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Re: The Commonwealth & Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:54 pm

Russians are generally lovely people - don't knock them as people but they live under a corrupt regime - Putin is the new Czar: he has a modest official income but by many accounts is very wealthy as the wealth of Russia has flowed into his and his crony's personal pockets.

That is what will happen if the Russian government gets its claws into Cyprus.

Glasnost was sadly just an interlude in the Great game that has been going on for 200 years or more and which say Cyprus pass from Ottoman to British hands in 1878.
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Re: The Commonwealth & Cyprus

Postby B25 » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:03 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
the US yes and Soviet Union too, on the quite, but not the UK

Read this and wind yer neck in B25...

Lets nail that Anti Brit lie good and proper.

Blame the Yanks, the Greeks and the Tur*s for 74. Not the Brits. we were in f*cking mess at home and had no coherent foreign policy. .

The Brits knew SFA about American plans - not surprsing when the then PM was thought to be a Soviet Spy. The problem partly arose because Britain was thinking of abandoning the SBA against US wishea, as it was thought Big Mak would climb into bed with the Soviets, and gift the Eastern Med to them, the Yanks and Greeks cooked up a plan to get rid of big Mak.

Britain did not play ball as it rescued big Mak. Indeed on one analysis they should probably have fought the Coupists. The Tur*s then used the Coup as an excuse to invade, which excuse they they would not have had if Cypriots had not gone along with the coup plans, and Britain was all for military action against Turkey to stop invasion but they too were shafted by Kissinger, as he was very much in love with the Tur*s.

Firstly, I didn't say what you have apparently quoted me as saying above, but this comment of yours : 'The Brits knew SFA about American plans - not surprsing when the then PM was thought to be a Soviet Spy.' Is utter bollocks and just shows you up for the imperialist that you are. Didn't Ecevit or whatever his name was go to the UK and request that the invasion go through the SBA???? The reply was, NO, but if you do invade we will no stop you or do anything about it.

Now tell us that the Brits knew SFA. I think it is you that needs his F neck wound back in. Asshole!
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Re: The Commonwealth & Cyprus

Postby Davidindevon » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:14 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Russians are generally lovely people - don't knock them as people but they live under a corrupt regime - Putin is the new Czar: he has a modest official income but by many accounts is very wealthy as the wealth of Russia has flowed into his and his crony's personal pockets.

That is what will happen if the Russian government gets its claws into Cyprus.

Glasnost was sadly just an interlude in the Great game that has been going on for 200 years or more and which say Cyprus pass from Ottoman to British hands in 1878.

I have to agree entirely with your assessment. The point I have been trying to make is that I do not dislike Russians as a people but do intensely dislike those in power in Russia who have absolutely no limits as to what they would do either to their own people or any other nations' people in the pursuit of power, influence and wealth.

The Cypriot people have nothing to fear from the ordinary Russians living amongst them but all that will change when, and if, the Russians get control of the Cypriot gas fields. How do they know that the Russians would not plan to include those in Occupied Cyprus in the control of that commodity? That is why I caution them to be careful who they get into bed with. I really, really see it coming though.
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Re: The Commonwealth & Cyprus

Postby B25 » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:19 pm

Davidindevon wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Russians are generally lovely people - don't knock them as people but they live under a corrupt regime - Putin is the new Czar: he has a modest official income but by many accounts is very wealthy as the wealth of Russia has flowed into his and his crony's personal pockets.

That is what will happen if the Russian government gets its claws into Cyprus.

Glasnost was sadly just an interlude in the Great game that has been going on for 200 years or more and which say Cyprus pass from Ottoman to British hands in 1878.

I have to agree entirely with your assessment. The point I have been trying to make is that I do not dislike Russians as a people but do intensely dislike those in power in Russia who have absolutely no limits as to what they would do either to their own people or any other nations' people in the pursuit of power, influence and wealth.

The Cypriot people have nothing to fear from the ordinary Russians living amongst them but all that will change when, and if, the Russians get control of the Cypriot gas fields. How do they know that the Russians would not plan to include those in Occupied Cyprus in the control of that commodity? That is why I caution them to be careful who they get into bed with. I really, really see it coming though.

