DrCyprus wrote:You sir are a heretic, for long have I studied and devoured every bit of knowledge within the Mexican scroll and I am its only true apostle.
This being my first opportunity to view the 'Forum' these latter days (somewhat perplexed about the recent 'Banking Fiasco'), I feel compelled to own to the accusation of being an 'Heretic' since there is much in my contributions to various subjects which would support such a claim.
However, if one considers the 'TRUE' meaning of the word (and it's closest interpretations), I suggest it would be quite difficult to contribute to many current worldwide discussions (particularly in the realm of 'Politics') without being exposed to such characterisation unless one is wholly prepared to accept ALL of the recent displays of 'Piety' and 'Integrity' presented to the masses which congregated to 'Honour' those who are in control of one's life.
I consider it to be a grievous offence to ridicule the 'Faith' of others BUT, with equal fervour would defend the right of an 'Heretic' to remain so.
One should always be aware of the fact that there are people (throughout the world) who have little else, other than their 'Faith', to sustain them as they eke out their meagre existences in the face of great fury and opposition, WE should never forget our own good fortune IF we are free of such burden.
As to 'The Scroll', were you 'TRULY' a student of it's knowledge, there would have been no reason for your initial enquiry and certainly NO opportunity for your frivolous attempt to introduce 'Levity' to the extremely serious subject of 'Scientific and Archaeological' exploration.
When I have a little more time (and have settled in) I may expand the subject further, until then, my best wishes to ALL you good folk.....Schnauzer.