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A different kind of Greek history

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Re: A different kind of Greek history

Postby barouti » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:04 pm

Cap wrote:Although I don't hold the modern Greek state in high regard, not many people do I'm afraid.. I've always wondered where GR's anti Greece attitudes emanate from.
When and where was the defining moment of epiphany?

I'm like so in and out of this forum that the bans imposed on me... :twisted: ...dont really have that much impact on my posting, and so do easily forget who is a Greek, a Turco-Mongolian or a Limey retiree, so my guess, Cap, is your the latter. Anyway, Get Real is an idiot. He is to be laughed at and not taken seriously. To do so will put you at the same par as Stud-Muffin, and that can't be too good. Question: When did Kyproi stop being Greeks? Answer: When Get Real and that other moron (who's nic seriously eludes me) with the confused Simon Pegg avatar discovered their "genious" alter-egos could be expressed in this forum. Now, the neo-Cypriot "identity" is really no different from the mainland's "neo-Hellenic", ie modern Greeks are really an amalgamation of every ethnic group in the Balkans and East Med, may it be Albanian, Slav or Phoenician (exclusive to Cyprus btw) basically eveything else but "Greek", whom, according to them, seem to have disappeared though it still hasn't been proven how this happened exactly. It can't be proven because there is a continuum. Even with Cyprus, the neo-Cypriot argument of Hellenization is redundant as it's an historical fact that the island was actually colonized by southern Greeks (like me :D hence why I love my Cypriot brethen). But what we have amongst Leftist (who else) Greeks is an urge to -- let's say-- feel progressive not by fighting corruption and capitalism (as they entirely hail from the upper class Greeks, who are really responsible for Greece and Cyprus economic woes) but living out their revolutionary alter-egos by equating patriotism with nationalism...and considering yourself Greek since time immemorial as being "nationalistic". Don't worry about the average worker struggling now, to fix it means taxing the rich and oh no that certainly can't happen, hence why the anarchists in Greece and Cyprus come from that class. It's about protecting their trust funds.

So we have a two-fold manifest here: Greek sploit brats living their "revolutionary" alter-egos by attacking what they perceive to be nationalism ie pride in our history, and Greek morons such as GR who get to feel "intelligent" by posting what is really Greek self-loathing to the applause of the Turks, Skopians and limeys. Basically it's a by-product of the Internet which offers the opportuniy of the stupid (yep, I'm looking at GR, stud-muffin and you Cap-ota) to -- let's say-- feel intelligent. :D
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Re: A different kind of Greek history

Postby Cap » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:08 pm

I've got a passport that says otherwise. :?
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Re: A different kind of Greek history

Postby Cap » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:13 pm

Brazilians therefore are Portuguese!

Same language.
Same religion.
Same names.

Thanks for pointing that out dude.
I feel so much less confused. :roll:
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Re: A different kind of Greek history

Postby barouti » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:18 pm

Cap wrote:Brazilians therefore are Portuguese!

Same language.
Same religion.
Same names.

Thanks for pointing that out dude.
I feel so much less confused. :roll:

You are quite the selective confused type.

Look at Australia, New Zealand and Cananda....duhhhhhh!!!!!!!
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Re: A different kind of Greek history

Postby Cap » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:21 pm

Former British colonies?

I think you just proved my point Barouti.
And what's this crap about 'Neo Cypriots?
Half a century of independence, and not from Greece, from Britain!
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Re: A different kind of Greek history

Postby DrCyprus » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:55 pm

We are voluntary or involuntary followers and/or remnants of the Eastern Graeco-Roman heritage. Genes aren't a deciding factor on this, the decisions of our great great grandfathers to be assimilated into this culture were.

Now, our duty is to first accept who we were and are, and second to move forward and embrace who we will become.
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Re: A different kind of Greek history

Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:03 pm


Greeks fantasizing an “ancient Hellenia” are laughable, but there is no word yet to describe Cypriots believing that they too have descended from foreign fantasies! :)

The Turks will beat you again, and again, and again… until you learn the hard way to start respecting your self and your country.

Such is the future that awaits you unfortunately… a lot of self-inflicted humiliation as a result of your xenomania.

In the meantime I piss on you for I have no sespect for you, like you're used to being treated!
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Re: A different kind of Greek history

Postby DrCyprus » Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:20 pm

Get Real! wrote:Baroudi,

Greeks fantasizing an “ancient Hellenia” are laughable, but there is no word yet to describe Cypriots believing that they too have descended from foreign fantasies! :)

The Turks will beat you again, and again, and again… until you learn the hard way to start respecting your self and your country.

Such is the future that awaits you unfortunately… a lot of self-inflicted humiliation as a result of your xenomania.

In the meantime I piss on you for I have no sespect for you, like you're used to being treated!

It's rather interesting how you elevate Turkey as some sort of parental figure who wants to give tough love to its Cypriot child. No, they are just another country with interests which are in no way parallel to the interests of your own country.

Being proud to be a Greek or a Turk is bullshit, but loving being one and looking into your heritage and trying to find the commonalities between your culture and that of others is what this century is all about.
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Re: A different kind of Greek history

Postby Cap » Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:46 pm

It's rather interesting how you elevate Turkey as some sort of parental figure who wants to give tough love to its Cypriot child. No, they are just another country with interests which are in no way parallel to the interests of your own country.

We want them out.
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Re: A different kind of Greek history

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:11 pm

Cap wrote:
It's rather interesting how you elevate Turkey as some sort of parental figure who wants to give tough love to its Cypriot child. No, they are just another country with interests which are in no way parallel to the interests of your own country.

We want them out.

The sooner the better. There is no excuse for invasion other than territorial greed.

- Turkey's history is one of genocide; to destroy other cultures and replace them with its own. Why anyone supports them in this goes against human rights.
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