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Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Demonax » Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:23 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:That's it!! We need results. We are tired of this game of who looks good and who looks bad. They haven't brought us anything of substance

I share your frustration, Pyrpolizer. But the PR game is not without substance. It's about getting your views accepted in the international arena and then getting support for those views in the places of power. Cyprus needs to participate in the diplomatic battle because that is where Turkey has tried to weaken it. It's very important that Cyprus has as much backing for its positions as possible given that traditionally the UK and the US have backed Turkey for strategic reasons.

Let's not forget that Turkey’s entire strategy has been to weaken the sovereignty of the Republic. Partition of the island was only the first step. The second is to control the Republic through some kind of two-state partnership with a TC veto. That was the whole point of the Annan Plan.

The rejection of Annan and subsequent EU entry has been one of the triumphs of Cypriot diplomacy and foreign policy. That doesn’t mean we should become complacent. Turkey is still pursuing the same goal through a 'confederal solution’. It didn’t work in 2004 so why should we give them what they want now?
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Maximus » Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:19 pm

The word solution has been substituted for the word withdrawal and this is why the situation has and can continue to drag on because of the frame which this sets. Negotiating with terrorists and illegitimate 'leaders' with absolutely no credibility will not get the Republic of Cyprus anywhere because it suits the invaders purpose, to play games.

UN security council resolution, after resolution, since 1974 demands of Turkey to withdraw, these are the results that the world must see.
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby boulio » Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:19 pm

Ive said this many times over that the ROC is making a leathel mistake in negotiating with the t/c under the UN.sINCE 2004 THERE HOULD HAVE NOT BEEN ANY NEGOTIATIANS.The ROC should have had a team set up to draw a plan to its tailoring,implementing EU pricipales and UN resoltions on a federal model for a unified cyprus.They should have tackled all aspects of a solution and outlined possible comprimises that the ROC was prepared to make to facilitate a solution.These may have been TEMPORARY DEROGATIONS ETC ETC.Once done they should have submited it to the EU,UN and the turkish side.
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:47 pm

boulio wrote:Ive said this many times over that the ROC is making a leathel mistake in negotiating with the t/c under the UN.sINCE 2004 THERE HOULD HAVE NOT BEEN ANY NEGOTIATIANS.The ROC should have had a team set up to draw a plan to its tailoring,implementing EU pricipales and UN resoltions on a federal model for a unified cyprus.They should have tackled all aspects of a solution and outlined possible comprimises that the ROC was prepared to make to facilitate a solution.These may have been TEMPORARY DEROGATIONS ETC ETC.Once done they should have submited it to the EU,UN and the turkish side.

A good approach Boulio... let's face it, dealing with the Intransigent Two Peoples Two Countries Eroglu has got us nowhere and will get us nowhere.
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Maximus » Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:44 pm

the UN has already proposed the solution, which is that Turkey must withdraw from Cyprus.

any other solution is a solution to benefit Turkey.
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby boulio » Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:02 pm

exactly bill im not saying to recommend a unitary state,but a true federal model.eroglu edrogan downer can go scratch.The ROC COULD HAVE GOTTEN EU advice as to up to were the aquis can be "comprimised"for the sake of a solution could have even done its own canvasing with the refuges and gathered information on truly who wants to return north is a federal state and who dosent who would rather exchage property for tc property in the south then came up with its own proposals on land and return of property.Concering the gurantees of Turkey Greece and GB I READ A great article in politis a few weeks ago about the possibilties that downer may be trying to push a joint EU/NATO STRUCTURE FOR cyprus.maybe could have gone down that avanue for security chapter.
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:04 pm

boulio wrote:Ive said this many times over that the ROC is making a leathel mistake in negotiating with the t/c under the UN.sINCE 2004 THERE HOULD HAVE NOT BEEN ANY NEGOTIATIANS.The ROC should have had a team set up to draw a plan to its tailoring,implementing EU pricipales and UN resoltions on a federal model for a unified cyprus.They should have tackled all aspects of a solution and outlined possible comprimises that the ROC was prepared to make to facilitate a solution.These may have been TEMPORARY DEROGATIONS ETC ETC.Once done they should have submited it to the EU,UN and the turkish side.

Why dont the GCs do this? I tell you why because they do not support a BBF with any sign of equality.
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:05 pm

Maximus wrote:the UN has already proposed the solution, which is that Turkey must withdraw from Cyprus.

any other solution is a solution to benefit Turkey.

And where have that gotten you? nowhere god Maxi you cannot be that thick.
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Maximus » Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:12 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Maximus wrote:the UN has already proposed the solution, which is that Turkey must withdraw from Cyprus.

any other solution is a solution to benefit Turkey.

And where have that gotten you? nowhere god Maxi you cannot be that thick.

Your right VP, its the rule of the jungle in Cyprus's neighborhood. Turkey can just keep on showing the world what a gangster she really is but can you please answer me just one question, Is it because you are Muslims?
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:18 pm

What has religion got to do with anything, you are more effected by your clergy, remember voting yes meant you will burn in hell?

Even if Turkey continues with this so called "gangster" approach what will change? absolutely nothing. Why is it so difficult to understand that the GC politics will never bring a solution, you can collect as many judgement s and resolutions as you wish it does not unite jack shit, it only serve to cement the divide even further. Neither side really desires a solution nor do they have the intelligence to take moves that would bring the two sides together.
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