Any this absolute concern you have for the Cypriots is ....... ????
You couldn't 2 shits about us, David in Devon I suggest you stay there and stay the F out of our affairs.
DOG thinks the Russians are nice people, he is married to one, he is hardly going to say anything different is he.
And just for the record once again, no one is saying teaming up with the Russians is the preferred option, but when we have just been shafted by what we thought was a Union, a solidarity then it's time to look elsewhere, no?
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Re: The Commonwealth & Cyprus

Postby Mikiko » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:23 pm

Europe is more corrupt than Russia and the sad think iis that this corrupt union dont know it!they think that they are the world superpower. How can Europe be a power when all economies are in recession for years with no potential.
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Re: The Commonwealth & Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:30 pm

so do I:

Ask yourself this: why do so many Russians want to leave Russia? why do so many live in Cyprus, in particular the wives, Girlfriends and Children?

I am told Cyprus has been declared neutral territory by the criminal gangs where the families can live in safety..children do no have to go to school with (armed) happens in Moscow.

And the biggest criminal gang of all? The Current Russian Government.
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Re: The Commonwealth & Cyprus

Postby Davidindevon » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:40 pm

B25 wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:
the US yes and Soviet Union too, on the quite, but not the UK

Read this and wind yer neck in B25...

Lets nail that Anti Brit lie good and proper.

Blame the Yanks, the Greeks and the Tur*s for 74. Not the Brits. we were in f*cking mess at home and had no coherent foreign policy. .

The Brits knew SFA about American plans - not surprsing when the then PM was thought to be a Soviet Spy. The problem partly arose because Britain was thinking of abandoning the SBA against US wishea, as it was thought Big Mak would climb into bed with the Soviets, and gift the Eastern Med to them, the Yanks and Greeks cooked up a plan to get rid of big Mak.

Britain did not play ball as it rescued big Mak. Indeed on one analysis they should probably have fought the Coupists. The Tur*s then used the Coup as an excuse to invade, which excuse they they would not have had if Cypriots had not gone along with the coup plans, and Britain was all for military action against Turkey to stop invasion but they too were shafted by Kissinger, as he was very much in love with the Tur*s.

Firstly, I didn't say what you have apparently quoted me as saying above, but this comment of yours : 'The Brits knew SFA about American plans - not surprsing when the then PM was thought to be a Soviet Spy.' Is utter bollocks and just shows you up for the imperialist that you are. Didn't Ecevit or whatever his name was go to the UK and request that the invasion go through the SBA???? The reply was, NO, but if you do invade we will no stop you or do anything about it.

Now tell us that the Brits knew SFA. I think it is you that needs his F neck wound back in. Asshole!


May I respectfully ask that you read the addendum that 'supporttheunderdog' has posted and then tell me that the UK was complicit in the invasion of Occupied Cyprus. It was the US who PREVENTED the UK from organising a blockade of the invading forces! The USSR(now Russia) was supportive of the invading forces as they saw an opportunity to de-stabilise the area. Ever the opportunists they did then what they are doing now. It is called divide and rule. They are past masters at it and people like you will not believe it until it is far too late.

With regard to your additional post you are not being shafted by the whole of the EU but by Germany, the IMF and the EMU. We here in the UK, who are not members of the Euro, totally support your rejection of this disgusting move by the Eurozone and applaud Cyprus for standing up to those evil lot. If you read my very first post on this subject you will see that this is the very reason I bring up the case for even closer ties with the Commonwealth and, be assured, I personally have the greatest respect and admiration for the people the ROC and want only the best for it.
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Re: The Commonwealth & Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:49 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Davidindevon wrote: Maybe you would prefer a form of Russian Imperialism as purveyed by Putin and his lackeys.

That's racist.

Haven't you heard - there's no more cold war. Glasnost!

what is racist about that?

Glasnost ended with Litvinenko's murder..
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Re: The Commonwealth & Cyprus

Postby Davidindevon » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:53 pm

Mikiko wrote:Europe is more corrupt than Russia and the sad think iis that this corrupt union dont know it!they think that they are the world superpower. How can Europe be a power when all economies are in recession for years with no potential.

I will never go as far as to say that Europe is more corrupt than Russia but certainly within the Eurozone nations corruption is rife. Even the EU's finances have not been signed off for sixteen years yet nobody will investigate why this is.
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Re: The Commonwealth & Cyprus

Postby Davidindevon » Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:01 pm

Mikiko wrote:Europe is more corrupt than Russia and the sad think iis that this corrupt union dont know it!they think that they are the world superpower. How can Europe be a power when all economies are in recession for years with no potential.

I would never go as far as to say Europe is as corrupt as Russia but it is true that there are members of the Eurozone who are corrupt. Why do you think that the EU's finances have not been given cleared audits for each of the last sixteen years? Too many Eurozone countries with too much to hide!
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