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Identity politics, the central contradiction...

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Identity politics, the central contradiction...

Postby tsukoui » Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:05 am

There are contradictions in the world. We struggle daily to remove them from our edifices. Logic permits no contradictions, or rather logic is useless in the face of contradictions, for from a contradiction, everything follows, thus truth and falsehood become indistinguishable. Even logics which explicitly allow contradictions, the so called paraconsistent logics, end up building edifices from which contradictions imply nothing substantial that could not be deduced without them. In fact the paraconsistent logics only serve to explicitly label the contradictions that we already know exist from the meta perspective. And we know contradictions exist. Both the Axiom of Choice and the Axiom of Determinism are consistent with the Zemelo-Fraenkal axioms of Set Theory, yet to have both is a contradiction. For a mathematician the solution is to have two worlds, one with the Axiom of Choice and one with the Axiom of Determinism, but from a meta perspective, the perspective of one world, we have both, and logic fails. Why is this important? It is just mathematics surely. Well no, because contradictions lie at the heart of identity in the real world. The contradiction between you and me. Where do I end and you begin and vice versa. This contradiction is a physical fact as anyone who has studied quantum theory knows. The world is infinitely divisible. And infinity is where the contradiction comes in, if not explicitly then from a meta perspective. If we divide up the space between us we find contradictions. This is as true of the physical space as of the cultural space. Thus we are led to identity politics. But wait, I hear you say, what about dialectical logic, surely here is a logic that deals with contradictions. Well yes, but dialectical logic does not build edifices. It does not build egos, it describes them. Change comes about through contradictions. Thesis and anti-thesis battle it out until the negation of the negation occurs and one transcends the difference through synthesis. This is the process that we find ourselves in. Some of us are stuck in the dialectic of "Greek" and "Turkish" battling it out whilst others have reached a synthesis of "Cypriot". Some of us are stuck in the dialectics of "race" whilst others have reached the synthesis of being "human". But if we look closely, each of our syntheses are different. We are not all the same. We are diverse. We still have the central contradiction of identity. I am not you and you are not me. Only great mystics can truly transcend these boundaries and become one with another at will, though some of us can reach that stage with our partners. In both cases the key is love. Our egos are the enemy of love. They seek to divide the world, order it, shape it, bend it to their will. Yet this is not in itself bad. It is simply part of the process of dialectical change, without which life would be so boring. This is why I have time for the "racists" and "xenophobes" in our midst, for the murderers, the assassins and the terrorists. They are as much a part of my ego as anything else. They are the anti-thesis to which I pose my thesis, until in the ultimate synthesis, we return to God.
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Re: Identity politics, the central contradiction...

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:04 am

good post.

we can identify in the movement of men like Gandhi, and Martin Luther King if we choose to, or Hitler and the KKK, but one thing is certain so far, each and everyone of us is unique, (even in our genetic makeup), if it were, we could be counted, although in terms of growth i hope we are unlike bacteria, or yeasts, who grow until they choke themselves on their own waste. it is good, reason, and we are slaves to it, our friction seems like an evolution to their higher state, unlike the birds, other animals, plants and trees who seem able without it to live in harmony with the nature of this planet. so too even the earth itself a giving place where rocks become mountains by way of becoming dust, with what seems little resistance, that everything dies here, and reborn, nothing is lost, we hope in death a return to a living, Free, as souls, the same, but in other forms on scales we do not know but imagine, without the synthesis of a unity Universal, only so called masters, here on earth, our struggle and the despair for nothing worthwhile; Love, like Light is a power we as yet cannot define, its infinite power eludes us because we value it as a possession where we can keep it or give it as a choice, where as it is not ours to give, it is ours to live.

lol, good-night!
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Re: Identity politics, the central contradiction...

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:08 am

It would be great if a Martin Luther King or Gandhi would sprout oout of Cyprus(the land of saints)...but unfortunately the church is more interested in its own survival and its rhetoric is more devisive then inclusive. If there were someone to come out in the form of Gandi or Mandela or Martin Luther King the church would be quick to discredit him/her.
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Re: Identity politics, the central contradiction...

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:26 am

...why depend on the church, you are that saviour, at least you must try.

...if anything, these men have shown us it is possible.
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Re: Identity politics, the central contradiction...

Postby DrCyprus » Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:55 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:It would be great if a Martin Luther King or Gandhi would sprout oout of Cyprus(the land of saints)...but unfortunately the church is more interested in its own survival and its rhetoric is more devisive then inclusive. If there were someone to come out in the form of Gandi or Mandela or Martin Luther King the church would be quick to discredit him/her.

It doesn't happen to be one individual. It can be a collective of individuals... and if they work together they can influence and guide the rest to that ideal safety of finding a Cypriot identity beyond Greece and Turkey.
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