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Re: bank deposits

Postby kurupetos » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:06 am

johnny1 wrote:the new president of cyprus...the new evil
look at this must read....: ... 013_488337
Germany's finance minister said on Sunday Berlin would have respected the bank deposit guarantee on small savers' insured deposits but the Cypriot government, European Commission and European Central Bank (ECB) decided against this.

Well, he is rich, isn't he? You can figure out the rest...
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Re: bank deposits

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:11 am

johnny1 wrote:already my hate for him grows...faster than the other one....
Schaeuble says;
we would obviously have respected the deposit guarantee for accounts up to 100,000,» he said. «But those who did not want a bail-in were the Cypriot government

I think that may have something to do with the fact that most smaller investors are Cypriots and they would then be excluded from having shares in their banks and Gas if all the levy went to the wealthiest (foreigners).
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Demonax » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:49 am

johnny1 wrote:the new president of cyprus...the new evil
look at this must read....: ... 013_488337
Germany's finance minister said on Sunday Berlin would have respected the bank deposit guarantee on small savers' insured deposits but the Cypriot government, European Commission and European Central Bank (ECB) decided against this.

Other reports say the opposite. Particularly, from the WSJ's Simon Nixon on Twitter:

Simon Nixon ‏@Simon_Nixon
I know lots of people reporting that, but I'm told #Cyprus wanted 18% on uninsured and 0% on insured. Proposal rejected.

Simon Nixon ‏@Simon_Nixon
My understanding is that plan to spare insured depositors nixed because others felt #Cyprus shouldn't put whole burden on foreigners.
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Sp_Observer » Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:41 am

Hello everyone.

I'm from Spain, and I have registered on this forum only to support you. In my opinion, You are being "tested" by the IMF and Merkel. They want to know how much you can stand before you decide to start some serious riots. They want to know if they can do this in the future with Spain/Greece/Italy/Portugal, but I believe they have got wrong this one. The international answer is strong(people's and market's reaction), and they probably will decide to reduce the amount they will take from you. Maybe 3% for less than 100,000€, and 12,5% for more than 100,000€. But it's a theft. A red line has been crossed and you should protest for it. They are going after you, and then, after us. Fuck the IMF and leave the UE, you have plenty of gas and a lot of british tourists and russian tourists that would be willing to come to your shores.

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Re: bank deposits

Postby SKI-preo » Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:21 am

Lending money to Greeks= touching your toes. :lol:
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Re: bank deposits

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:24 am

Sp_Observer wrote:Hello everyone.

I'm from Spain, and I have registered on this forum only to support you. In my opinion, You are being "tested" by the IMF and Merkel. They want to know how much you can stand before you decide to start some serious riots. They want to know if they can do this in the future with Spain/Greece/Italy/Portugal, but I believe they have got wrong this one. The international answer is strong(people's and market's reaction), and they probably will decide to reduce the amount they will take from you. Maybe 3% for less than 100,000€, and 12,5% for more than 100,000€. But it's a theft. A red line has been crossed and you should protest for it. They are going after you, and then, after us. Fuck the IMF and leave the UE, you have plenty of gas and a lot of british tourists and russian tourists that would be willing to come to your shores.

All the best

Absolutely correct....

We can never trust the EU again...
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Re: bank deposits

Postby johnny1 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:29 pm

f**k the f**king e.u and the f**king parasites that run it
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Re: bank deposits

Postby sven » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:09 pm

Sp_Observer wrote:Hello everyone.

I'm from Spain, and I have registered on this forum only to support you. In my opinion, You are being "tested" by the IMF and Merkel. They want to know how much you can stand before you decide to start some serious riots. They want to know if they can do this in the future with Spain/Greece/Italy/Portugal, but I believe they have got wrong this one. The international answer is strong(people's and market's reaction), and they probably will decide to reduce the amount they will take from you. Maybe 3% for less than 100,000€, and 12,5% for more than 100,000€. But it's a theft. A red line has been crossed and you should protest for it. They are going after you, and then, after us. Fuck the IMF and leave the UE, you have plenty of gas and a lot of british tourists and russian tourists that would be willing to come to your shores.

All the best

Well said , we all need to pull together, this IS a test, and if it goes ahead it sets a VERY dangerous precedent, and will be used across europe. That is why the Percentage has been reduced, they are not going to abandon it, they need it to get passed, even if it was 1%, they would be happy, because it sets the precedent. Why has ca-MORON paid the british armed forces 'levy' and NOT the expats as well. I'll tell you why, they need to keep the armed forces ON-SIDE for whats coming down the line. ca-MORON does not want the armed forces sussing out the reality, but he is a bit slow, they know. In the UK they are still recruiting with fancy adverts, yet in Cyprus and elsewhere they are being made redundant and being told to join the police and the TA.
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Re: bank deposits

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:12 pm

Vote postponed until Tuesday! :shock:
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Re: bank deposits

Postby johnny1 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:14 pm

EU Goverments are nothing more than legalised Mafia. These Governments collude with banks and corporations to legalise the wealth transfer from ordinary citizens into the pockets of politicians and their cronies. our tax money and pension funds are not enough for them. They want it all. They will empty ourr Bank accounts in a heart beat. Cyprus is just the test ground.
has the percentage been reduced?not that it matters..because the f**king damage has been done...the trust has dissapeared.....honesty ends today....the money they steal from me today i will get double back way
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