Mik wrote:From experience, just prepare yourself for a negative response to your contact, its not always a fairytale. Try and do it quietly in case he hasn't come clean to his family (not just wife or maybe ex wife) or his parents. But if you must you must. If You have a "Dad" in Sweden, I think he may understand you being inquisitive about your biological Father and probably knew this day would come. Good luck in your endeavours and may the outcome be good for all concerned....
One should always be prepared for the unexpected when negotiating a 'First Meeting' under ANY circumstances.
Not too sure if my experience actually qualifies in the matter of making a 'First Contact' with a relative stranger but I will recount my story and you good members may judge for yourselves whether or not it does.
I visited my Great Uncle 'Patrick Muldoon Snr' who had apparently become a notoriously riotous individual whom I had not seen since I was a small boy...., at a time when he was seemingly hell-bent on disposing of his entire fortune on drink and other hedonistic pursuits, I must confess that I really should not have been quite so critical of him since I too have been known to dispose of considerable sums equally unwisely.
However, since 'Great Uncle Patrick' was also a fairly substantial landowner, I quite bluntly informed him that he should perhaps donate a parcel of land to me, adding (quite arrogantly) that I would probably make better use of it in the future than he would.
My comments were met with a slight nod and a thoughtful expression, 'Great Uncle Patrick' extended his hand toward me and, as I made to accept his handshake, I received a hefty kick straight in the goolies followed by a comment that will live in my mind forever.
"There you are my boy, I'll start you off with a couple of acres !"
Quite an emotional encounter BUT, although I did not actually 'Cry', my eyes DID water as a result of our meeting.
Therefore, 'Caution' MUST be the paramount consideration in dealing with this particular situation UNLESS, the 'Daughter' might feel that the 'Father' has been negligent or uncaring.
If that be the case, perhaps He too might benefit from the same 'Parcel of Land' that I was given.