Viewpoint wrote:God I didnt know you were this naive, the GCs have never wanted to share Cyprus, there have been thousands of posts on this forum from GCs to support this arguement. No GC leader has the will, guts or desire to turn a state which they control 100% to one where they are a federated state. Papacrapadoplus said it all, I will not give up a country for a federated state or words to that effect. Anantaisdesias is no different, the potential is not even an issue they want 100% power, they do not want to share anything. All they are doing is keeping hope alive for refugees who lost land by saying they will get everything back, all they have to do is not die.
I think you mean "Power Sharing" that the GCs don't want, because they see it as undemocratic. It does not mean GCs don't want ALL Cypriots to share/live in the country as equal citizens.