Sotos wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Sotos wrote:If your interests are all about that one topic then you should frequent a forum that specializes in that one topic. I am sure there must be at least one! That is what I do for specialized topics that I care about. This is a more general forum so respect the rest of us who don't want to sleep eat drink Greek! And what you do is trolling when the message is "anything good is either Greek or has its roots in something Greek"... how are non-Greeks supposed to take such kind of arrogance?
Now that quote, of yours, is a
troll because I never made such a statement. The arrogance comes from your own inferences.
Sotos, I'm sorry if you think a Cyprus forum doesn't need anyone who is interested in the Greek world. Unfortunately, in the
real world that has its parallel to those people who want to destroy any signs of Greek identity from Cyprus.
- Some Brits are doing that in the south and some Turks are doing that in the north ...
I didn't say that you made that exact statement. I said that was the message of many of your posts... and it is

The forum has many people interested in the Greek world including myself... but we have other interests also. The Turks are trying to destroy Hellenism with genocides and ethnic cleansing... and that is the only way to destroy Hellenism. How can any Brit in the south harm our identity? You believe that any Greek will lose his identity because Stud or anybody else wrote some crap in a forum? You are way overestimating them. Their trolling is annoying but they are harmless

So both you and them should stop the trolling and stop annoying each other and the rest of us!!

I completely agree we are just here sharing ideas and not shaking the earth.
If your inferences from what I post are that "anything good is Greek" then that is personal to
you and you shouldn't then beat
me up with your own conclusions. You can argue against the
specific statements I make, as you tried to do earlier (and then worked out there actually
was a Greek root to the word anyway

). But, I don't believe I need to troll stud (why would I ? - he is a simpleton Googler) to enjoy exploring Greek stuff, nor do I set out to do that as I don't actually seek attention and am happy for my posts to NOT be answered. Indeed, my input even here (as in many other areas) was to an "interesting word". It would have stopped there as I enjoyed your subsequent analysis - but then what happened?
Personally, I wish STUD
would stop trolling
me (as in FACT he does troll me) as I actually enjoy the ideas generated by the
Cypriots (perhaps then, STUD feels excluded) and would love to see some of those topics reach a natural conclusion that doesn't include the propaganda from anti-Greek sites that STUD keeps posting. I'm not a specialist on Greek topics so the dabbling here suit(ed) me.