I thought it might be a good idea to submit our own forecast as to who the next 'Pope' will be, I rather fancy 'Foxy Napier' myself BUT, I have put the question to the 'Mexican Scroll' and it HAS returned an answer to the question (in numerical form), I am satisfied with the result of my enquiry and even though it is not quite the same as my own prediction, I am confident that it is going to be THE correct answer at this stage of the proceedings.
However, this 'Election' will be a positive proof of the 'Mexican Scroll's' ability to produce an answer to ANY question put to it, those members that have in the past expressed doubt, will soon learn of their folly in ignoring the facts presented in support of the efficacy of the said 'Scroll' (and it's 'Artifacts').
To those members who are NOT aware of 'The Scroll', I suggest you peruse the contents of a splendid thread initiated by 'repulsewarrior' in which he drew our attention to the extraordinary results of certain 'Archaeological Diggings' in 'Mexico', (elongated and deformed skulls, bones,'The Scroll' and other articles) quite inadvertently opening the floodgates to some very interesting and phenomenal discoveries.
Perhaps I should resurrect the aforementioned thread for the benefit of those who may not have seen it.
Best Wishes to all, I may be away for a few more weeks before returning to Cyprus, (will make contact as and when able) I've heard it all before.