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Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Nikitas » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:58 pm

You are not listening when Akintzi speaks. You get FA for your land. It is his plan. You will apply, they see if you fit in the criteria, and if you do then you must come under one of the 22 headings of relief. Last of which is restitution. You either get what they give you or you get shit. That is the bottom line and it is all Akintzi inspired so he can have his ethnic majority and majority land ownership in the north.

Get used to it. More of the same is coming down the pike.

Your EU citizenship, presumably due to your British passport, means nothing in Cyprus, it will mean even less post BBF.

The trouble with you BBFrs. is that you think that when it happens BBF will make your dreams come true. It will not.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Lordo » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:01 pm

you clearly do not know your own laws. asshole.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:58 pm

Sadly, years and years on a pipe dream, and very little known about the costs of water, that is "free".

Thirst is not the issue, neither is capacity it seems, because (at less cost) these could have been solved by now, it's profit; especially since 75% of the water is slated to grow cucumbers in the Karpas by an ever growing population of "Turks" from the mainland.

What of water desalination? What of water conservation? What of the upkeep to existing infrastructure where it's reported that 40% of the clean drinking water is lost from leaking pipes. Indeed, the 'new' pipes will not leak, but for how long (who will build them); and then? When is also a good question, too...

...but it is a little late for all that. In the realpolitik of things, Erdogan needs to score, now. What with the situation as it is, Cypriots are badly served by the efforts Turkey has made. So too, Turkey's reputation. In affect, it reflects badly on the occupation regime with what it has demonstrated as a partner (as "Turks", and as Cypriots). And at this moment, no one is drinking the water yet, thus the water has no real value except political, even the point of transfer is under dispute.

Frankly, I think that he (Erdogan,) will "gift" the water to the Republic, to own and to manage, and in the process, recognise Cypriots as Cypriots, ridding himself of the "Turks" who represent a burden to him by being unable to sustain themselves, promoting a sea-change of world opinion toward Turkey, gaining from the recognition and respect of Cypriots, a new ally, as well the possibility of better relations with Greece, Israel (and Egypt), and the EU.

...Peace water, let's see. ... -problems/

fresh water dumped into the sea...
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Nikitas » Tue Dec 15, 2015 8:12 pm

The water thing is confusing. The flow is halted, for unknown reasons, that is the only verifiable fact.

Lordo, I know our laws. They will change post solution at the insistence of the TC administration, they will not let you register as anything other than TC to inflate their population numbers. In the case of a formal partition you will be stripped of your Cyprus nationality. Every type of solution has its pluses and minuses. The more I look at forums the more I see the pluses in full partition and the minuses in BBF.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed Dec 16, 2015 4:31 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...that would be a sad day for all Mankind. It would be the end of Cyprus, Cyprus will never find peace and it will remain dysfunctional, leaving all Cypriots impotent in realising their full potential.

Who would want to live with the constant threat of war?

...Akinci is sending up the trial balloons. The osmosis that TPap spoke about is inevitable. The demographics of the island radically different in about one hundred years, is most likely. There may not be enough "Greeks", and "Turks" to make up their respective "majorities". Water will still be an issue compounded by the ever increasing size of the population, so too, will representation. There may be many Constituencies, each with geographic components to choose from. Security, for them as a whole, is only assured, if as Cypriots, they represent themselves as Cypriots.

With this BBf shit,RW, Cyprus will continue to be in a constant state of war..It happened in 63 when a minority violated the majorities rights and with a BBF you will have the same...without a doubt...theyve been sitting on stolen Greek cyp lands for the past 41 years and its really no skin off their backs, they justify it by telling themselves that the house/property they are in, belongs to an Eoka/eokaB. I've gotten to know them recently and they are the worst of the worst, not all but most...
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:45 am

...does it happen in the USA, Oceanside?

There is no, one way to define a BBF. As we have seen the debate has been hijacked, and compounded by the "Greeks" among us who choose to maintain a debate where Cypriots as adversaries are easily explained by dividing them, as "Greeks", and "Turks". The issue of what is a Cypriot is obscured. Cyprus is not "Greek" per say, although the vast majority of the island's dwellers are Greek. Cypriots, the other half, as i like to call them, those who are not "Greek" or "Turkish", will have their day, it is natural, Justice seen, because what is unnatural is the division we have as it is.

