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Postby tsukoui » Sun Feb 17, 2013 1:20 pm

This is an interesting interview with Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Club.
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Re: Bilderberg...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:11 am

tsukoui wrote:This is an interesting interview with Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Club.

Can you encapsulate the message in a few words?
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Re: Bilderberg...

Postby kurupetos » Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:15 am

tsukoui wrote:This is an interesting interview with Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Club.

That's a good anti-Zionist post tsukoui. :shock: :D

It's better to post it this way...

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Re: Bilderberg...

Postby tsukoui » Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:59 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
tsukoui wrote:This is an interesting interview with Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Club.

Can you encapsulate the message in a few words?

Daniel Estulin is an investigative journalist who claims to have penetrated the Bilderberg Group. As he says they are not some sort of Jewish/Masonic conspiracy (kurupetos take note) nor Illuminati whatever that means, they are simply the West's most powerful people meeting to decide how they should jointly manage the world. This is natural. They have the power and they want to plan ahead. The problem is not that they make sch plans or execute them, but rather in whose interests and what is their ideology. Daniel Estulin calls their ideology the "Aristocracy of Purpose". Put simply they believe that they are better than the rest of us and represent the pinnacle of humanity that we, the great unwashed, are simply their to serve. They believe that it is only them, the aristocracy, that have worth. They also believe in capitalism. They are the capitalist elite. Those who control capital. The interview discusses some of their plans, population reduction, zero growth, NAFTA and the European Union. The last project, the EU, should be of interest to Grump, except that he seems to support capitalism, so I don't know how he squares his objections with the reality. In other interviews Estulin informs us that the Bilderberg Group have been planning the bankruptcy of nations bringing them under the ownership of corporations, beginning with Greece. In other words, the so called crisis of capitalism is in reality by the design of the capitalists. We are seeing this happen now. Estulin claims they want to take us back to a form of feudalism. This might not be entirely accurate. Rather it is the next stage of capitalism, one world corporation, that Marx predicted. This is why in this so called crisis of capitalism, the capitalists, those who control capital, are in fact getting richer whilst the workers are suffering more and more.
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Re: Bilderberg...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:01 pm

tsukoui wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
tsukoui wrote:This is an interesting interview with Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Club.

Can you encapsulate the message in a few words?

Daniel Estulin is an investigative journalist who claims to have penetrated the Bilderberg Group. As he says they are not some sort of Jewish/Masonic conspiracy (kurupetos take note) nor Illuminati whatever that means, they are simply the West's most powerful people meeting to decide how they should jointly manage the world. This is natural. They have the power and they want to plan ahead. The problem is not that they make sch plans or execute them, but rather in whose interests and what is their ideology. Daniel Estulin calls their ideology the "Aristocracy of Purpose". Put simply they believe that they are better than the rest of us and represent the pinnacle of humanity that we, the great unwashed, are simply their to serve. They believe that it is only them, the aristocracy, that have worth. They also believe in capitalism. They are the capitalist elite. Those who control capital. The interview discusses some of their plans, population reduction, zero growth, NAFTA and the European Union. The last project, the EU, should be of interest to Grump, except that he seems to support capitalism, so I don't know how he squares his objections with the reality. In other interviews Estulin informs us that the Bilderberg Group have been planning the bankruptcy of nations bringing them under the ownership of corporations, beginning with Greece. In other words, the so called crisis of capitalism is in reality by the design of the capitalists. We are seeing this happen now. Estulin claims they want to take us back to a form of feudalism. This might not be entirely accurate. Rather it is the next stage of capitalism, one world corporation, that Marx predicted. This is why in this so called crisis of capitalism, the capitalists, those who control capital, are in fact getting richer whilst the workers are suffering more and more.

Thank you -that is very interesting. Not at all surprising, though, as such a group is an inevitable progression (regression) from globalisation and unregulated capitalism. The Bankers control everything! I long suspected Greece was under such primal attack as they are historically the most outspoken, revolutionary and from where new ideas about terminating such global-fascism will stem.
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Re: Bilderberg...

Postby Get Real! » Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:43 pm

tsukoui wrote:This is an interesting interview with Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Club.

And why would a Cypriot like me be interested in the opinion of a "Daniel Estulin" (never heard of him) on the "Bilderberg Club" (never heard of them)?

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Re: Bilderberg...

Postby kurupetos » Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:16 pm

Get Real! wrote:
tsukoui wrote:This is an interesting interview with Daniel Estulin on the Bilderberg Club.

And why would a Cypriot like me be interested in the opinion of a "Daniel Estulin" (never heard of him) on the "Bilderberg Club" (never heard of them)?


:lol: Silly GR! :cry:
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