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Bail-out agreed!

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Re: Bail-out agreed!

Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:58 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:and in the meantime the Euro is hovering at about 0.8569 mark,

and is now at 0.85382

€1.27 to the $
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Re: Bail-out agreed!

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:39 am

sven wrote:The Reason the President of Cyprus agreed to the sell-out, whoops i mean bail-out, is that he and his pals transferred his dosh out of the country to other banks other than the ones in Cyprus, and having asked yourself which banks he transferred his and his mates dosh too, you should also realise that they would have been the banks controlled by the Troika, the ECB and the IMF. Now having deduced that, you would also be able to deduce that if it became known, he was finished. And by the way having agreed to the sell-out, it is the very reason why he is now getting protection and will continue to get protection from exposure.
Now, not all of the deposits in Cyprus are in troubled banks. There is UBS, several Israeli banks, a number of French banks et al that are not troubled and still Europe wants to demand that the bank accounts in those relatively healthy banks have depositor's money taken out of them to pay for the woes of the government.
So banks that are not in trouble are being fleeced, I could at a stretch, too the point of twang, concede that to save a bank you take the depositors cash , still theft, or if you like embezzlement , but they are taking cash from banks that are not in trouble ie - outright THEFT. The ECB, IMF, Merkel and the Decision makers in the Cypriot Government are complicit in stealing from you.

if anyone has ever read the book Animal Farm, whoever wrote it was spot on...The pigs(revolutionaries)Shistofias, after getting into power tries to walk on all fours(denial, corruption, mismanagement, hubris) just like his former masters....
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Re: Bail-out agreed!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:33 am

No they ended up walking on two legs and went from "four legs good, two legs bad", to "four legs good, two legs better!"

"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."
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Re: Bail-out agreed!

Postby Helenak » Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:35 am

Russian and Cypriots savings holders are put in the corner and they are asked to contribute to the crazy plan of European Euromafia group. I am a Cypriot who has no savings at the Banks, however I have a good salary that it will be cut. Unfortunately, Cypriot and Russian Government were not able to come to an agreement, in order to stop this catastrophe. I pray that there will be a happy end at the end. I believe in God and people that live within God's Love. They will be able to change this crazy situation. There is a plan against Orthodox Christians. It is obvious, however, we must not loose our faith. We have to ask for God's Mercy. We need to cry and regret, to fast and ask forgiveness, for any mistakes of the past. God loves all. If there are any Russians that can communicate with the Russian Government, please lets do it in the right way. The Cypriots have been pushed for years to give up the low tax, to impose restrictions in the Banking system, to sign for an agreement that will send Russian funds, merchants and Russian interests away. We were fighting against all these measures, however, in euro-group Cyprus was threatened either with accepting their cruel measures, or with Bankruptcy. We said no, we asked help from the Russian Government, but unfortunately, they also refused to do so. There was no way to refuse the EUro-mafia plan. However, better late than never, we believe that Russia will eventually help. Otherwise, Russia people will not trust their own governors. Stay connected. Soon , there will be happy news!
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Re: Bail-out agreed!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Mar 29, 2013 10:40 am

seems to be holding firm at about 0.85519 or so after a dip to 0.85397 - lets see what the day brings.
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Re: Bail-out agreed!

Postby DrCyprus » Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:04 am

Helenak wrote:Russian and Cypriots savings holders are put in the corner and they are asked to contribute to the crazy plan of European Euromafia group. I am a Cypriot who has no savings at the Banks, however I have a good salary that it will be cut. Unfortunately, Cypriot and Russian Government were not able to come to an agreement, in order to stop this catastrophe. I pray that there will be a happy end at the end. I believe in God and people that live within God's Love. They will be able to change this crazy situation. There is a plan against Orthodox Christians. It is obvious, however, we must not loose our faith. We have to ask for God's Mercy. We need to cry and regret, to fast and ask forgiveness, for any mistakes of the past. God loves all. If there are any Russians that can communicate with the Russian Government, please lets do it in the right way. The Cypriots have been pushed for years to give up the low tax, to impose restrictions in the Banking system, to sign for an agreement that will send Russian funds, merchants and Russian interests away. We were fighting against all these measures, however, in euro-group Cyprus was threatened either with accepting their cruel measures, or with Bankruptcy. We said no, we asked help from the Russian Government, but unfortunately, they also refused to do so. There was no way to refuse the EUro-mafia plan. However, better late than never, we believe that Russia will eventually help. Otherwise, Russia people will not trust their own governors. Stay connected. Soon , there will be happy news!

Helenak, I'm afraid I have to burst your bubble and inform you that there's no plan against Orthodox Christians. In fact, noone in their right mind cares about Orthodox Christianity. It's all business as usual.

As for the autocefalus orthodox church of Cyprus. They could have helped, but they are just content owning their alcoholic beverage companies and their hotels and fancy cars.
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Re: Bail-out agreed!

Postby CBBB » Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:25 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

It is easy to understand why!

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Re: Bail-out agreed!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:49 pm

Helenak wrote:Russian and Cypriots savings holders are put in the corner and they are asked to contribute to the crazy plan of European Euromafia group. I am a Cypriot who has no savings at the Banks, however I have a good salary that it will be cut. Unfortunately, Cypriot and Russian Government were not able to come to an agreement, in order to stop this catastrophe. I pray that there will be a happy end at the end. I believe in God and people that live within God's Love. They will be able to change this crazy situation. There is a plan against Orthodox Christians. It is obvious, however, we must not loose our faith. We have to ask for God's Mercy. We need to cry and regret, to fast and ask forgiveness, for any mistakes of the past. God loves all. If there are any Russians that can communicate with the Russian Government, please lets do it in the right way. The Cypriots have been pushed for years to give up the low tax, to impose restrictions in the Banking system, to sign for an agreement that will send Russian funds, merchants and Russian interests away. We were fighting against all these measures, however, in euro-group Cyprus was threatened either with accepting their cruel measures, or with Bankruptcy. We said no, we asked help from the Russian Government, but unfortunately, they also refused to do so. There was no way to refuse the EUro-mafia plan. However, better late than never, we believe that Russia will eventually help. Otherwise, Russia people will not trust their own governors. Stay connected. Soon , there will be happy news!

The Russians do no trust their Government in any event: why do so many move their assets and their nearest and dearest out? On a modest official salary and with no other sources of income Putin is reputedly one of the richest men in Russia, if not the world.
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Re: Bail-out agreed!

Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:12 pm

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Re: Bail-out agreed!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:39 pm

Regardless of the spin the "Faraway" king of propaganda puts upon it; he does love his £2 million (in 2009, more now probably) expense account on top of his £64,000 a year salary. :roll:

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