...and staying on topic, i was thinking the other day, how jealous and disappointed Erdogan must be over Cypriots; that there is a difference that is demonstrated by them in terms of their ability to sustain themselves.
...given his sensibilities, it is not unlikely that, as i've said before, he will dispose of the burden Cypriot "Turks" are to him, leave them to be Cypriots as Cypriots, like anyone else, because he can do business with Cyprus and prosper from it, and he cannot otherwise with the occupation regime.

It is Turkey that is in the hard place, at this moment, Cyprus holds the key. experience is quite different to yours. The worst of the worst, i know where to find them, they live in my Uncles' homes. Those Cypriots in Canada that i've met, who are Turkish in origin, have cried with me in each others arms. It is not hard to love Cyprus. I make no judgments, who loves Cyprus more, i feel it is important to love Cyprus first, and in that i find some happiness, that although it seems we are the very few, who are of this opinion, we are still alive. If there is a BBF, and if it is a State, and within it at another level of government a set of Constituencies, on would expect more than two; just saying.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:16 pm

Rw, you've written some great posts throughout the years but I'm sorry to say that the real world doesn't operate under a utopian umbrella..
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:14 pm

Battle for control of Turkey pipeline water ... ine-water/

In essence it is the local councils that organise, manage, and distribute drinking water to dwellers. They are the ones in this case who complain of being ignored, they fear that what is theirs will be taken away from them, and in the scheme of things it may be likely. "Gungordu said the local councils want to administer the water after it reaches their depots and stressed that BESKI had done their homework and were ready to take the lead." In the mean time, the financing for the new work has been removed from the budgets of the occupation regime, by Turkey, in any case.

...more news for the record.

[08] The water coming from Turkey to the occupied area of Cyprus flows directly to the sea

Turkish Cypriot daily Havadis (15.12.15), on its front page under the title "Sahali: Turkey does not threaten us", reports that the self-styled minister of agriculture and natural resources Erkut Sahali said that they have not yet reached an agreement with Turkey on the issue of how the water coming from Turkey will be collected and distributed. He added that there is not any pressure or threat by Turkey regarding the administration of the water. However, he added that they will find an agreement suitable for both.
The paper reports that a crisis is created regarding who will pay the electric costs of the Guzelyali pumping station in occupied Keryneia and the dam in occupied Panagra, because there is not a clear strategy on the issue of "water administration" between Turkey and the "TRNC" (translator's note: the breakaway regime in the occupied area of the Republic of Cyprus). Because of the increasing costs, Turkey's General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) has decided that the water coming from Anamur dam to the pumping station "Guzelyali" in occupied Keryneia is emptied in the sea under the name of "testing working". According to the paper, DSI paid the electric costs for two months which was around to 2 million TL. In order to reduce the costs, the pumping station has stopped pumping the water and the water as it is coming from Turkey, flows directly to the sea.

The paper writes that the so-called coalition government between CTP and UBP has not found a middle ground on the water issue. Even the self-styled prime minister Omer Kalyoncu did not visit Turkey last week, which was a planned visit for the water issue, with the explanation that there were the "budget debates".

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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:03 pm

Nikitas wrote:The water thing is confusing. The flow is halted, for unknown reasons, that is the only verifiable fact.

Lordo, I know our laws. They will change post solution at the insistence of the TC administration, they will not let you register as anything other than TC to inflate their population numbers. In the case of a formal partition you will be stripped of your Cyprus nationality. Every type of solution has its pluses and minuses. The more I look at forums the more I see the pluses in full partition and the minuses in BBF.

they stopped to do some tests and have started delivering again. whats so difficult to understnad.

if there is a formal partition dear boy why would i want to live in a gc state. have you lost all your reasoning. when it comes to land, i will be given three choices if i cannot have my land back.

1. have equivalent land in the same area
2. exchange
3. compensation.

being a cypriot i will be in the category of cypriots what ever number that is, so no fear there.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Jerry » Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:10 pm

Lordo wrote:they stopped to do some tests and have started delivering again. whats so difficult to understnad.

No, you are wrong, the water is still flowing.

Into the sea,

The row between Turkey and the TRNC over who should manage water distribution continues. In the meanwhile, water which is conveyed by undersea pipelines from the Turkish mainland is running into the sea. ... o-the-sea/
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