Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Lordo wrote:how about that. israel decided to say sorry for murdering the unarmed terks and compensate their families. well what do you know the dog has just been neutered. so who has the biggest balls in the east med again?
Sounds like a very watered down apology at best from Israel, but Erdogan was willing to accept any king of an "apology", to even ignore his 3rd demand, that the blockade on Gaza be lifted, which has not been.
Another slap in your face Kikapooo, you mocked us that Israel never apologized to Turkey about these killings, well proves how wrong you really are and you know nothing about international politics, you never see the bigger picture but your posts only impress a few half witted GCs who follow your every word like sheep because you do their dirty work for them.
Not at all."Israel's prime minister has apologised to Turkey for "any errors that could have led to loss of life" during the 2010 commando raid on an aid flotilla that tried to breach the Gaza blockade."
This is not the apology Turkey wanted but were forced to accept it. Israel already offered "regret" in killing the 9 Turks, as well as offered compensation, but was refused by Erdogan because Erdogan thought he can be the big guy in the neighbourhood, but the USA saw to that and made him accept something even less, just because it had the word "apologise" in it, but it's in an apology for any errors that could have led to loss of life. Nothing about an apology in killing 9 Turks, nothing, and the blockade is still there in Gaza, another one of Erdogan's 3 demands. No wonder Israel "apologised", because Erdogan caved in under US pressure to accept this watered down version on what Erdogan wanted. Once again it shows that Erdogan does not have convictions, but only being an opportunists. It happens in politics.
Just one more thing. Unless Erdogan started to play to the USA's tune, he was not going to get an invitation to come to Washington to meet with Obama. Now he will get an invitation soon to be able to go.
Kikapu, you can be more Greek than a Greek and more of a Jew than a real Jew. As long as you can put the boot in to Turkey you are happy. You have 2 sisters both
married to Turks. How do you feel about your sisters getting laid by dirty stinking Turks?
See below what some Jews had to say about the apology.
Ralph Miller • 18 hours ago
No one was being slaughtered in Syria until Obama got into the middle and started sending messages and guns to terrorists (just like he did in Libya and Egypt).
Why don't you just stay out of other countries businesses and focus on helping the poor people of the USA who have lost homes, jobs and hope?
Give some of the billions you have spent on the Islamic "Spring" (Winter) to them.
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MarkofLewiston Ralph Miller • 16 hours ago
We don't share your love for Assad and dictators.
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Rodor MarkofLewiston • 15 hours ago
Assad ran a country where Christians and other religious minorities were safe. and there was stability of a sort with Israel. I cant see the MB as anything but worse for everyone.
Ralph is correct about the Obama domino game. Its the old Wesley Clark "seven countries in five years" alive and well
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Carol Herman Rodor • 14 hours ago
Arik Sharon said it many years ago: What follows Assad will be worse.
America's Strategic Lunacy at work, here! By the time the "casino" closes, Putin will own every single country, except Saudi Arabia. (And, they don't have democracy! Nor do they export democracy!)
When Hillary screamed "WHAT DOES IT MATTER, NOW" ... too many senators had no idea what to answer.
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Gary Gorny Carol Herman • 7 hours ago
Can I see your crystal ball?
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outre136 MarkofLewiston • 6 hours ago
It is not about loving or not loving Assad. Syria was a rather stable country and now it is entering a second year of a bloody civil war which already left 70,000 dead (and I think that the real death toll is probably even higher). At the end Syria will most likely disintegrate. Among the various fractions, as usual, the most organized are the radical Islamic ones, which most likely will seize power after Assad's regime collapses.
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IsraelLives MarkofLewiston • 11 hours ago
Tough for you.
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NormanF IsraelLives • 9 hours ago
You can always pay the jizyah tax. Oh which Israel is going to give to Turkey soon as part of Friday's agreement. I wonder how much its going to be.
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Makevet NormanF • 3 hours ago
Probably in Cypriot freedom and gas revenues.
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artwurx_6 Ralph Miller • 14 hours ago
Americans have the Federal Reserve to consider.
The "Old Boys Club" of Europe.
America is The Lone Ranger for the whole western world.
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Poupic • 18 hours ago
If Bibi did not get at least Pollard in exchange it is time for new elections and screw Barack Hussein’s love affair with Islamists.
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ott198089 Poupic • 17 hours ago
Apologizing for the Turkey's sponsored and organized terrorist act against Israel was a dumb mistake and Israel will pay dearly for it. Bibi must be thinking that the apology is just a formality akin to a harmless joke, but Israelis will pay in blood for it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to predict that pretty soon, the Turkish savages are going to stage another provocation, and why not? It pays.
