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Nothing is personal - where to from here

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Nothing is personal - where to from here

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:21 pm

Hello my fellow Cypriots.

Your plight is most distressing and I feel very sorry for you all. The sad thing is, I saw this happening from a long time ago, but what I did not expect was the way Cyprus was dealt with by the EU, Germany, Russia, ECB and Troika.

As bad as things may seem right now, with your formerly successful banking sector now in tatters and literally bankrupt, I just want to say that all is not lost. You can recover from this stronger than ever before.

The key is to not take anything personally like we sometimes do as Cypriots. Do not hate Germany, Russia, US, EU, UK or anyone else you might think is responsible. Things like this are never personal and Cyprus must move on and see this through. After all, the US nuked Japan and today they are best allies. Cyprus too must begin to branch out and develop new bonds and allies.

You need better politicians who are able to form bonds with other countries. The President must make it his objective to make high level visits to countries such as the US, Canada, China, Australia, Japan, South Korea, India, Israel, Russia, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, and UK. This must occur each year. With strategic alliances such as these, your crisis could have been avoided. NATO is also imperative now but a bit lower on your priority list.

We, as a people tend to sell ourselves short. How many times do we hear that Cyprus is too small, as if to imply or justify our inability or deficiencies in certain areas? This defeatist attitude defies all logic. Singapore is also small, and there are other examples such as Luxembourg.

I really hope your leaders use a small part of your bail out to form a manufacturing base. Why can't Cyprus for instance develop a car manufacturing industry? It could set up a publicly listed business and issue all the shares to every Cypriot young and old which they can trade on the Stock Exchange. This business could develop partnerships with the likes of Fiat, VW, Mercedes, Chrysler, Toyota, General Motors or whoever. The new Chrysler Jeeps have new Italian Fiat engines so there is no reason why Cyprus can't start designing and building its own cars. This is not far fetched nor a pipe dream. It can happen, all you need to do is be innovative and think out of the square. You could have import tariffs on imported cars which will protect the industry you could try and develop and protect jobs. I have many ideas, but this post will be too long.

Why not develop an arms industry? Seek partnerships and joint ventures with the Israelis and build Armoured Personnel Carriers, UAVs, Patrol Boats and thing like that and export to other countries.

There are many things. Even a world class Casino perhaps.

But my main point is to keep your chins up and move forward. Having grudges against the likes of US, Russia, UK, EU, or Germany for any reason will always damage Cyprus because Cyprus will always lose out whether it be politically with respect to the Cyprus Problem or Financially as we are seeing right now.

The good thing is, this crisis may bring about some positive changes which will improve Cyprus in the long term. There is always a silver lining.
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Re: Nothing is personal - where to from here

Postby B25 » Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:31 pm

Fine words Paphiti, and welcome back, I agree to a large extent to what you say.
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Re: Nothing is personal - where to from here

Postby kurupetos » Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:42 pm

Welcome back, doc. :lol:
Last edited by kurupetos on Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nothing is personal - where to from here

Postby kurupetos » Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:54 pm

Blah, blah...

:shock: What?

Paphitis wrote:Why not develop an arms industry? Seek partnerships and joint ventures with the Israelis and build Armoured Personnel Carriers, UAVs, Patrol Boats and thing like that and export to other countries.

I knew that one day someone, somewhere, somehow would embrace my ideas. Let's talk business. :D
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Re: Nothing is personal - where to from here

Postby boomerang » Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:32 am

I do not think Cyprus is able set up a manufacturing base, luck of know how for one...also luck of capital...

what needs to be done now is for the people that care about Cyprus is DO NOT DO A BANK RUN...coz if the10B is used on runs, and will run out very quickly then the attention will be focused on levies under 100,00 not believe the EU bullshit guarantee...they were willing to introduce it in the first place...

the Cyprus economy needs a quick turnaround, and the best and only way to get money in and unemployment down, is reason why cyprus can't be the las vegas of Europe...people quickly forget problems when it comes to gambling...if I was the government I would very seriously consider it...this will add to tourism as well...and no capital by the government in exchange for land and tax deals to interested companies...

