GreekIslandGirl wrote:OK - so you know of someone in Cyprus who has also made it work. Point proven!
There you go twisting and turning others words as normal, like the little troll you are....

I didn't say it worked - read my words again.
If you install solar panels the grid is forced to buy the electricity from you at many times the cost of generating it themselves (you get a cheque from the electricity company and another from the EU).
So if you have a small number of panels you can sell the electricity to the grid, make a load of money and cover the cost of your own electricity.
BUT the taxpayer and other electricity customers pick up the difference.
So it only works when small numbers are doing it...
If the electricity that was produced was paid for at a realistic price (i.e. without a subsidy) the panels would never pay for themselves and nobody would ever install them...
GreekIslandGirl wrote:There are no "tax-payers" subsidies as far as I'm aware - nor are they needed as industry can generate its own profit
You can now consider yourself slightly less ignorant than you were before then...