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Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby bill cobbett » Mon May 05, 2014 4:35 pm

The desperate water situation in the Occupied Areas is again making the news up there.

Reservoirs are down to an average of 20.1% of capacity, compared to 63% on the same day last year.

"trnc" has just 3,314,787 cubic meters left in the reservoirs.

Several reservoirs are reported as being completely dried-up.

For turkish-speakers from haberkibris...

"... Ülkedeki göletlerin doluluk oranı, geçen yılın Nisan ayı sonuna göre yüzde 43.2 oranında gerileyerek, yüzde 20.1’e düştü.

KKTC genelindeki 17 göletin doluluk oranı 2013 Nisan sonunda yüzde 63.3 iken, bu yılının Nisan sonunda yüzde 20.1 olarak ölçüldü.

Su İşleri Dairesi Başkanı Turgay Höşsöz, Diyalog’a yaptığı açıklamada, “Özellikle Mesarya bölgesinde içme suyu sağlanan kuyularda büyük düşüşler var, bu sebeple mevcut suyun çok dikkatli kullanılması gerekiyor” uyarısında bulundu.

Bu yıl yağışların az olması nedeniyle KKTC genelinde bulunan 17 adet göletin tuttuğu su oranı oldukça düşük seviyelere indi.

Geçtiğimiz yıl Nisan ayı sonunda yapılan ölçümlerde ortalama doluluk yüzde 63.3 iken bu yıl ayni ayda yapılan ölçümlerde bu oran yüzde 20.1’e düştü.

Yedi tanesi kurudu

KKTC’de bulunan 17 göletin toplam su tutma kapasitesi 16,695,011 metre küptür. Şu anda ise bu göletlerde bulunan su miktarı 3,314,787 metre küp olarak ölçüldü.

Mevcut göletlerden Yılmazköy Polatdere, Değirmenlik Çataldere, Geçitkale Eğridere, Mersinlik Azganlıdere, Gemikonağı Madendere, Haspolat ve Gönendere göletlerinde, su ölçülemez seviyede ya da göletler tamamen kurumuş durumda. Geriye kalan 10 gölette de geçmiş yılın ayni ayında yapılan ölçümlere göre su tutma oranlarında büyük düşüşler gözlemlendi. ..."
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon May 05, 2014 6:32 pm

...sadly, while i read this news, i thought to myself (no management), everything is going to plan; a pipeline, water you say?
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Lordo » Mon May 05, 2014 9:59 pm

once the water arrives there will be no problem at all. we will even sell some to the south.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby kurupetos » Wed May 07, 2014 3:48 pm

Lordo wrote:once the water arrives there will be no problem at all. we will even sell some to the south.

Once the water arrives... take a bath. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:59 pm

speaking of water, and given that this is what came to my mind originally, for your information, plunder, rather than management is apparent Turkish Policy.

Turkey Cuts Euphrates Flow, Affecting Its Neighbors
Published: January 14, 1990

This item appeared in the paper as a stand alone photograph. Caption information is provided below.

President Turgut Ozal of Turkey cut the flow of the Euphrates River yesterday to divert its waters to a reservoir, raising fears of tension with Turkey's downstream neighbors, Syria and Iraq, which will now receive 75 percent less water for one month. Commando forces stood guard on heights in the reservoir area, such as the Ataturk dam, while 10,000 people watched the ceremony at the dam site. (AP)

This time was different from anything it had attempted before and the repercussions of which may bring unprecedented catastrophes onto both Iraq and Syria.

Violating international norms, the Turkish government recently cut off the water supply of the Euphrates River completely. In fact, Ankara began to gradually reduce pumping Euphrates water about a month and half ago, then cut if off completely two weeks ago, according to information received by Al-Akhbar. ... 0%99-water

...indeed, one would have hoped that the power the water had for Cyprus, would be a pipe-line to Peace, across the Middle-East; such was the dream...
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:20 pm

speaking of water, and given that this is what came to my mind originally, for your information, plunder, rather than management is apparent Turkish Policy.

Turkey Cuts Euphrates Flow, Affecting Its Neighbors
Published: January 14, 1990

This item appeared in the paper as a stand alone photograph. Caption information is provided below.

