success.
Example: One of the most successful ship building yards in the world is ... in Germany. Not at the coast. No: dozens of kilometers up a small river. It's there, where they build the huge cruise ships. All the other ship building places once in Germany... all gone, except for some military purpose. No economist in the world would have dreamt to put a shipbuilding company to that place 100 km inland. And yet it's there, and they make money without subvention or something. Why: Because the build the whole ship as a system, very fast, very individual, very high class. And with comparatively high wages in Germany. Every couple of months, when a ship nears completion, they have to dam the river to have enough depth to bring the vessel from the building yard many kilometers down the river to the sea. Value added in Cyprus is much more important than the number of Russians that continue to buy fur in Nikosia.

Why not copyand paste "war and peace"... It makes easier reading...
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Re: New economic model wanted...

Postby georgios100 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:06 pm

Travel and Tourism contribution to GDP for Cyprus is very low, much room for improvement.
CY ranks #81 in the world... well below world average.

Here is the stats:

Travel & Tourism's Direct
Contribution to GDP 2011

Rank Country US$bn

7 Italy 71.6
13 Turkey 33.0
22 Greece 17.3
World Average 16.6
27 Egypt 15.5
39 Morocco 8.9
46 Croatia 6.1
56 Lebanon 4.1
61 Tunisia 3.1
81 Cyprus 1.4
86 Malta 1.3
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Re: New economic model wanted...

Postby kurupetos » Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:14 pm

^^ Georgios, don't worry it will be higher this year and in the future, even if we get less tourists.
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Re: New economic model wanted...

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:25 pm

Words out that from the hydrocarbons every Cypriot will be getting 10,000 euros per who wants to go out and plow a field when it's 40C in the shade..or serve tourist their cocktail drinks?
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Re: New economic model wanted...

Postby kurupetos » Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:51 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:Words out that from the hydrocarbons every Cypriot will be getting 10,000 euros per who wants to go out and plow a field when it's 40C in the shade..or serve tourist their cocktail drinks?

Date? 2020? :lol:
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Re: New economic model wanted...

Postby Paphitis » Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:05 am

georgios100 wrote:Travel and Tourism contribution to GDP for Cyprus is very low, much room for improvement.
CY ranks #81 in the world... well below world average.

Here is the stats:

Travel & Tourism's Direct
Contribution to GDP 2011

Rank Country US$bn

7 Italy 71.6
13 Turkey 33.0
22 Greece 17.3
World Average 16.6
27 Egypt 15.5
39 Morocco 8.9
46 Croatia 6.1
56 Lebanon 4.1
61 Tunisia 3.1
81 Cyprus 1.4
86 Malta 1.3

Mate, the above is the Nett Worth of Tourism to the GDP in USD.

Cyprus is low because it is small. Can't be comparing it to any country other than Malta in the above list. Comparing to Italy and Turkey is just ridiculous. But comparatively speaking I think you will find that the Tourism industry in Cyprus is a lot more huge than Turkey and comparable to Italy placing Cyprus at the top of the list.

You need to be a bit more analytical and look into statistics and what they mean.

Furthermore, more tourism means more monstrosity hotels on the coast. Soon, the entire coast will be encased in shitty resorts. We already have enough. Best to look for alternative industry and diversify the career options for Cypriots.
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Re: New economic model wanted...

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:41 am

kurupetos wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:Words out that from the hydrocarbons every Cypriot will be getting 10,000 euros per who wants to go out and plow a field when it's 40C in the shade..or serve tourist their cocktail drinks?

Date? 2020? :lol:

Antexe until 2020
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Re: New economic model wanted...

Postby SKI-preo » Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:29 am

Look east to another multicultural island Singapore:

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Re: New economic model wanted...

Postby die7 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:25 am

Maybe this would help, but impossible in Cyprus.

Catastrofias is in Cuba now?
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Re: New economic model wanted...

Postby CBBB » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:05 am

die7 wrote:Maybe this would help, but impossible in Cyprus.

Catastrofias is in Cuba now?

No, I think he went off Australia, the furthest away he could get until we finish our moon rocket and can make him the first one-way passenger.
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