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Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:32 pm

Maximus wrote:You just dont get it VP.

Try explaining, Im not concerned about numbers, the end result maybe less than 50.000, why is it such a problem? what are you afraid of? and can you confirm that the same rules will be applied to people living in the south?
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby B25 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:47 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Maximus wrote:You just dont get it VP.

Try explaining, Im not concerned about numbers, the end result maybe less than 50.000, why is it such a problem? what are you afraid of? and can you confirm that the same rules will be applied to people living in the south?

This doesn't apply to the south, people into the south are here legally (in the main, except the ones you MFs put through the green line deliberately). Only 'your'side is the illegal one. Now do you get it you moron?
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Kikapu » Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:59 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:

One step at a time Kikapoo, so far we have established that your brilliant EU principles do not cover the current reality of people who have chosen to settle in both south and north Cyprus, therefore we the people of Cyprus have to decide how to treat these people which according to human rights should be just and humanitarian approach;

1.Those married to a Cypriot stay.
2.Those born to a Cypriot mixed marriage stay.
3.Those who arrived and settled on the island more than 10 years stay.
4.Those who have been residing on the island less than 10 years stay with renewable permits which can be cancelled, no voting rights, These people can apply for citizenship after 10 years to be assessed at the federal level by a mixed panel of both TCs and GCs.

These rules should be applicable to the whole island and imho are fair and just.

So in short, everyone stays in your book, which is no different than the AP, so why were you arguing with me on this silly 50,000 numbers? :roll:

Obviously you voted for the AP because it would allow ALL the Illegal Aliens to stay in one form or the other which you yourself have just confessed to in what you want.

By the way, I do not agree with your above list and neither would the GCs and majority of the TCs. Illegal Aliens is Illegal Aliens and they do not have rights to stay no matter how long they have been in Cyprus illegally. Only what the RoC will allow can stay, and their offer has been 50,000, which according to you, so did the AP which you voted for, so 50,000 it is. These would mainly come from in your No. 1 & 2 list above.

How does uprooting people who have lived on the island all their lives in fact longer than fit in with the EU Principles and Human Rights you peddle, we are not off to a good start. Plus the "RoC" decides, you so easily forget that have a stake in the "RoC" so in fact that means what we want also has to be taken into conisderation and not pushed aside like we have always been saying will happen in a united Cyprus...your attitude is a prime example of how GCs think, which is that they have the final word...well ı have news for you its not...we have as much say and I say the approve proposal is fair and humanitarian, but of course that is not what you are after.

Dont forget anyone less than 10 years which is a very high figure will not be a citizen and can be asked to return to where ever they came from humanely, this is applicable to both sides of the island. Now if you want to be practicle and discuss maybe raising the 10 year benchmark, then this would be acceptable but complete refusal of the whole proposal only prves you are not here to compromise or negotiate but constantly pushing your own agenda which is really saying my way or the highway which translates as I do not want a solution.

First I make the statement that the AP would have allowed all the Illegal Aliens to stay in Cyprus which is why you voted YES on the AP, but you denied this and then you make a confession above which is that you do want all the Illegal aliens to stay. Then I stated that you only care the welfare of Turkey and the Illegal Aliens and not the welfare of all Cypriots and Cyprus which you once again denied, but then you write the above which is nothing but the welfare of the Illegal Aliens and not the welfare of Cypriots. I feel like I'm talking with two different VPs and they don't know what the other one is writing. Fukcing unbelievable!

Have you ever heard the term "Charity starts at home"? NO? :shock:

Take care all the Cypriots first before you start helping the Illegal Aliens first! :roll:

Whats so inhumane about the Illegal Aliens going back to their country only 60 miles away. What difference will they encounter going back to Turkey? They will still have mosques to pray in, same language, Ataturks statues and Turkish flags everywhere, Kebab sold everywhere and so on. There is nothing inhumane at for all the Illegal Aliens going back to Turkey or where ever they came from. The only thing they won't have in Turkey is stolen GCs property to live in for free, but even then, Erdogan is building high rises all the time for the poor at cheap cost. In any case, are you not the one who is always telling us that the settlers don't give a shit about the GCs and that with only the TCs the GCs can reach an agreement for a settlement? So why should the GCs and majority of the TCs give a shit about the Illegal Alien settlers? They arrived in Cyprus Illegally, which means vast majority will need to be sent back who do not fall into the 50,000.

