rw i am not taking about the regime, the embargoes are not hurting the regime, it is the tcs who suffer. and one charlui does most in spreading his poisoneous stupid thoughts. the country is on the verge of split and we still here stupid nonsense how they are going to unify the country in a unitary state.
the time is up for all of use. we have not made a good job of finding a solution that suits as and we could have done when christofias were in power, so we deserve the agreement that is going to be imposed on us soon enough for being so stupid and when i say we i think they know who they are.
I love cyprus but i hear nothing from most of the contributors from this forum that makes me think we can have a settlement.
Whilst some charluis ask the terks to apologise for what they did to the gcs in 74, they completely deny what the gcs did to the tcs from 63 to 74. they can all go to hell.
it seems we will never live with each other again, not with so many gcs mind being poisoned to the extent that it is.