The guy a week in office is kicked in the nuts unexpectedly, what do you expect, he is bound to double up even with cypriot balls.

Aint no lie.
The guy a week in office is kicked in the nuts unexpectedly, what do you expect, he is bound to double up even with cypriot balls.
CBBB wrote:B25 wrote:Get Real! wrote:CBBB wrote:According to CyBC TV, Anastasiades asked LeGarde if she wanted him to resign!
Doesn't sound as if it is going well.
He’s starting to make Christofias look good...
Rubbish, it was shistofkias that got us into this mess in the first place. The guy a week in office is kicked in the nuts unexpectedly, what do you expect, he is bound to double up even with cypriot balls.
After discussing 17Bn for the last year, on the last day they say we'll give to 10 find the rest yourselves. What shit is that! They have an agenda for us, they have done a Papadopoulos on us we just need to be more crafty and find a way around this. Cyprus for ever, and those that don't like it can get the fuck out. And especially the MFs cypriots/brits/any other fucker who boasts that their money is elsewhere whilst enjoying the Cypriot Living. And I don't give 2 shits if you bought a property or not. These people should be forced to repatriate that money or lose what they have here. Gmt.
Bugger!!! I agree with B25!
How will I live it down?
Tim Drayton wrote:Of course he is right. And this comes from somebody who was delighted when Christofias was elected. How will I live that down?
Nikitas wrote:Classic advice from cheap financial self help books published in the USA half a century ago: do not keep more then 9,999 dollars in any single account. The reason? To avail oneself of the Federal deposit guarantee. Cypriots thought that their banks are unassailable so they kept their money mostly in one account. In finance everything goes.
Tim says he rejoiced when Christofias was elected. The man had no idea of power. He negotiated ass backwards leaving the most important part of a settlement, the territory and properties issue, last focusing on "governance" and power sharing. He could not understand the essence of the Cyprus problem, which is a fairly simple concept. How could he understand international finance!
tsukoui wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Of course he is right. And this comes from somebody who was delighted when Christofias was elected. How will I live that down?
Tim, can you expand on why you were delighted that Christofias was elected?
Personally, I think blaming everything on him is just lazy.
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