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Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

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Re: Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:20 pm

i have just seen a GiG post vanish before my eyes....

there are however a number of factors suggesting the rule of law is tenuous including for example increasing disregard for red traffic light, the resorting to bombs to settle disputes, increasing numbers of murders, a police force which is now crticised by el Prez for violence ,and where there are many stories about connections some have to cover up their crimes and car accidents etc , of the immigration department where even legal immigrants get hassle, despite EU law, and no I am not going to compare and contrast with the UK as here is where I live and want my Children to grow up and above all because this a Cyprus forum not uk forum.
Last edited by supporttheunderdog on Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:24 pm

Yes - I just deleted it because I am fed up with your trashy, trolling, colonialist anti-Cypriot stuff.
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Re: Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:51 pm

I think you deleted it because you knew you had gone to far....5
The truth hurts doesnt it' and telling the truth is not racist. I live here and work and talk with Cypriots - i hear what thay say about eg police corruption, (I knew Lallas, and was horrified when I found out what he was into, after he was murdered) the neoptism, a court service described as unfit for purpose, the difference between me and them is I am prerpared to be a bit more vocal about the problems ,,,, perhaps as an incomer I also have an alternative view which is not blinkered and my little Star, I think you are blinkred, in denial about the faults.

The problems will however not be solved unless they are adressed and I want them solved so I will talk about them.
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Re: Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

Postby cyprusgrump » Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:42 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:I think you deleted it because you knew you had gone to far....5
The truth hurts doesnt it' and telling the truth is not racist. I live here and work and talk with Cypriots - i hear what thay say about eg police corruption, (I knew Lallas, and was horrified when I found out what he was into, after he was murdered) the neoptism, a court service described as unfit for purpose, the difference between me and them is I am prerpared to be a bit more vocal about the problems ,,,, perhaps as an incomer I also have an alternative view which is not blinkered and my little Star, I think you are blinkred, in denial about the faults.

The problems will however not be solved unless they are addressed and I want them solved so I will talk about them.

Excellent post...

That is why GIG has little credibility on this board - she simply will not accept that Cyprus (and Greece) are not perfect in every way...

Even when and ex-pat reported that their dog had been poisoned (a big problem) she accused them of doing it themselves... :roll:
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Re: Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:42 am

cyprusgrump wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I think you deleted it because you knew you had gone to far....5
The truth hurts doesnt it' and telling the truth is not racist. I live here and work and talk with Cypriots - i hear what thay say about eg police corruption, (I knew Lallas, and was horrified when I found out what he was into, after he was murdered) the neoptism, a court service described as unfit for purpose, the difference between me and them is I am prerpared to be a bit more vocal about the problems ,,,, perhaps as an incomer I also have an alternative view which is not blinkered and my little Star, I think you are blinkred, in denial about the faults.

The problems will however not be solved unless they are addressed and I want them solved so I will talk about them.

Excellent post...

That is why GIG has little credibility on this board - she simply will not accept that Cyprus (and Greece) are not perfect in every way...

Even when and ex-pat reported that their dog had been poisoned (a big problem) she accused them of doing it themselves... :roll:

this is a nonsequiter if ever i saw oen

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Yes - I just deleted it because I am fed up with your trashy, trolling, colonialist anti-Cypriot stuff.

and now I see she waited till about 4 in the morning UK time to post some trashy, trolling, anti-Britsish stuff: a further blow to her credibilty as whatever claims she has to the moral high ground have vanished with that petty tit for tat post. (and she has the termerity to call me a racits - pots and kettels come to mind... .)

It otherwise seems all she is increasingly capable of is evasions and abuse
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Re: Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

Postby cyprusgrump » Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:19 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I think you deleted it because you knew you had gone to far....5
The truth hurts doesnt it' and telling the truth is not racist. I live here and work and talk with Cypriots - i hear what thay say about eg police corruption, (I knew Lallas, and was horrified when I found out what he was into, after he was murdered) the neoptism, a court service described as unfit for purpose, the difference between me and them is I am prerpared to be a bit more vocal about the problems ,,,, perhaps as an incomer I also have an alternative view which is not blinkered and my little Star, I think you are blinkred, in denial about the faults.

The problems will however not be solved unless they are addressed and I want them solved so I will talk about them.

Excellent post...

That is why GIG has little credibility on this board - she simply will not accept that Cyprus (and Greece) are not perfect in every way...

Even when and ex-pat reported that their dog had been poisoned (a big problem) she accused them of doing it themselves... :roll:

this is a nonsequiter if ever i saw oen

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Yes - I just deleted it because I am fed up with your trashy, trolling, colonialist anti-Cypriot stuff.

and now I see she waited till about 4 in the morning UK time to post some trashy, trolling, anti-Britsish stuff: a further blow to her credibilty as whatever claims she has to the moral high ground have vanished with that petty tit for tat post. (and she has the termerity to call me a racits - pots and kettels come to mind... .)

It otherwise seems all she is increasingly capable of is evasions and abuse

I think she sometimes sees Cyprus through rosé tinted spectacles... :wink:
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Re: Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:28 am

There are many Stavrakides still out there and doing worse things then he did,while wearing the uniform. 25 years ago everyone turned a blind eye to the illegal gambling and loansharking, which has led to drugs and smuggling of Turkish grenades that these people use against each other. Today , with the economic downturn , and cash money in short supply these people are breaking into homes to steal or to rob people at gunpoint/knifepoint and at times killing because of drugs,unheard of things in the past. These crimes aren't done by migrants or illegals but by Cypriots,(who probably are stoned) who owe money to their loansharks. Denying the truth because of embarrassment is a Cypriot trait that needs to be unlearned, its in the culture to view trickery and avoidance as a strength, but in today's modern society it comes across as a show of weakness and insecurity.
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Re: Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:36 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote: ... and now I see she waited till about 4 in the morning UK time to post some trashy, trolling, anti-Britsish stuff: a further blow ....

Condemned with your own words!

You admit this thread is intentionally anti-Cypriot!

I (deliberately) posted the direct equivalent (though the Brits do go a few shocking steps worse than others) in an existing Politics thread (i.e. non-General Chat) to see your reaction ... (you lab rat :lol: ) ... ten-claims

It was yesterday's Guardian's exact equivalent to what you started a thread about here in General Chat! I have proved my point.

By your own recognition, this thread is a trashy, trolling anti-Cyprus topic.
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Re: Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

Postby cyprusgrump » Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:17 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote: ... and now I see she waited till about 4 in the morning UK time to post some trashy, trolling, anti-Britsish stuff: a further blow ....

Condemned with your own words!

You admit this thread is intentionally anti-Cypriot!

I (deliberately) posted the direct equivalent (though the Brits do go a few shocking steps worse than others) in an existing Politics thread (i.e. non-General Chat) to see your reaction ... (you lab rat :lol: ) ... ten-claims

It was yesterday's Guardian's exact equivalent to what you started a thread about here in General Chat! I have proved my point.

By your own recognition, this thread is a trashy, trolling anti-Cyprus topic.

It doesn't say what you claim at all! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Where does it say it is anti-Cypriot - apart from in your mind...? :roll:
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Re: Collapse of the rule of law in Cyprus?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:42 pm

It's right there inherent in what he has said about an equivalent post.

Same paper (The Guardian).

Same topic (deportation).

Same week.

Different countries!

- The process demonstrates his hypocrisy.

(Are you capable of applying information or do you need a word for word explanation?)
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