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why Israel succeeds and Cyprus fails

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why Israel succeeds and Cyprus fails

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:02 am ... A.facebook

"....The twins of innovation and entrepreneurship, expressed in innovative enterprise, are the only tools that could sustainably get us out of the economic recession and set us on the road to recovery and growth. The technological and business innovation is the ultimate source of productivity growth and competitiveness. Israel has a fraction of the resources per capita we have and fewer than almost any other country in the world and yet it has managed to become the start-up nation of the world; it thrives in the midst of economic crises, while we wander about aimlessly unable to pay even people’s wages.
Israel, with its technological sophistication and business acumen, has not only survived in an area surrounded by enemies that threatened it's very existence, but also became the envy of the developed countries of Europe and America. Israel has more companies listed on the NASDAQ, the second largest stock exchange in the world. In per capita terms, Israel has more startups than any other country and attracts 30 times more venture capital than the whole of Europe.
The Israelis attribute their tremendous technological, business and economic success to the lack of natural resources and to the 300 mln Arabs and Iranians that threaten their very existence. Cyprus is facing similar threats to its national survival but we do not see such dedication and effort to raise our international competitiveness through research, innovation and entrepreneurship...."
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Re: why Israel succeeds and Cyprus fails

Postby Maximus » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:24 am

The US has donated $115 billion in foreign aid to Israel since World War II, making it the largest post-war recipient of aid.

Since the 1990s, nearly all US aid to Israel has been in the form of military assistance to maintain its "qualitative military edge" over the country's Arab neighbors. That basically means giving the Israeli military better training and equipment to compensate for their defecit in troop numbers. It was not until 2007 that the US stopped Israel's economic grants, but this was a staggerring amount on a per capita basis also.

Israel has a huge edge and without recieving similar assistance, it is too difficult and nearly impossible for Cyprus, with a population 1/8th of her size, to keep up.
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Re: why Israel succeeds and Cyprus fails

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:56 pm

Oceanside50 quoted a part of an article in the Financial Mirror:

Israel has a fraction of the resources per capita we have and fewer than almost any other country in the world and yet it has managed to become the start-up nation of the world; it thrives in the midst of economic crises, while we wander about aimlessly unable to pay even people’s wages.

Do you actually believe all this rubbish?

Your perception is incorrect! If Cyprus had even a fraction of the $8.3 MILLION A DAY aid the US gives Israel, Cyprus would be richer than any other country in the EU. The US still gives this aid to date (it did not cease in 2007) and, unlike that given to other recipients of US aid, the Israeli’s get it all up front the whole $2.3 billion, whilst others get it in dribs and drabs over time. In addition the US also provides them with about $7M a day in free military hardware. Israel is also well known for taking US military equipment and back engineering it to produce an Israeli version and then they sell it on the open arms market. This saves them billions in development costs.

This may explain the financial facts to you more accurately:

The Israelis attribute their tremendous technological, business and economic success to the lack of natural resources and to the 300 mln Arabs and Iranians that threaten their very existence.

Taking into account the above financial support from the US, the rest of this is nothing more than propaganda! It may interest you to know that Iran has never said it wanted to ‘....wipe Israel off the map.’ as the popular illusion goes. So the existential threat to Israel from Iran is crap and just a very convenient mistranslation which has served Netenyahu and successive Israeli Zionist Governments well. The incorrect translation was corrected within days of Ahmadinejad’s speech to the UN but the MSM decided it was not worth writing about, so the myth persists. The fairy tale of Iran’s nuclear weapons programme is also an Israeli myth as both the US and Israeli security services say they have found no evidence to support the charge. The IAEA have likewise come up with no evidence. The perceived nuclear threat to Israel or any other nation, is the product of an overactive Zionist imagination.

The US and Israel are a single entity! The capital city of the USA is Tel Aviv and the following links prove that very clearly.

The U.S. - House of Representatives of the 112th Congress Passes Stealth Legislation on the 9th May 2012.......... but nobody has yet informed the American people just what they are now committed to!

Effectively, the US is committed to go to war on Israel’s behalf ........ that means if Israel initiates a pre-emptive and unprovoked attack on Iran, Iran retaliates and if the Israeli’s even look like getting a hammering, then the US is committed to attacking Iran to protect Israel. This will happen within minutes of Iran’s retaliation, which is one reason Iran would not strike back because they would have absolutely nothing to gain but total annihilation. They would rely upon the backing of the rest of the World when it turned on Israel and its US puppet as being the only existential threat on this planet to the rest of the World!!!!!

US Bill # 4133
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Re: why Israel succeeds and Cyprus fails

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:43 am

Robin Hood wrote:Oceanside50 quoted a part of an article in the Financial Mirror:

Israel has a fraction of the resources per capita we have and fewer than almost any other country in the world and yet it has managed to become the start-up nation of the world; it thrives in the midst of economic crises, while we wander about aimlessly unable to pay even people’s wages.

Do you actually believe all this rubbish?

