Yes it did!!!!!! You conviniently keep forgetting that it was GC that wanted union with Greece. Not Turks with Turkey.
So what? Union with Greece was our 100% democratic right.
I think it would have fine for Turks to be part of Greece but you have a tradition of cleansing all Greek lands of non Greek citizens. Crete is a perfect example. What do you think would have happened to TC if enosis were achieved Pirates? All Turks to the mainland-that's what. So stop spouting off about democracy and human rights when your record is deplorable at best.
Who have this tradition are the Turks. If they didn't have this tradition they would still be somewhere in Mongolia, not in Mediterranean. As a Turk you should be the last one on ether accusing others about their human rights record. What you give is a theory that never happened. I talk with facts, and the facts say that you are the ones who oppressed us for centuries and you are the ones who performed ethnic cleansing against us. (and against others of course)
The point you fail to see and refuse to accept is that GCs started this conflict and the Turks finished it. Stop making excuses about Ottoman oppression. We are talking about modern history here. You are simply trying to justify the means.
I see. So the centuries of oppression against us are too old and do not count, and the decades of the violations of our human rights that continue until today are excused, and the only thing that counts in history are the 15 years that the GCs have been bad. History is continuous. It doesn't begin and end whenever it suits you.
Where the hell did you come up with this 95%????? Do you have sources or are you again pulling numbers out of your ass to justify your agenda?
Centuries of Ottoman oppression + 3 decades of Turkish Occupation VS 1 decade that the GCs have been bad. Do the math. Prove me wrong by saying that it is not 95% but the 93% of our common history in Cyprus that the Turks were making the mistakes and the crimes.

Please get your head out of your ass and look at reality. Sometimes you sound like an idiot.
Sorry about that. Not all of us can sound as intelligent as you .