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Re: bank deposits

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:18 am

Oceanside50 wrote:The bottom line Paphitis is whether the President of Cyprus broke the law, by having inside information on the calamity that was to fall on the country he was elected to serve....Having inside information in order to save your ass is illegal,whether its on a stock tip, or knowing beforehand what the Eu was planning on doing to the banking system in Cyprus, if its illegal for a bottom feeder stockbroker then its illegal for a country's President...Regardless if I was President or Anastasiades ,once he uses his position to break the law then for a President(especially for Cyprus) I would go as far as calling it treason.

Not to mention the trust issues, of having a president who bails ship to save his ass and his 20 million....So next time Cyprus is in a crisis would you trust this man to negotiate in the interest of Cyprus or himself....?

Well I am not going to debate something that might not be true. Haravghi is not an objective source on matters relating to Anastasiadi. AKEL hate his guts.

But you call it being dishonest and breaking the law when you act to salvage your own personal and families wealth and well being. Losing 60% of it is huge! It means that all your years of toil have gone to waste. If he did remove money from Cyprus well good for him. He was lucky to be amongst the privileged to have prior knowledge and he would not be the only one.

I would do the same. You would be mad if you did not.

I tell you what is probably illegal. The Troika taxing people's life savings and I would be certain there will be many legal battles on this matter in Cyprus and the ICJ.
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Re: bank deposits

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:30 am

Paphitis wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:The bottom line Paphitis is whether the President of Cyprus broke the law, by having inside information on the calamity that was to fall on the country he was elected to serve....Having inside information in order to save your ass is illegal,whether its on a stock tip, or knowing beforehand what the Eu was planning on doing to the banking system in Cyprus, if its illegal for a bottom feeder stockbroker then its illegal for a country's President...Regardless if I was President or Anastasiades ,once he uses his position to break the law then for a President(especially for Cyprus) I would go as far as calling it treason.

Not to mention the trust issues, of having a president who bails ship to save his ass and his 20 million....So next time Cyprus is in a crisis would you trust this man to negotiate in the interest of Cyprus or himself....?

Well I am not going to debate something that might not be true. Haravghi is not an objective source on matters relating to Anastasiadi. AKEL hate his guts.

But you call it being dishonest and breaking the law when you act to salvage your own personal and families wealth and well being. Losing 60% of it is huge! It means that all your years of toil have gone to waste. If he did remove money from Cyprus well good for him. He was lucky to be amongst the privileged to have prior knowledge and he would not be the only one.

I would do the same. You would be mad if you did not.

I tell you what is probably illegal. The Troika taxing people's life savings and I would be certain there will be many legal battles on this matter in Cyprus and the ICJ.

there is nothing illegal about a savings or a wealth tax if fairly levied so all are potentially liable on the same terms on all taxable assets. This was not however a tax as it was never fairly levied.
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Svetlana » Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:12 am

Unless I have a misunderstanding, it is not the Troika 'taxing' Cyprus; it is saying: 'you must pay off your own debt, Cyprus and, by the way, we will give you €10,000,000 if you do'.

No, the Troika is taxing no-one...
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Sotos » Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:10 am

Svetlana wrote:Unless I have a misunderstanding, it is not the Troika 'taxing' Cyprus; it is saying: 'you must pay off your own debt, Cyprus and, by the way, we will give you €10,000,000 if you do'.

No, the Troika is taxing no-one...

Not really ;) What Troika said is not that we must pay off our own debt but also HOW to do it ... they are the ones who demanded the haircut. They didn't accept any alternative ways of Cyprus paying those 5.8 billions. It was an intentional move to destroy Cyprus. It is like if a father goes to a bank to ask for a loan so he can afford medical expenses for his child which is ill... and the bank demands that in order to give him the loan the father should also sell one of his kidneys and one of his lungs... even though this would weaken the father and make it much harder for him to work so he can pay back the loan!
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Re: bank deposits

Postby johnny1 » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:27 pm

if i had 20 million..i would share it with the poor...thats me...
the guilt of taking ur money out of the country and then overnight freeze the poor persons bank account is just unbelievable.
im reading stories about people that have worked all there life and saved and gone without so they could help there families..and it was all taken away in just a few hours by stealing greedy governments.
stealing peoples money while they were sleeping is something i still cant believe and something i will never forget and forgive ...never
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Re: bank deposits

Postby lesley gray » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:29 pm

:?: we have friends in bulgaria. it is rumored there that the bulgarian govenment has a SIZABLE amount of money in a cypriot bank. has anyone else heard about this.
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Re: bank deposits

Postby B25 » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:34 pm

Not sure where to post this, but here: ... ge-indeed/

Makes an interesting view point.

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Re: bank deposits

Postby johnny1 » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:39 pm

ive read it....
of course its all been planned...its called...the system
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Mikiko » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:51 pm

This is the real face of the regime we call Europe. Every country to protect its OWN Interest at the expense of the other member states.Does US behave in a similar manner to any of its own states? I had no problem If what has been applied in Cyprus was a policy to be applied everywhere in Europe. What makes Europeans Hypocrites and racist they try to differentiate and isolate Cyprus that it is unique . This shows that the people behind are weak baurocrats that do not have a clear policy and they do not know anything about democratic policies.

Spain needs 40 billions to rescue its banks. Will we see a haircut in Spain ? Why not ? If this policy works and its good for the country why not to be applied in any other country equally with no discrimination.

If any foreigner lost money because of this they should blame Europe and not Cyprus. And its time companies to invest in other regions in the world with more potential.Europe is a regime with no future.
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Re: bank deposits

Postby lesley gray » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:58 pm

the difference in the US they had federal laws before the dollar. europe has the euro before the laws. I think this is a big flaw, and the euro will collapse
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