Tim Drayton wrote: you at least have to come up with something that vaguely matches the reality on the ground.
So why don't you Tim, go on address the reality on the ground, what IS your projection for the 'seasonly adjusted employment figures' what IS your estimation of the cost in lost income taxes, what IS your calculation of how much extra borrowong the Government is going to have to raise to meet unemployment benefits, what IS your Informed advice on where those extra finances are going to come from, would those extra required finances come from the IMF perhaps, known to rape natural resources from sovereign countries or perhaps raised taxes and extra burdens on the GOOD people of Cyprus. What is going to help the people of Cyprus is their close knit families and that sir is something the Troika will try to break. Real men, Tim are able to see the reality of a situation and prepare for it, not sit on their backside and say everything going to be alright.

So Tim, what IS your reality to these links, tell me they are not putting in place legislation, to do in the UK exactly what they have done in Cyprus, now remember the links are from 'OFFICIAL' sources, I only point out their words.
you might not be aware of the changes to the Banking Act 2009. Changes that specifically make it ‘legal’ to steal directly from your back accounts, for example :-
Currently section 3 states,
Interpretation: other expressions In this Part— “the FSA” means the Financial Services Authority, and “financial assistance” has the meaning given by section 257. it is to be changed to
In section 3 (interpretation: other expressions), after .this Part.. insert...client assets. means assets which an institution has undertaken to hold for a client (whether or not on trust, and whether or not the undertaking has been complied with),..
And in section 47 (3) existing clause is
(3)Provision under subsection (2) may, in particular, refer to particular classes of deposit. ( to be changed to)
In section 47 (restriction of partial transfers), for subsection (3) substitute..(3) Provision under subsection (2) may, in particular, refer to. (a) particular classes of deposit; (b) particular classes of client assets..
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2009/1/contents Banking Act 2009
The above changes can be found in this link to the pdf file
http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/d/condoc_ ... _notes.pdfThe Title to the webpage the “Financial sector resolution: broadening the regime” and the link is
http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/consult_f ... regime.htmNow I want to draw your attention to this pdf
http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publicat ... /nr156.pdf Dated 12th December 2012
On page 5 S,(23) it says
Where barriers to resolution are identified, firms will be required to remove them through changes to their structure and operations. The proposed RRD provides authorities with the necessary powers to achieve this, including the ability to require changes to the legal or operational structures of institutions, and to require firms to cease specific activities.see note 8
Note 8
8 See Article 14(4) of the proposed RRD, including 14(4)(e) “requiring the institution to limit or cease specific existing or proposed activities,” and 14(4)(g) “requiring changes to legal or operational structures of the institution so as to reduce complexity in order to ensure that critical functions may be legally and economically separated from other functions through the application of the resolution tools.”
The above paragraphs make it possible to do exactly what they have done in Cyprus, block all access to your savings ie:- Credit and Debit cards, ATM’s etc.