Get Real! wrote:DT. wrote:Get Real! wrote:I’d call it the Southern Euro and encourage Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal to adopt it.
Quit stealing my ideas
Dostou xwrkati shini....

Get Real! wrote:DT. wrote:Get Real! wrote:I’d call it the Southern Euro and encourage Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal to adopt it.
Quit stealing my ideas
DT. wrote:Get Real! wrote:DT. wrote:Get Real! wrote:I’d call it the Southern Euro and encourage Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal to adopt it.
Quit stealing my ideas
Dostou xwrkati shini....
Cyprus Bailout Needs Rise By €2 Billion As Conditions Deteriorate Rapidly
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2013 12:21 -0400
European Central Bank European Union Google International Monetary Fund
A week of closed banks, depositor angst, and economic malaise is creating an increasingly vicious circle for Cyprus (and implicitly the European Union). As Die Welt notes, because the economic data of the tiny 'irrelevant' island could be considerably worse than previously thought (or forecast by Troika) thanks to the distortions created this week by bank closings, several people around the Troika said the exact amount of the bailout remains uncertain and could amount to EUR2bn more than expected. With the Troika capping their handout at EUR10bn of the current EUR17bn needed (and the deposit levy reportedly filling EUR6bn of that EUR7bn hole), the need for a bigger bailout - which seems increasingly likely - will fall on Cyprus banks' depositors (or taxpayers) leading to a hard-to-beat downward spiral. Simply put, the more deposits are pulled, the more deposits need to be confiscated; and with retailer stocks running low ("will last another 2-3 days") and cash-on-delivery demanded, the real economy will "have a problem if this is not resolved by next week."
Via The Guardian,
Retailers, facing cash-on-delivery demands from suppliers, warned stocks were running low. "At the moment, supplies will last another two or three days," said Adamos Hadijadamou, head of Cyprus's Association of Supermarkets. "We'll have a problem if this is not resolved by next week."
This is an excellent site to get up to the minute news on this topic, this guy has some seriously good insider information
Oceanside50 wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Reality check:
We're staying in the Euro. (Tomorrow - or Tuesday, the Euro soars.)
We have been forced to owe EU 10 bn. Hence we are tied in; and Russia is in our history. (Unless they come back with a BETTER offer)
We settle down to our entrepreneurial skills. We go back to BOOM in 2 years, 3 years max.
The EU keep an eye out that Turkey do NOT take over the whole island - because they (EU) have now invested some money here.
Cyprus starts pumping Gas and Merkel has her fill!
(We have some power and negotiate complete removal of Turks!)
Stay strong fellow Greeks and remember, don't let the buggers divide us any more!
Exactly GreekislandGirl, now you're talking with seriousness!!!!!!!!!
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Britain will be among FIRST countries to be hit by any fall in lifestyle of Cypriots.
Alongside other factors: Cypriot students are propping up sick UK universities suffering from lack of funds from home students.
finmin told cyp reporters 50-60% haircut for bank of cyprus demanded. suggests it cd be preparing for lower 35-40% haircut a la IMF
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