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My recommendation from Germany

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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby DT. » Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:52 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:President Anastasiades of Cyprus stated earlier today:

I'm having some serious concerns regarding the German economy and its reliance in Russian energy. I'm not exactly sure that a large automotive industry when you're so reliant on imported energy that can be cut off at any time (as history has shown us) can be a viable sector in order to base a euro zone economy on. Indeed this goes for the entire heavy manufacturing industry of Germany, I don't know about everyone else, but on the first sign of trouble I would like the Germans to present us with some alternatives to this arrangement otherwise I'm afraid we will have no choice other than to cull this sector. We can't be expected to provide the euro zone with this resource in 2018 without first making sure that they have a viable plan to pay for this.


I thought I said that :?

It would have been awesome if he did though...
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:56 pm

sorry DT the credit goes back to you not Anastasiades
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:59 pm

Well, well, well,... according to the Fam Gaz... Pres Nik is looking at a criminal inquiry...

President Anastasiades also pledged that the Cabinet will in the next few days appoint criminal investigators to look into responsibilities over the banking system near collapse.
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:09 am

DT. wrote:I'm having some serious concerns regarding the German economy and its reliance in Russian energy. I'm not exactly sure that a large automotive industry when you're so reliant on imported energy that can be cut off at any time (as history has shown us) can be a viable sector in order to base a euro zone economy on. Indeed this goes for the entire heavy manufacturing industry of Germany, I don't know about everyone else, but on the first sign of trouble I would like the Germans to present us with some alternatives to this arrangement otherwise I'm afraid we will have no choice other than to cull this sector. We can't be expected to provide the euro zone with this resource in 2018 without first making sure that they have a viable plan to pay for this.

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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby DT. » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:22 am

“It won’t happen in other countries because their banking industries aren’t as unbalanced as in Cyprus,” Dijsselbloem told Dutch lawmakers in The Hague today, referring to the size of the financial sector compared with gross domestic product.

ok here we go:
Cyprus- 755%
Malta- 799%
Ireland- 839%
Luxembourg- 2572%

And lets not forget that financial disaster
Monaco- 2417%
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby kurupetos » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:51 am

bill cobbett wrote:
Nikitas wrote:VP asked: "So you do not want to buy a discounted Merc?"

I scrapped my last car in March 2001, have been using a bicycle ever since. When I need a car I rent one. I am looking for a folding bike at a discount if you know of one. Made anywhere but Germany.

Are we starting an Official CF Boycott German Goods campaign ... ???

Which car brands are European, but not German?

I can only think of Volvo... :shock:
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby kurupetos » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:53 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
DT. wrote:I'm having some serious concerns regarding the German economy and its reliance in Russian energy. I'm not exactly sure that a large automotive industry when you're so reliant on imported energy that can be cut off at any time (as history has shown us) can be a viable sector in order to base a euro zone economy on. Indeed this goes for the entire heavy manufacturing industry of Germany, I don't know about everyone else, but on the first sign of trouble I would like the Germans to present us with some alternatives to this arrangement otherwise I'm afraid we will have no choice other than to cull this sector. We can't be expected to provide the euro zone with this resource in 2018 without first making sure that they have a viable plan to pay for this.

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Logical reasoning. I. Kant

German c*nt.
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby kurupetos » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:55 am

DT. wrote:“It won’t happen in other countries because their banking industries aren’t as unbalanced as in Cyprus,” Dijsselbloem told Dutch lawmakers in The Hague today, referring to the size of the financial sector compared with gross domestic product.

ok here we go:
Cyprus- 755%
Malta- 799%
Ireland- 839%
Luxembourg- 2572%

And lets not forget that financial disaster
Monaco- 2417%

Remember Latvia in a few years... It won't be a surprise to me. :wink:
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:22 am

DT. wrote:“It won’t happen in other countries because their banking industries aren’t as unbalanced as in Cyprus,” Dijsselbloem told Dutch lawmakers in The Hague today, referring to the size of the financial sector compared with gross domestic product.

ok here we go:
Cyprus- 755%
Malta- 799%
Ireland- 839%
Luxembourg- 2572%

And lets not forget that financial disaster
Monaco- 2417%

man speak with forked tongue...

A senior eurozone figure on Monday suggested the plan to save Cyprus could serve as a template for rescuing other troubled EU states.
Under the terms of the Cyprus bailout, any savers with more than £85,000 deposited in either of the island’s two main banks - Laiki and the Bank of Cyprus - will lose between 40 and 100 per cent of their money.
In return for levying this ‘haircut' on deposits, Cyprus will receive the international funds necessary to keep its troubled banks afloat.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch chairman of the eurozone, suggested that this structure could become the model to be applied across Europe, where banks in Spain, Portugal and Italy are also in trouble.
“If there is a risk in a bank, our first question should be ‘Okay, what are you in the bank going to do about that? What can you do to recapitalise yourself?’,” he said.“If the bank can’t do it, then we’ll talk to the shareholders and the bondholders, we’ll ask them to contribute in recapitalising the bank, and if necessary the uninsured deposit holders.
“If we want to have a healthy, sound financial sector, the only way is to say, ‘Look, there where you take on the risks, you must deal with them, and if you can’t deal with them, then you shouldn’t have taken them on.”
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby SKI-preo » Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:04 am

Most children in Cyprus are overweight anyway. Also In Cyprus they can get by eating wild horta and they can grow beans did 1923 Germany have beans? Cyprus will have a gas bonanza. Worst case scenario people can always start eating their own children.
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