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My recommendation from Germany

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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:53 pm

Nikitas wrote:Running out of food is not likely. Cypriots are not cut off from primary food production. Unlike German factory workers in the 20s we still know how to cultivate land and milk a goat.

The memories of the 20s are a German obsession that is holding Europe hostage. In the USA the Federal Reserve prints money and keeps their economy alive.

Events are making the label "Made in Germany" a hated symbol. At a personal level, consumers are turning off German goods. It is slowly sinking in as the rows of unsold cars and industrial goods pile up. Then we will teach you all about goats.

So you do not want to buy a discounted Merc?
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:17 pm

Nikitas wrote:Running out of food is not likely. Cypriots are not cut off from primary food production. Unlike German factory workers in the 20s we still know how to cultivate land and milk a goat.

The memories of the 20s are a German obsession that is holding Europe hostage. In the USA the Federal Reserve prints money and keeps their economy alive.

Events are making the label "Made in Germany" a hated symbol. At a personal level, consumers are turning off German goods. It is slowly sinking in as the rows of unsold cars and industrial goods pile up. Then we will teach you all about goats.

I doubt it is "made in Germany" issue but quite simply no one is replacing cars or other large items unless they really must.
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby johnny1 » Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:37 pm

ur advice mr from germany is usual liek ur leader...CRAP. keep it for urselfs.
if we end up with that what u mentioned..then we have our freinds the turks in the north to help us.we dont need ur advice..thx anyway f^^^&&^&^G Y HGKYU
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:00 pm

Nikitas wrote:Running out of food is not likely. Cypriots are not cut off from primary food production. Unlike German factory workers in the 20s we still know how to cultivate land and milk a goat.

The memories of the 20s are a German obsession that is holding Europe hostage. In the USA the Federal Reserve prints money and keeps their economy alive.

Events are making the label "Made in Germany" a hated symbol. At a personal level, consumers are turning off German goods. It is slowly sinking in as the rows of unsold cars and industrial goods pile up. Then we will teach you all about goats.

When I first heard about the levy last Friday evening, I felt, as an account holder with the Bank of Cyprus, that I would be happy to make this sacrifice to help get this country that I have settled in back on my feet. But nobody should have any doubts that this will be a is a sacrifice on my part, if this scheme ends up being implemented.

What made my blood boil was to hear both Merkel and Scauble argue that all Cypriot bank account holders deserve to pay this levy because they all bear responsibility for what happened. I strongly object to this argument. I am an ordinary citizen of another EU country who has quite legitimately settled in this country and work here on a self-employed basis. I work in a legitimate line of business, am registered as an income tax and VAT payer and duly issue VAT invoices for every job that I do. I do not launder money through my Cypriot bank account. I can vouch for every single cent that has ever passed through this account with an invoice that I have issued and paid tax on. It is inconceivable that a person in my position would not have a local bank account. Merkel and Schauble could do a far better public relations exercise in trying to sell this deal to Cyprus if they could at least admit that a lot of innocent, honest people will be caught up as collateral damage in their scheme to hammer money launderers, and if they could just admit as such. Then I would feel happier about sacrificing a percentage of my bank deposits.
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby Mikiko » Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:13 pm

Hitler has had many followers in Germany. hi Hitler ! Poor nation..
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby userfromgermany » Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:30 pm


First: I don not represent Merkel. There are many people here who are against the Euro, Merkel and Schäuble. Additionally this persons belongs to the elite club Bilderberger ( They do not represent the normal citzens.
Second: Merkel and Schäuble tried to convince your president and country to not haircut the small people, but only the big rich oligarch people who have bank deposits in your country.

It is in the interests of this elite club to make divide and conquer strategy. We should not be angry against each other. The reason that your bank fails (and german banks will fail too at the end) is a system imminent problem of our debt money system.
Please read books about our money system before accusing whole Germany. We can not again make non-sense war which will decrease the life standard for everyone.

I'm a normal citzen. And I just tried to give advices, because I know who banksters works. And they will do at the end the same here in Germany like in your country.
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby DrCyprus » Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:33 pm

It's all an experiment. If it works we are all fucked.

userfromgermany du bist gut. Ich habe in Deutschland gelebt und mein ex Freundin war deutsch. Woher kommst du? Ich habe in der nahe von Stuttgart gewohnt.

Wenn du willst koennen wir ueber Zypern sprechen.

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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:37 pm

userfromgermany wrote: Merkel and Schäuble tried to convince your president and country to not haircut the small people, but only the big rich oligarch people who have bank deposits in your country.

Why don't Merkel and Schäuble show us the way by 'haircutting' the big rich oligarchs with money in German banks first?

- Are you, by any chance, trying to drive out the big savers from Cyprus into Swiss/German banks (bloated with stolen money from the Jewish Haircut ... oopps ...I meant Holocaust).
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby userfromgermany » Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:46 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
userfromgermany wrote:- Are you, by any chance, trying to drive out the big savers from Cyprus into Swiss/German banks (bloated with stolen money from the Jewish Haircut ... oopps ...I meant Holocaust).

What?!? I'm a normal citzen. In this forum there are no rich oligarchs.
Which Holocaust money? Stolen jewish holocaust happened with Reichsmark which was completely WORTHLESS after the second world war.

Do not believe what your media and politicians are saying bad about germany. Its a classical divide and conquer strategy to not tell you the truth about the incoming haircut of 90% which is "normal" in a debt money system. It happen all about 50 years.
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Re: My recommendation from Germany

Postby userfromgermany » Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:48 pm

DrCyprus wrote:It's all an experiment. If it works we are all fucked.

userfromgermany du bist gut. Ich habe in Deutschland gelebt und mein ex Freundin war deutsch. Woher kommst du? Ich habe in der nahe von Stuttgart gewohnt.

Wenn du willst koennen wir ueber Zypern sprechen.


I sent you a PM message in this forum.
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