with a successful casino industry eventually the financial sector will return...and when the economy is eventually on track, yes leave the euro...
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Re: Nothing is personal - where to from here

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:42 am

....or develop a bomb that can blow up lots of things at once, build ten, then sell 5 of them for 2 billion a piece, and then use the rest on the Turks. Cyprus is out of debt and no more Turks......All of our problems end with 10 huge bombs....what you think?
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Re: Nothing is personal - where to from here

Postby kurupetos » Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:06 am

Oceanside50 wrote:....or develop a bomb that can blow up lots of things at once, build ten, then sell 5 of them for 2 billion a piece, and then use the rest on the Turks. Cyprus is out of debt and no more Turks......All of our problems end with 10 huge bombs....what you think?

That could work too, doc. :wink:

BTW, where's Maxx? member47738.html
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Re: Nothing is personal - where to from here

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:35 am

kurupetos wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:....or develop a bomb that can blow up lots of things at once, build ten, then sell 5 of them for 2 billion a piece, and then use the rest on the Turks. Cyprus is out of debt and no more Turks......All of our problems end with 10 huge bombs....what you think?

That could work too, doc. :wink:

BTW, where's Maxx? member47738.html

i hate to be the one to tell you, Kurupeto, but you're out of the loop, buddy :wink:
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Re: Nothing is personal - where to from here

Postby Paphitis » Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:34 am

I'm currently in transit heading home and have 4 hours to kill. :roll:

Cyprus does have the manpower and I believe has one of the largest Merchant Marine Fleet in the world. No doubt thousands of Cypriots are employed in this sector.

So why can't Cyprus develop a small manufacturing sector? I can't think of anything really.

Yes it would cost a lot to develop but the rewards will come in the longer term. Thousands more will be employed into good jobs.

Cyprus has an abundant expat resource it can tap into. Thousands of Cypriots graduate each year from universities in the US and UK. Some are very bright individuals and the trends to date have been that our brightest are poached by other countries as they believe Cyprus can't offer anything similar to other developed nations.

I remember reading that a Cypriot Engineer who works for Northrop Grumman has invented the most powerful camera lens in the world. A multimillion dollar surveillance system capable of taking gigapixel shots from 30,000 making it possible to zoom in. I can't research this at present but perhaps someone else can do the honors.

These cameras are now installed on Predator UAV.

There are hundreds of Cypriots just like him. Trim the Public Service and start employing people like this and begin to invest in small businesses and joint ventures with others. I think Israel is Cyprus' best bet.

Every time we gear that it is not possible. I am sink of this defeatist talk.

It is possible and Cyprus has the people and know how.

Additionally, if labour is in short supply, then import it. Bring in foreign workers. This is a good situation to be in.

Try and give people some hope. The Government has an obligation to the people.
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Re: Nothing is personal - where to from here

Postby Sotos » Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:34 am

How many times do we hear that Cyprus is too small, as if to imply or justify our inability or deficiencies in certain areas? This defeatist attitude defies all logic. Singapore is also small, and there are other examples such as Luxembourg.

The economy of Luxembourg is based on banking and services and Singapore might be small in size but has a population of over 5 million ;) Do you know of any country with a population of under a million that has an economy based on heavy manufacturing? Our "Merchant Marine Fleet" was not made in Cyprus. It is just ships using the Cyprus flag. The ships are made elsewhere and most of the personnel are foreigners. What we have in Cyprus are shipping companies for the management ... so services again! We should try to expand into some other sectors but heavy manufacturing is not one of them. Software development would be more feasible. But what I think we should do is what we know how to do: More tourism... Agrotourism, Casinos, religious tourism, winter tourism, try to attract tourists from more markets etc... And also re-build our banking and services sector. It will not be easy but we have to. We have a lot of bank employees, accountants, lawyers etc that know this business ... you can't expect to put those people into manufacturing!
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