wow! are you sure about that??...that can't be right..

...they need that money to get the bail out...I am based in Australia and even with our banks rock solid we do not keep any money in saving accounts...since last year or so every saved penny goes to real gold/silver and into bank safe deposit box...we trust our banks to provide the boxes and not much else - it ain't their fault!...just all that fiat $$ printed like there is no tomorrow is scary as hell...add to it that China AND Russia are buying gold buy truckloads you wonder what is going to happen next to all the currencies especially US/ where the Cyprus ppl are going to stash their rescued euro?...?...or Germans for that matter?...what are you guys investing your savings into? family and friends are following Chinese...bullion is hot buy in here..

)...when Europe starts buying real gold and silver I am going to be laughing all the way to the bank..

))) will go sky high..

))..watching with great interest the European mess..