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bank deposits

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Re: bank deposits

Postby johnny1 » Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:47 am

until now the only ones that are not affected are government and goverment employees...i wonder why...
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:55 am

i understand that johnny1, but in Cyprus the mentality from the lowest to the highest has been, if you can get away with it, then its ok to do shows the character level that pervades.... do whatever and then hide behind something.....Shistofias blows up the electric station and while being bombarded with criticism and demonstrations, hides behind the Cyprus problem, in shielding himself against stepping down.....
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:57 am

johnny1 wrote:until now the only ones that are not affected are government and goverment employees...i wonder why...

who is behind the dummy corporations that are on the list?....and why hasnt any politician asked for all banks to be audited?
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:01 am

Oceanside50 wrote:its treason... and where did Anastasiades' family get 20 million euros, his father was no more then a policeman and then raised to a captain during the coup in 74...and then brought back down to a regular cop after the war...

It is nothing of the sought.

I am up for a Cypriot politician bash any day because they are all so shitty and they make dumb decisions which undermine Cyprus and adversely effect the Cypriot people. Bottom line is they suck big time. Never seen incompetence of this magnitude anywhere else other than Cyprus and Greece.

The 20 million I would say is Nicos Anastasiades' money. He would have transferred his wealth to trusted family members so that he get get it out of Cyprus and reduce any political cost to him.

Having assets in other names is nothing new. It is quite common.

Let's be honest. If you had 20 million in a bank account and new what was coming, wouldn't you remove the money from Cyprus? Yes you say. I know I would, therefore I am always careful about throwing stupid criticisms about other people when I know I would do the same.

He probably did tell a few close friends who probably told their friends who told their friends and so on and so on.

Bottom line is that taxing people's life savings is robbery.

Criticising him about agreeing to this disastrous situation is however fair game. Maybe you can call him a traitor for that I suppose.
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:51 am

Paphitis wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:its treason... and where did Anastasiades' family get 20 million euros, his father was no more then a policeman and then raised to a captain during the coup in 74...and then brought back down to a regular cop after the war...

It is nothing of the sought.

I am up for a Cypriot politician bash any day because they are all so shitty and they make dumb decisions which undermine Cyprus and adversely effect the Cypriot people. Bottom line is they suck big time. Never seen incompetence of this magnitude anywhere else other than Cyprus and Greece.

The 20 million I would say is Nicos Anastasiades' money. He would have transferred his wealth to trusted family members so that he get get it out of Cyprus and reduce any political cost to him.

Having assets in other names is nothing new. It is quite common.

Let's be honest. If you had 20 million in a bank account and new what was coming, wouldn't you remove the money from Cyprus? Yes you say. I know I would, therefore I am always careful about throwing stupid criticisms about other people when I know I would do the same.

He probably did tell a few close friends who probably told their friends who told their friends and so on and so on.

Bottom line is that taxing people's life savings is robbery.

Criticising him about agreeing to this disastrous situation is however fair game. Maybe you can call him a traitor for that I suppose.

If you had 20 million in a bank account and new what was coming, wouldn't you remove the money from Cyprus?

it all depends on how you felt about taking an oath to be President of the Republic, and in upholding the trust bestowed on you by the people who elected you....the answer to your question, honestly, would be no i wouldnt remove 20 million out of Cyprus even if i had it...and was President. of course its treason for him to know something this serious and for him to take advantage of it by saving his ass and the rest of the Cypriots to have to endure it...if this isnt treason and a violation of trust then what is?.....He should have taken the hit just like every other Cypriot is taking the hit...and kept his mouth shut..or announce it to the country..
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:03 am

Well I don't believe you and the oath to Republic is to serve it with integrity, honesty and its interests.

Leaving 20 million in a bank account and have it taxed down to 8 million is difficult to take and I don't know how he made the money but I presume a big chunck of it would be from working his butt of as a Lawyer within his practice.

Sorry but I don't know anyone that would throw 12 million of their hard earned away.
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Re: bank deposits

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:00 am

The bottom line Paphitis is whether the President of Cyprus broke the law, by having inside information on the calamity that was to fall on the country he was elected to serve....Having inside information in order to save your ass is illegal,whether its on a stock tip, or knowing beforehand what the Eu was planning on doing to the banking system in Cyprus, if its illegal for a bottom feeder stockbroker then its illegal for a country's President...Regardless if I was President or Anastasiades ,once he uses his position to break the law then for a President(especially for Cyprus) I would go as far as calling it treason.

Not to mention the trust issues, of having a president who bails ship to save his ass and his 20 million....So next time Cyprus is in a crisis would you trust this man to negotiate in the interest of Cyprus or himself....?
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Re: bank deposits

Postby CBBB » Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:41 am

So you are arguing about some crap published in the Daily Mail?

Why not discuss about the B52 that was found on the moon?
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Re: bank deposits

Postby CBBB » Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:57 am

CBBB wrote:So you are arguing about some crap published in the Daily Mail?

Why not discuss about the B52 that was found on the moon?

Sorry, it appears the story originated in Haravghi, so it must be true!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: bank deposits

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:15 am

It is quite true that funds were moved but
(a) this seemingly happened before
(b) the origin of the funds can seemingly be shown to arise from normal business activities (all taxed etc)
(b) supposedly a lot more was left in (and hit)

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