cyprusgrump wrote:I buy loadsastuff from Amazon....
I find the shipping charges on larger items to be most reasonable.
In fact, in my experience it is cheaper to get a larger item (shipped from Germany) than a book or CD shipped from Amazon in the UK.
Buckingham Stock Pot with Stainless Steel Lid 26 cm, 11.8 LSold by: Amazon EU S.a.r.L. £19.14
Item(s) Subtotal: £19.14
Postage & Packing: £2.22
It came in a huge great box!
How long ago was this ? Have you ordered something from Amazon recently ? Because the item from the link above says, when I added it to my cart:
We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order by changing its quantity to 0 and clicking the update button belowI also looked on out of curiosity, could not find anything other than the half that pot: ... UTF8&psc=1Same story, the item cannot be shipped to my current location, only in German instead of English

How do you manage to order ?
[color=#FF0000]Dieser Artikel kann leider nicht an den von Ihnen gewünschten Ort versandt werden. Sie können entweder die Versandadresse ändern oder den Artikel aus Ihrer Bestellung löschen, indem Sie die Stückzahl auf 0 setzen und anschließend auf "Aktualisieren" klickenP.S. Found another pot that was sold by instead of other sellers, this one, ... B0002TSDNU , added that to my cart to test it and the "Verpackung & Versand" (Postage and packaging came to: EUR 12,26. It's a total mistery how you ordered yours, much bigger item with less than 3 quid postage