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israel finally says sorry

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Re: israel finally says sorry

Postby non-cypriot » Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:05 pm

Lordo wrote:the terks must be shaking in their boots with this development.

this is the same army that went into lebanon to save 2 soldiers and lost over a hundred soldiers and tanks against a bunch of towel heads.

You talking rubbish as usual. The IDF did not go into Lebanon in 2006 to save 2 soldiers that Israel knew from the offset, were dead. They went in, as retaliation to coordinated attacks on Israeli military and civilian targets.
hezbollah were In fact, a very well armed and trained VERY BIG "bunch of towel heads"... The IDF took some heavy casualties. 121 dead to be precise, as was expected on an operation of that nature, against 500 to 700 hezbollah casualties, among them, Iranian revolutionary guards...
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Re: israel finally says sorry

Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:21 pm

Lordo wrote:the terks must be shaking in their boots with this development.

this is the same army that went into lebanon to save 2 soldiers and lost over a hundred soldiers and tanks against a bunch of towel heads.

I meant from a geopolitical standpoint.

Bagis and other Turkish politicians recently bragged about mending ties and going back to the good old days but bitten Israel it seems is now twice shy.
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Re: israel finally says sorry

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:32 am

Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:the terks must be shaking in their boots with this development.

this is the same army that went into lebanon to save 2 soldiers and lost over a hundred soldiers and tanks against a bunch of towel heads.

I meant from a geopolitical standpoint.

Bagis and other Turkish politicians recently bragged about mending ties and going back to the good old days but bitten Israel it seems is now twice shy.

Yes, esp as later this month CY and her good friend and ally Israel will be hold exercises off the south coast...,7340 ... 54,00.html
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Re: israel finally says sorry

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:37 am

bill cobbett wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:the terks must be shaking in their boots with this development.

this is the same army that went into lebanon to save 2 soldiers and lost over a hundred soldiers and tanks against a bunch of towel heads.

I meant from a geopolitical standpoint.

Bagis and other Turkish politicians recently bragged about mending ties and going back to the good old days but bitten Israel it seems is now twice shy.

Yes, esp as later this month CY and her good friend and ally Israel will be hold exercises off the south coast...,7340 ... 54,00.html

You dont need an army or joint miltary exercises to sabotage a gas rig, just one match will do the trick, booooom :roll:
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Re: israel finally says sorry

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:06 am

non-cypriot wrote:
Lordo wrote:the terks must be shaking in their boots with this development.

this is the same army that went into lebanon to save 2 soldiers and lost over a hundred soldiers and tanks against a bunch of towel heads.

You talking rubbish as usual. The IDF did not go into Lebanon in 2006 to save 2 soldiers that Israel knew from the offset, were dead. They went in, as retaliation to coordinated attacks on Israeli military and civilian targets.
hezbollah were In fact, a very well armed and trained VERY BIG "bunch of towel heads"... The IDF took some heavy casualties. 121 dead to be precise, as was expected on an operation of that nature, against 500 to 700 hezbollah casualties, among them, Iranian revolutionary guards...

The Turks never let the truth or facts get in their way!
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Re: israel finally says sorry

Postby Lordo » Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:54 pm

especially when you consider that israelis did not lose that many soldier in the previous decades of wars with lebanon. see if israel ever goes into lebanon again.
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Re: israel finally says sorry

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:02 pm

Lordo wrote:especially when you consider that israelis did not lose that many soldier in the previous decades of wars with lebanon. see if israel ever goes into lebanon again.

No one wants to see Israel go into Lebanon.

But at the same time I don't think Israel is afraid and it has Turkey's number too as it killed a number of Turks in self Defence and Turkey has been too gutless to do anything about it or to stand by its guns and send in more ships under Turkish Navy escort to run the Israeli gauntlet.

What is wrong with you pussies? :lol:
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Re: israel finally says sorry

Postby Maximus » Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:47 pm

Israel finally recognizes the Armenian genocide

An Israeli parliamentary commission has been tasked with preparing a law on the recognition of mass killings of Armenians at the hands of Ottomans in 1915 despite warming ties between Israel and Turkey.

“How many of us are really familiar with the Armenian holocaust? Why are we indifferent when Turkey does not take responsibility?” Ayelet Shaked, a member of Israeli parliamentary body the Knesset said during the session. “We must confront our silence and that of the world in the face of such horrors"
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Re: israel finally says sorry

Postby Kikapu » Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:35 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:how about that. israel decided to say sorry for murdering the unarmed terks and compensate their families. well what do you know the dog has just been neutered. so who has the biggest balls in the east med again?

Sounds like a very watered down apology at best from Israel, but Erdogan was willing to accept any king of an "apology", to even ignore his 3rd demand, that the blockade on Gaza be lifted, which has not been.

Another slap in your face Kikapooo, you mocked us that Israel never apologized to Turkey about these killings, well proves how wrong you really are and you know nothing about international politics, you never see the bigger picture but your posts only impress a few half witted GCs who follow your every word like sheep because you do their dirty work for them.

:lol: :lol:

Not at all.

"Israel's prime minister has apologised to Turkey for "any errors that could have led to loss of life" during the 2010 commando raid on an aid flotilla that tried to breach the Gaza blockade."

This is not the apology Turkey wanted but were forced to accept it. Israel already offered "regret" in killing the 9 Turks, as well as offered compensation, but was refused by Erdogan because Erdogan thought he can be the big guy in the neighbourhood, but the USA saw to that and made him accept something even less, just because it had the word "apologise" in it, but it's in an apology for any errors that could have led to loss of life. Nothing about an apology in killing 9 Turks, nothing, and the blockade is still there in Gaza, another one of Erdogan's 3 demands. No wonder Israel "apologised", because Erdogan caved in under US pressure to accept this watered down version on what Erdogan wanted. Once again it shows that Erdogan does not have convictions, but only being an opportunists. It happens in politics.

Just one more thing. Unless Erdogan started to play to the USA's tune, he was not going to get an invitation to come to Washington to meet with Obama. Now he will get an invitation soon to be able to go.

For those illiterates on this forum, this is an apology apology and not what Israel gave Turkey (above), which was a non apology apology!

Serb Leader Apologizes for Srebrenica Massacre in TV Interview

“I am kneeling and asking for forgiveness for the crimes committed by any individual on behalf of our state.” ... yprus.html
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Re: israel finally says sorry

Postby kurupetos » Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:09 pm

Lordo wrote:especially when you consider that israelis did not lose that many soldier in the previous decades of wars with lebanon. see if israel ever goes into lebanon again.

Why shouldn't they? Syria is completely destroyed by civil war. Unless Turkiye plans to go to war with Israel. Go ahead, you have my blessings. :lol:
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