Get Real! wrote:Sotos wrote:The traitor is the one who excuses the Turkish occupation. You. I elevate the REAL Cyprus above and beyond everything. In the real Cyprus the majority of the population is Greek. You don't care at all about the real Cyprus. You were raised in a foreign country and you became a foreigner and the "Cyprus" you supposedly care about is something that exists only in your imagination. The real Cyprus is something that you hate that is why you are arguing against real Cypriots like myself.
I am older than you and have lived THE REAL CYPRUS before some idiots who later schooled you, FUCKED UP the real Cyprus because they were instructed to do so by Athens, so don’t come and tell me what the real Cyprus is all about because I was alive and you were not even born then!
In the REAL CYPRUS nobody gives a shit about Greece, in fact they couldn’t even point to it on a map!
Their parents, grand-parents, and great grand-parents were all BORN AND RAISED in the REAL CYPRUS and nobody gave a shit about the imaginary mythologies about an alleged abnormal incident from 3,000 years ago that some idiots implanted in your head!
But even if such an incident had taken place nobody gave a shit after 3,000 years!
If I go even further back to Jack Thomson’s black and white photos of REAL Cyprus I see the REAL CYPRUS once again which has NOTHING to do with Greece.
If I then go further back by another 500 years I see a very Turko-Med-Levant culture that again HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GREECE!!
In fact Greece didn’t even exist at the time so kindly take your baloney elsewhere where you may find some naïve children to convince!
The truth is… YOU ARE THE ONE who doesn’t know the REAL CYPRUS unfortunately!
So your "real" Cyprus is made by uneducated peasants who can't even point Greece on a map. I can point over 90% of the countries on a map and I would be able to point out Greece even if I wasn't Greek. So yeah, uneducated peasants don't know if they are Greeks, or Cypriots or anything else. Their world is their village, they are just slaves with no identity and no clue about their history and that is why foreign imperialists can take advantage of them. But most Cypriots are not uneducated peasants anymore... so maybe it is time that you learned the history of our island instead of talking crap