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NormanF ott198089 • 9 hours ago
Yup. Netanyahu in effect said Turkish hostility and aggression and Israel can be forgiven. What's next - Jews begin apologizing for the Holocaust?
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gesh NormanF • 3 hours ago
And to think that the Turkish government still refuses to apologize for the Armenian genocide (1,5 million people slaughtered, including women and children stabbed to death).
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Joshua ott198089 • 16 hours ago
Israel will always be held to a different set of standards then the rest of the ME. Arabs know this. Israel knows this.
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RayT ott198089 • 12 hours ago
'Turkish Savages'?
Read some history. Turks and Jews have had a long history of friendship.
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ott198089 RayT • 11 hours ago
I could've used stronger words to describe the terrorists who badly wounded some Israeli soldiers armed only with paint-ball guns. By the way, I'm well aware of the history of the Turkish Jews. They were dhimmis and as long as they accepted the second class citizenship, they were tolerated. There was no "friendship" there.
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RayT ott198089 • 11 hours ago
Sounds like you have an agenda against the Turks, or are simply racist. If not then you need to read more history, and do so without bias.
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RayT ott198089 • 11 hours ago
Have you been to Turkey lately? Ever watch Turkish TV? Trust me - Turkey is no Iran. It is easier to generalize and put all people into one group, but it would not be accurate to do so. I have seen far too many so call religious types (all religions) talk one thing (usually conservative), but act completely different (gamble, prostitutes, drinking etc).
I agree that religion is on the rise in Turkish politics. It is concerning, but I don't think Turkey will ever give up its secular foundation.
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ott198089 RayT • 10 hours ago
One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to have a good idea of what's going on in Turkey. Thanks to the Islamist government, there are more journalists in jail there than in the Communist China. Turkey has been undergoing creeping Islamization, and demonizing Israel facilitates this process.
The Mavi Marmara incident was a culmination of the string of anti-Israeli provocations staged by the AKP's leaders. The so-called "activists, were by and large the IHH members, a well-known terrorist group, and the Turkish government was involved as well. The Israelis were mislead by the Turkish government who assured them that Mavi Marmara was a "peaceful" demonstration, and as a result, the IDF troops were completely unprepared for the homicidal "activists" waiting for them on this ship. There's no question that the whole thing was a deliberate provocation and it worked out pretty well for Erdogan and his ilk.
I can't think of any NATO member exhibing this kind of behavior. Today, they're after Israel, tomorrow, they'll go after Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria, and other Turkish neighbors.
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NormanF RayT • 9 hours ago
Turkey is already thoroughly Islamized. You're a fool if you don't see it. The secular Turkey of Ataturk will never return.
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Poupic RayT • 6 hours ago
Armenian Genocide and now the continual Kurdish one in south East Turkey. Yes! Racism is alive and well and again the world silently approve.
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ott198089 Poupic • 37 minutes ago
Turks are the last people on earth to act "holier than thou". They have never come to terms with their sordid colonial past. The European colonizers were choir boys compared with the Ottoman Empire with its devshirme, widespread slavery, and regular massacres. The hypocritical world has no right to preach to Israel either. They looked the other way when Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, killed thousands of POWs, raped women, and ethnically cleansed the Northern part of the island, and brought in thousands of settlers from Anatolia. These are the people piously pontificating about Israel. These are the people Bibi apologized to!
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gesh RayT • 3 hours ago
Here's a piece of history for you:
the Turkish government still refuses to apologize for the Armenian genocide (1,5 million people slaughtered, including women and children stabbed to death).
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NormanF RayT • 9 hours ago
Jews in the Muslim World were always second class citizens. Friendship implies a standing as equals. That was never historically true and as we saw Friday, that isn't true in our own time.
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Solution_seeker NormanF • 9 hours ago
"Friendship implies a standing as equals."
Israel and Palestine?
Jews and Arabs?
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RayT Solution_seeker • 9 hours ago
The Khazars were a Turkic people, and they adopted Judaism.
In the Ottoman Empire everyone was considered a slave to the Sultan.
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Makevet Solution_seeker • 2 hours ago
If you have ever visited Israel you will see that Jews and Arabs share a large measure of equality, although Arabs enjoy certain privileges denied to Jews, such as reserved university places in certain professions, such as pharmacy.
Arabs are not obliged to forfeit three years of their young adulthood in defending our country or otherwise serving it in a non-military capacity. While this is true of certain Jewish groups, too, this is not the issue.