President Turgut Ozal of Turkey cut the flow of the Euphrates River yesterday to divert its waters to a reservoir, raising fears of tension with Turkey's downstream neighbors, Syria and Iraq, which will now receive 75 percent less water for one month. Commando forces stood guard on heights in the reservoir area, such as the Ataturk dam, while 10,000 people watched the ceremony at the dam site. (AP)

This time was different from anything it had attempted before and the repercussions of which may bring unprecedented catastrophes onto both Iraq and Syria.

Violating international norms, the Turkish government recently cut off the water supply of the Euphrates River completely. In fact, Ankara began to gradually reduce pumping Euphrates water about a month and half ago, then cut if off completely two weeks ago, according to information received by Al-Akhbar. ... 0%99-water

read the article, it is most disturbing...

...indeed, one would have hoped that the power the water had for Cyprus, would be a pipe-line to Peace, across the Middle-East; such was the dream...

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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Lordo » Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:11 pm

rw the water agreement between syria iraq and terkey is an agreement of the loosest kind. the syrians and the iraqies are not buying it as far as i am aware. the water for cyprus is a trade, we have to pay for it.

parayi veren dudugu calar as the old saying goes.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:58 pm

i think you miss my point, the water you drink comes from somewhere, like in Syria and Iraq, water is a resource Turkey does not hesitate to take, or to use as a weapon toward her own selfish ends. if someone must suffer of thirst, if there is fighting that turns to bloodshed, what is the cost of this water, even if you pay? what are you trying to say, Lordo? will Turkey sell the water she can capture (back) to the Syrians, and the Iraqis? I mean, why has Turkey made millions hostage to her, why is she withholding (all) the water, no water at all, on such a Humanitarian level? you seem to imagine that you are free from this danger, being "Turkish" enough, I remind you that you are nothing more than parasites, to him, or as you say, servant-slaves.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:21 pm

Yes, speaking of parasites, news yesterday from starkibris, and this is the CY PIO summary, that...

"... E-coli and heavy metals were found in the water coming from Turkey

According to Turkish Cypriot daily Star Kibris (03.06.14), the results of a workshop on “the distribution and project designing of the water coming from Turkey” organized by the self-styled ministry of environment and natural resources were announced yesterday.

According to the report, E-coli and some other heavy metals were shown in the water of the Dragon River that will be carried to the occupied area of the Republic of Cyprus. For this reason, the report says that the drinking water as well as the water for irrigation purposes should be analysed continuously by the “ministry responsible for water affairs”, adding that an accredited laboratory should also be established. ..."

... which must raise the question as to why this water wasn't analysed months and months ago...???

For turkish-speakers this is the first para on this story from kibrisgazzetti, which also reports on the need for monitoring and treatment.

"... Türkiye’den Gelen Suyun Dağıtımı ve Projelendirilmesi Çalıştayı’nın sonuç bildirgesi yayınlandı. Buna göre,
KKTC’ye gelecek suyun kaynağı Dragon çayında E-coli ve bazı ağır metaller tespit edildiği için, arıtma tesisinden çıkan gerek içme ve kullanım suyu ve gerekse tarım suyunu düzenli ve sürekli olarak tarımdan sorumlu ve su işlerinden sorumlu bakanlık tarafından tahlil edilmesi gerektiği vurgulandı. Bu çerçevede, tüm bu işlemler için de akredite laboratuar kurulmasının sağlanması gerektiği belirtildi. ... "

"trnc" hopes for this pipeline further dashed with this statement from Eroglu, again through the CY PIO...

"... Eroglu went on and referred to the water which will be carried from Turkey to the occupied area of Cyprus with undersea pipelines and admitted that there have been some delays in the project which was not completed on 7 March, as it had been earlier announced. He noted that building undersea pipelines was not as easy as they thought it would be and added: “This is not an easy project. They could not work in the winter because the sea was very wavy. However, the water will hopefully flow in September”. ..."
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby MrH » Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:22 pm

The Pipeline is already built - including a few more channels for other services!!!! :D :D

I went to Anamur, in Turkey, not to long ago and the size of the project is incredible - I am pretty sure it's not only for the transportation of Water, alone!!!
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