Your perception is incorrect! If Cyprus had even a fraction of the $8.3 MILLION A DAY aid the US gives Israel, Cyprus would be richer than any other country in the EU. The US still gives this aid to date (it did not cease in 2007) and, unlike that given to other recipients of US aid, the Israeli’s get it all up front the whole $2.3 billion, whilst others get it in dribs and drabs over time. In addition the US also provides them with about $7M a day in free military hardware. Israel is also well known for taking US military equipment and back engineering it to produce an Israeli version and then they sell it on the open arms market. This saves them billions in development costs.

This may explain the financial facts to you more accurately:

The Israelis attribute their tremendous technological, business and economic success to the lack of natural resources and to the 300 mln Arabs and Iranians that threaten their very existence.

Taking into account the above financial support from the US, the rest of this is nothing more than propaganda! It may interest you to know that Iran has never said it wanted to ‘....wipe Israel off the map.’ as the popular illusion goes. So the existential threat to Israel from Iran is crap and just a very convenient mistranslation which has served Netenyahu and successive Israeli Zionist Governments well. The incorrect translation was corrected within days of Ahmadinejad’s speech to the UN but the MSM decided it was not worth writing about, so the myth persists. The fairy tale of Iran’s nuclear weapons programme is also an Israeli

myth as both the US and Israeli security services say they have found no evidence to support the charge. The IAEA have likewise come up with no evidence. The perceived nuclear threat to Israel or any other nation, is the product of an overactive Zionist imagination.

The US and Israel are a single entity! The capital city of the USA is Tel Aviv and the following links prove that very clearly.

The U.S. - House of Representatives of the 112th Congress Passes Stealth Legislation on the 9th May 2012.......... but nobody has yet informed the American people just what they are now committed to!

Effectively, the US is committed to go to war on Israel’s behalf ........ that means if Israel initiates a pre-emptive and unprovoked attack on Iran, Iran retaliates and if the Israeli’s even look like getting a hammering, then the US is committed to attacking Iran to protect Israel. This will happen within minutes of Iran’s retaliation, which is one reason Iran would not strike back because they would have absolutely nothing to gain but total annihilation. They would rely upon the backing of the rest of the World when it turned on Israel and its US puppet as being the only existential threat on this planet to the rest of the World!!!!!

US Bill # 4133

The essay is about the culture that pervades in Cyprus concerning start ups and is an excerpt on authority from the essay
In Israel, if you're the manager your authority will be constantly challenged: why should you be the manager of me and not me the manager of you and, therefore, you must be constantly proving by your decisions and actions that you deserve the position you hold. Even army officers are being challenged by their soldiers. Blind obedience is not required; actually it is frowned upon.
In Cyprus the opposite is true. Many of the officers of security forces and managers in the wider public sector and even the private sector, have obtained their position by political favour and connection or based on the number of years of service and not through their own merit. It is, then, not surprising that they impose their authority by discipline rather than earn it with their performance. Their subordinates know that the only way to climb the ladder is to follow their example, buttering up their superiors and investing in personal and party connections and not in performance and creativity.
In contrast to the usual practice in Cyprus, in Israel subordinates do not run to their superiors to solve problems, but they assume the risk and the responsibility to invent imaginative solutions in real time and on the go. Textbook answers are discouraged and imaginative solutions are sought. Thus, most innovations are bottom-up, not top-down.

I have an acquintance who is an MP of the Cyprus government, back when he was fresh out of college and he told me about his plans to be elected and to become a politician, I jokingly asked him, how long would it take you to become President of Cyprus, his response was to the effect that, age is everything in Cyprus and basically it would take him many years of public service for him to even think of running for the presidency.

Excuses all excuses, Cyprus has one of the lowest R/D per capita in all of the Eu a mere .46% of GDP (2009)... ... -data.html

but has increased since 2004 by almost 50% and the nations policy makers recognize the importance of R/D spending and how it directly correlates to economic growth ... icy-cyprus
While traditional technology, specialisation in services and small firms continue to dominate the productive sector there is a visibly increasing interest and government effort to nurture the technology and innovation system. R&D support has been organised and improved significantly over the last five years and has made some timid steps towards sensitising the business sector and raising BERD. The main agency implementing research policy (the Research Promotion Foundation -RPF) is constantly improving its performance and increasing its budget, whereas the Planning Bureau, responsible for policy design, is also increasing its emphasis on R&D.

and from what it looks like the increase in R/D funding has already produced results particularly in solar from the Cyprus Institute ... ation.html
With increased funding for research and development Cyprus could see tremendous growth for instance in agriculture. Incentives by the government could also bring back many entrepreuneurs with specialized skills from the diaspora. Property development ie..hotel building, house building to attract tourist and Brits (who buy these houses)to Cyprus is done and over with. For an economy to survive in todays world it needs to innovate and produce.

From my undersanding the Israelis were using the desert for developing their agricultural technology back in the 1950's long before any significant aid from the usa came to them. I wouldnt say that the military aid they have gotten had an impact on their economy but rather being innovative and allowing the youth to create has
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