If anyone suffers from inequality in this and other democracies it is the hard working, tax paying 'normal' people who have to shoulder the burden of all the special interest groups.
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artwurx_6 ott198089 • 14 hours ago
When push comes to shove, the "Mavi Marmara Syndrome" will kick in, sure.
Will it affect Ya'alon or his ministery?
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KKRDB artwurx_6 • 11 hours ago
In your dreams
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joshua ott198089 • 7 hours ago
who saved your ancestors from spain when all espagnols attacked them? learn what means sefarad and after come here and talk...
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MarkofLewiston Poupic • 17 hours ago
Enjoy the new elections.
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artwurx_6 MarkofLewiston • 14 hours ago
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Gary Gorny Poupic • 7 hours ago
Bibi is in no position to tell Americans what to do with their convicted felons, and shoudl mind his own business...
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NormanF Poupic • 9 hours ago
Netanyahu didn't have the stones to be a man and say "no" to Obama and FU. I doubt this lowering Israel before the Turks will make the Turks love and respect Israel, when Jews can be bought for so little!
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EllyR Poupic • 11 hours ago
As much as I want to see Pollard freed, I fail to see the connection...and you write like a hooligan as usual...
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gesh Poupic • 3 hours ago
Prejudice. plain and simple. Obama has been a great supporter of Israel from day one, there's not a
word or act I can't recall against it. The military aid he sends to
Egypt and other countries has been US policy for decades. Now, a partial list of things
Obama has done for Israel lately. Got this from Mr. Nessie (there's lots
more): "Just this past summer, Obama signed the United States-Israel
Enhanced Security Cooperation Act. He stood with Ankie Spitzer in
insisting that the chairman of the IOC make room for the Munich victims
to get a moment of silence. They failed, but not for lack of trying.
Obama stood by Israel in the face of the bogus Goldstone Committee
Report. And of course there are the bunker busting bombs he gave to
Israel, the virus that wreaked havoc in Iran was released under his
watch and the iron domes . . . not too shabby." More recently even, he just got Abbas to drop lawsuit against Israel.
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12 Poupic • 11 hours ago
sorry, I cant get on the "Pollard" bandwagon, while I have no doubt that Pollard has a harsh jail sentence because he is a Jew, to have Pollard released in exchange for making Israel look like cr@p is not worth it
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Gary Gorny 12 • 7 hours ago
If he wasn't a Jew, would he not have received the same sentence that a traitor receives? FYI, the judge who sentenced him was Jewish.
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Cynthia Morris • 18 hours ago
"Obama said he hoped that after his three-day trip, the US can explore mechanisms to sit down together and explore new methods."
In response, Jordanian King Abdullah II said he was willing to take a great leap for peace and simultaneously right a historic wrong by immediately abdicating the throne and turning control of the country over to its 70% Palestinian Arab population.
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jerrycollie Cynthia Morris • 15 hours ago
And give the right of return to Jordan to his Pals on the West Bank.
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artwurx_6 Cynthia Morris • 14 hours ago
Ya! Then the so called Palestinians will try to correct an historic wrong, abrogate the Jordanian/Israeli peace treaty, and try reclaim their lost territory, by all means, with the help of Turkey.
Abdullah's going anyways. Might as make the exit, stage left, gracious, storybook.
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GuestOfGuests • 18 hours ago
What "timing" is this fool babbling about?!
Turkey has been hostile to Israel since 1975, when it voted in favour of resolution 3379 branding Zionism as "a form of racism and racial discrimination".... How's that for a change? Still neet and timely I guess, huh?
Don't take this lightly, as Erdogan didn't apologise for his comments about Zionism either.... So it's a one-sided highway we're talking about.
I have but a thing to say: Israelis, WAKE THE F*CK UP AND TRY TO MAN UP FOR A CHANGE!
Emulating european islamophile apologetic behaviour won't make you any safer, far from it.
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Roger GuestOfGuests • 18 hours ago
Israel showed its weakness. According to Obama and Erdogan, zionism is a equal to fascism and Erdogan must never apologize to Peres who simply called him murderer.
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Xeev Laug NormanF • 6 hours ago
yes they did
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mirit GuestOfGuests • 18 hours ago
Exactly...we should have invaded Turkey or at least bombed them back to the stone age.
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Tamer Kirac mirit • 17 hours ago
mirit, you must be living in "cartoon land."
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artwurx_6 Tamer Kirac • 14 hours ago −
Feels good though.
Someone should make a cartoon of the whole Obama visit.
Some real good fantasies can be contrived with all the machinations going on.
Put in a few storms, meteors, catastrophes, WMDs, a hook or two.