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Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

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Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:05 am

Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC"

We've been hearing about a scheme to bring water from Turkey to the Occupied Areas for the past some fifteen years.

It's a scheme that's had more "ground-breaking" ceremonies with the usual flag-waving than we've had hot dinners.

In the past few moths we have again seen reports of "groundbreakings" at a dam site in Turkey and at Occupied Panagra, Kyrenia District.

Reports are contradictory as to how the water will cross the 70 miles of the Mediterranean, with some saying that it will lie in on the sea-bed at depths of over 1000m surviving the huge pressures down there and others saying that it'll be floated at depths of 100-250m suspended with cables below a large number of surface-floating rafts in a never seen before anywhere in the World sort of way.

Well, submerging it at those depths will get it out of the way of shipping, if the boats can avoid the floats on the surface and the floats survive winter storms, but it puts the pipe-line directly in the line of the undersea Med water circulation that runs east past Egypt, north past Israel and Lebanon and then west between CY and Turkey... a circulation of billions of tons of water a day that's at its max at exactly the same 100-250m water depth as the pipeline.

Now, the firm that it is claimed will be fabricating the pipeline is the Turkish firm Firat, who work in association with the German firm Cincinnati Extrusions gmbh. These firms, to be fair, did succeed in laying a 3 mile water pipeline on the sea-bed across the relatively shallow Bosphorus with a PVC pipe of 10cm wall thickness but that's a far cry from doing it across the 70 miles of open ocean from Turkey to CY...!!!

Then there are claimed completion dates which don't match up in that the work on the reservoirs/dams and an upgraded water distribution system in the Occupied Areas it is said will take three-four years to complete, yet the ever-optimistic "authorities" in "trnc" claim the whole system will be up and running in fifteen months time, with the sea section of the pipeline taking a mere three months during the calm-water period of the Summer to lay...!!!

It's all very curious.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:41 pm

It is a propaganda nonsense.
It is not impossible to build such a pipeline, the question is what will be the cost of building,cost of energy required for pushing the water 70 miles away, and the costs of maintenance. Summing them all up -and I am sure they already did all those calculations- may end up to say $4-5 per ton, which is certainly much higher than desalinating sea water :wink:
It certainly is economically worthy for petrol, or gas, but not for water!

So there goes away their dream to flood the occupied with water, and hence make it a paradise for millions of peasant settlers :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Lordo » Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:59 pm

errrrrm gravity. i thought you greeks had a eureka moments but i think it bypassed youand so will the water when it does come.

i am now seriously doubting your ilkokul diploma. who ever you paid the money to i would ask for it back.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:16 pm

Lordo wrote:errrrrm gravity. i thought you greeks had a eureka moments but i think it bypassed youand so will the water when it does come.

i am now seriously doubting your ilkokul diploma. who ever you paid the money to i would ask for it back.

Someone tell Lordo that gravity has got nothing to do with the alleged transport...!!!

... and that if he believes and wishes to spread the Lying Propaganda of "trnc" then he really ought to make the effort of actually reading the rubbish...

... cos they claim they will use huge PUMPS...!!! ... :roll:
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:22 am

i know about transfer of water. as a child we used to transfer it for miles. now i can assure the the water does not need pumping down hill not turkish water anyway, however i would not know how greek water would behave. judging by the greek posts here i suspect it would flow uphill. get it. toros mauntains are 3700 meters high whilst monodaktilo mauntains in cyprus is 1000 meters. you dont have to be rocket scientist to realise that water will flow from one to the other. of course that may have to use pupms to raise the water in turkey to a higher altitutde, but it does not need to be pumped. there is always a choice of a dam at 1500 meters at the seaside of toros mauntains and bob my friend will be your uncle.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:32 am

Lordo wrote:i know about transfer of water. as a child we used to transfer it for miles. now i can assure the the water does not need pumping down hill not turkish water anyway, however i would not know how greek water would behave. judging by the greek posts here i suspect it would flow uphill. get it. toros mauntains are 3700 meters high whilst monodaktilo mauntains in cyprus is 1000 meters. you dont have to be rocket scientist to realise that water will flow from one to the other. of course that may have to use pupms to raise the water in turkey to a higher altitutde, but it does not need to be pumped. there is always a choice of a dam at 1500 meters at the seaside of toros mauntains and bob my friend will be your uncle.

Remarkable how far a gcse in woodwork will get you... :roll:
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:07 am

Lordo wrote:i know about transfer of water. as a child we used to transfer it for miles. now i can assure the the water does not need pumping down hill not turkish water anyway, however i would not know how greek water would behave. judging by the greek posts here i suspect it would flow uphill. get it. toros mauntains are 3700 meters high whilst monodaktilo mauntains in cyprus is 1000 meters. you dont have to be rocket scientist to realise that water will flow from one to the other. of course that may have to use pupms to raise the water in turkey to a higher altitutde, but it does not need to be pumped. there is always a choice of a dam at 1500 meters at the seaside of toros mauntains and bob my friend will be your uncle.

The ilk okul graduate has made it again :lol: :lol: Gravity he says...
So they are going to use the pressure deriving from a height of what 3700 meters you said? You my genius in Hydraulics you really deserve a PHD degree :lol: Do you know how much pressure would that cause in a pipeline? I bet you dont! Its 370 bars or 370 atmospheres. If someone points a hose with such hugely compressed water at you, it will penetrate you like a bullet. For your information high pressure water is used today for cutting concrete... (Check the WOMA factory for details)
There are huge problems in using high pressure water in hydraulics though.

a)Not even steel pipes can stand 370 bars of pressure, they will explode at the joints
b)Water becomes vapor at room temperature at high pressure, hence long pipes will get filled up with water vapor and the water won't flow.
c)Even pipelines with city water pressure get filled up with air-and the pressure here is not even 10 bars, and to avoid this problem they use special tricks and devices that cannot be used in the sea.

At best they could save on energy for pushing the water along those 70 miles by building a dam at about 200-300 meters above sea level.
The problem is they have to stop this flow at say every few miles to take the air out, and then use pumps to push it a few miles more, then stop it again, and so on and so forth.
That's not a job for an ilk okul graduate like lordo of course. :wink:
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:28 am

Bad news Pyro... according to reports from a simple Google search the project was launched in 2000 and completed four years ago...

(This published in 2008)

The Anatolian Agency has reported that Turkey hopes to complete construction of an undersea water pipeline to northern Cyprus by June 2009.
The project, which was launched in 2000 following a severe water shortage on Cyprus, aims to pump 75 million cubic metres into Northern Cyprus every year along a 110 kilometre pipeline.
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan had said in July that the government wanted the project to be completed within three years.

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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Lordo » Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:56 am

nobody said go to the top. only muhammed did that. will have to work out the two levels to make it work. do you want me to do it for you.

tell me something i dont know. cutting concrete is for pussies, try steel. now thats for men. drop of water dripping off the tap will cut concrete eventually.

you assholes.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:16 am

(yes, thanks for another valuable contribution Droppo)

Been researching a bit on undersea water pipelines elsewhere in the World and there's nothing on the scale proposed for this pipe-dream of a project.

The nearest are proposals to transport water by pipe-line from rainy Tasmania to Mainland Australia across the Bass Straits.

Cost of these projects proposed over the years are put at between 4 and 11 Billion OZ Dollars for a pipeline that would be three times the length but in just maximum 50m of water and not the 1000m of the sea between CY and Turkey, so they've never been pursued beyond study stages.
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