The TCs do have a say in agreeing on a settlement, of course, but they have ZERO say on violating other Cypriots Democratic or Human Rights as you did with your "YES" AP vote. Then you said, "Dont forget anyone less than 10 years which is a very high figure will not be a citizen and can be asked to return to where ever they came from humanely". ASKED? So what happens you ask and they say "Screw you"? :lol: Then what? :roll:

Now, if you are saying it is inhumane to send the Illegal Alien settlers back to Turkey because they will face hardship and persecution by their own government, the economic Superpower Turkey, then they can ask for an asylum in the EU. :lol: I'm sure the EU will take their cases very seriously.......not!
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:27 pm

So in short you accept my proposals as long as the figure is no more than 50.000? I need to ask a question what do the GCs fear if this figure was higher? As for those without a residency permit will like all other countries be deported back to their country.
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Lordo » Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:29 pm

i cannot see how you can waste so much time and read all the crap my tsillargazmenos friend writes.
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Kikapu » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:04 pm

Viewpoint wrote:So in short you accept my proposals as long as the figure is no more than 50.000?

Actually, in short, you are accepting the GCs proposal of 50,000, because yours was everyone stays which may be 500,000! :roll:

Viewpoint wrote:I need to ask a question what do the GCs fear if this figure was higher?

I guess the GCs believe you when you say that the Illegal Alien settlers have no love or commonality with the GCs, so why have them around as neighbours.

Viewpoint wrote:As for those without a residency permit will like all other countries be deported back to their country.

They may be given permits to stay on the same percentage ratios as the ones in the 50,000 for the north. Fair is fair don't you think?
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:52 pm

Actually, in short, you are accepting the GCs proposal of 50,000, because yours was everyone stays which may be 500,000! :roll:

So you have no problem ripping children away from the parents due to a 50.000 quota surely we should apply more humane criteria but for the sake of compromise I would request that certain cases be assessed at the federal level by a committee of both TCs and GCs.

I guess the GCs believe you when you say that the Illegal Alien settlers have no love or commonality with the GCs, so why have them around as neighbours.

So if we feel the same about the GCs will you send the all back to Greece?

They may be given permits to stay on the same percentage ratios as the ones in the 50,000 for the north. Fair is fair don't you think?

OK but what if a workforce is necessary?
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby bigOz » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:54 pm

The TCs are just as disturbed about the illegal settlers and the amount of citizenships handed out in favour of votes in TRNC! They will be more than happy to cooperate with the GCs on the issue and keep here only those who settled 30-40 years ago and had their children / grand children born in Cyprus. This they can and will only do if the GCs agree on a form of Federal Republic that would guarantee the security of the TCs. To ask any TC or even debate about numbers is akin with being a traitor in the North! There is a lot of restlessness amongst the TCs including the offspring of those who settled here soon after the 74 war - about the overwhelming presence of illegal mainlanders who constantly participate in crimes never heard of in Cyprus before.

Unfortunately, so far the attitude of many big (dick) headed GCs has been that TCs are carpet beggars not worth even talking to. Of course not all GCs think that way, but as I said in many of my posts many moons ago, GCs MUST get rid of the vermin and talk to us at the same level to find a true solution in our island for the benefit and prosperity of all!
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby DT. » Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:00 pm

bigOz wrote:The TCs are just as disturbed about the illegal settlers and the amount of citizenships handed out in favour of votes in TRNC! They will be more than happy to cooperate with the GCs on the issue and keep here only those who settled 30-40 years ago and had their children / grand children born in Cyprus. This they can and will only do if the GCs agree on a form of Federal Republic that would guarantee the security of the TCs. To ask any TC or even debate about numbers is akin with being a traitor in the North! There is a lot of restlessness amongst the TCs including the offspring of those who settled here soon after the 74 war - about the overwhelming presence of illegal mainlanders who constantly participate in crimes never heard of in Cyprus before.

Unfortunately, so far the attitude of many big (dick) headed GCs has been that TCs are carpet beggars not worth even talking to. Of course not all GCs think that way, but as I said in many of my posts many moons ago, GCs MUST get rid of the vermin and talk to us at the same level to find a true solution in our island for the benefit and prosperity of all!

Thas' right
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Re: Anastasiades extends a hand to the T/Cs

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:00 pm

...i don't doubt that soon, there will be forces in the north who will demonstrate their opposition to the present regime; elections and all.

there may be within these cores, individuals who see that Cyrpus first is possible, already forces in Labour are organising with their counterparts in the south. with the Republic in such a weakened state, we can expect from Erdogan many efforts to increase the level of stress it is suffering, it will be an intention with the aim to end any possible expression of Cypriots toward their own unique identity (dividing them as "Greeks" and "Turks"). and as a result, given the chaos in the north as well, an opportunity for all island dwellers to question authority as it is, to raise the Cypriot Flag (as a grass root movement), instead.

...only recently were the gates opened, the dialog begun, Turkish troops out of Cyprus, is not a Greek expression, Asiktir.
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