We had a very bad experience with money system in Germany at 1923 with the hyper inflation, and after second world war.
What I can recommend you is:
BUY NOW CHEAP FOOD & WATER RESERVES! Store it in your cellar. You need at least 100 Liter of Water in plastic bottles. And food is very important.
You could buy too hygienic articles.
If tuesday there will be a bank run, the WHOLE MONEY could be gone. There will be riots in your cities, supermarkets will be depredated. People could die on streets....
If you are familiar with our debt money system and bank reserves of only 1%, I highly recommend you to buy now food to stay at least 3 month without money.
Food could become the most expensive good very soon if your banks will not open again.
For Gold, Silver and Bitcoins: This currencies are only useful AFTER a bank crash. First is FOOD.
If you believe in Euros, then get Euros in cash, mostly in 2 EUR metal coins. You could melt them if euro crashes totally.