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Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Flying Horse » Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:20 pm

Mustiejodu wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:
Mustiejodu wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:
Mustiejodu wrote:The mature approach to the subject of if or when is why . why would claims of this nature be made and it ends up all a myth? Why would Turkey make claims and not come with the goods . What would that achieve . I can understand to a point making political claims against the greeks because politicians will be politicians but these claims would have a devastating affect on the relationship with TC s and Turkey so I don't for a moment think this is a myth . If you see the amount of infrastructures built by turkish firms then you can see why they would want to bring free flowing water. It's not just for the TCs its to build a self reliant infrastructure that is the basis for a fully functioning country . Their objective is plain and clear and you are too blind to see it because you thought by joining EU that you would have leaverage but the basic things in life is what is the leaverage .

I don't contest that there is a beginning of a pipeline in Turkey, or an end at a dam in the occupied areas of Cyprus. What I want to know, is where is the middle. This is very important to me. Where is the infrastructure? Where in the sea has it gone? Where, through what villages does it connect through and supply? What fields have been dug up to contain them?

It's not a stupid question, as I'm not blind. I want to know if it affects me.....illegally!

The Turks always put on the pomp and ceremony for such big things, but for this pipeline it's been postponed countless times. I'd expect news at every turn to rub in the faces of the Greek Cypriots.

You want to know if it affects you illegally ? Now there is a question which you can answer by investigating that big old dam that was built over a turkish village on the greek side to which not one turk can now make a claim on . My advice to you about rubbing in your face is basically don't let it rub you in the face . It's very simple . TCs have to put up with your racist attitudes towards us . Well actually your racist attitudes towards any race apart your own . You only need to look at how the philipinos are treated . The point here is live and let live . Well the bigger point here is you don't really have any say in what happens in the north to be blunt with you . You don't have the right legal or ellegal which ever way you want to look at it to have a say in any part of the changes in the north . You don't even have a say on your own side as EU regulates rules and your income . Every puppet has its master . Yours is EU and ours is Turkey . Get the message or do you require more clarification

Let me clarify something to you

I aint even Greek, you cock wombling pillock!

Ps, take YOUR racism and stick it up yer arse :lol:

Don't give a fuck what you are . This message is to you and your opinions . Don't give a fuck who you are it's still none of your concern what happens in the north . You have less rights to an opinion than a feral dog

Ha! How little you think you know.
Let's take it to a court of law... Let them decide. I have every right to an opinion when my family rightfully own half a village in the north

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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Mustiejodu » Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:23 pm

You have nothing to offer on the table to EU but a burden on London tax
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Flying Horse » Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:34 pm

What has London tax payers got to do with the price of fish?
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Nikitas » Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:54 pm

"Really and you have become a expert in EU burocracy . You are a new member and very wet behind the ears . It's us London tax payers that keep you at float . We still have the british pound . What currency do you use ? No longer cypriot is it . You really are brain washed . Don't even get me into who governs who ."

Hmmmm your cleverness makes you stupider than I thought- a quote from Don Juan, in Carlos Castaneda's Journey to Ixtlan.

Odd as it might sound to you some of us did go to university and managed to study EU law, and have worked in active EU news analysis and reporting. Sure it does not make one an expert, but it does help a little.

Cyprus is part of the Eurozone and if anyone works to finance it, it is the taxpayers of Eurozone countries and not those of London. Presumably you have equally racist comments to make on the Irish, Portuguese, Spanish and Italians who find themselves in worse financial straits than Cypriots. I wonder what comments you make about them!

Now back to the pipeline. Doing a search yesterday I found comments by a French engineer specialising in undersea pipes quoted in a report in the New York Times two years ago. He voices the same concerns that some posters have posted in here re the pipeline. In the same report a WWF spokesman raises the point of environmental impact from irrigation, as well as the risk of invasive species introduction.

But the biggest oddity is the comment about infrsastructure belonging to and controlled by the TCs, which obviously is NOT what this project provides. Just the opposite in fact, the water, the means to transport it, even the local distribution system is TURKISH, not TC and definitely NOT Cypriot in the broader context. The TCs rejected two EU financed desal plants that would have given THEM the control of a vital resource and opted to deepen their dependency on Turkey instead. They failed, again, to see the view of the other communities of the island and took one more step towards entrenching partition and enosis of the north with a foreign country. Then you wonder why we are divided!
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:57 pm

Mustiejodu wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:
Mustiejodu wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:
Mustiejodu wrote:The mature approach to the subject of if or when is why . why would claims of this nature be made and it ends up all a myth? Why would Turkey make claims and not come with the goods . What would that achieve . I can understand to a point making political claims against the greeks because politicians will be politicians but these claims would have a devastating affect on the relationship with TC s and Turkey so I don't for a moment think this is a myth . If you see the amount of infrastructures built by turkish firms then you can see why they would want to bring free flowing water. It's not just for the TCs its to build a self reliant infrastructure that is the basis for a fully functioning country . Their objective is plain and clear and you are too blind to see it because you thought by joining EU that you would have leaverage but the basic things in life is what is the leaverage .

I don't contest that there is a beginning of a pipeline in Turkey, or an end at a dam in the occupied areas of Cyprus. What I want to know, is where is the middle. This is very important to me. Where is the infrastructure? Where in the sea has it gone? Where, through what villages does it connect through and supply? What fields have been dug up to contain them?

It's not a stupid question, as I'm not blind. I want to know if it affects me.....illegally!

The Turks always put on the pomp and ceremony for such big things, but for this pipeline it's been postponed countless times. I'd expect news at every turn to rub in the faces of the Greek Cypriots.

You want to know if it affects you illegally ? Now there is a question which you can answer by investigating that big old dam that was built over a turkish village on the greek side to which not one turk can now make a claim on . My advice to you about rubbing in your face is basically don't let it rub you in the face . It's very simple . TCs have to put up with your racist attitudes towards us . Well actually your racist attitudes towards any race apart your own . You only need to look at how the philipinos are treated . The point here is live and let live . Well the bigger point here is you don't really have any say in what happens in the north to be blunt with you . You don't have the right legal or ellegal which ever way you want to look at it to have a say in any part of the changes in the north . You don't even have a say on your own side as EU regulates rules and your income . Every puppet has its master . Yours is EU and ours is Turkey . Get the message or do you require more clarification

Let me clarify something to you

I aint even Greek, you cock wombling pillock!

Ps, take YOUR racism and stick it up yer arse :lol:

Don't give a fuck what you are . This message is to you and your opinions . Don't give a fuck who you are it's still none of your concern what happens in the north . You have less rights to an opinion than a feral dog

the only concern that matters in the occupied areas of Cyprus are that of the legal owners, and of which 90 percent are Greek Cypriot
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Flying Horse » Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:52 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
the only concern that matters in the occupied areas of Cyprus are that of the legal owners, and of which 90 percent are Greek Cypriot

Exactly. And while members of my family are Greek Cypriot, their concerns are my concerns as well as my children's concerns. All legal owners on paper of property in the north. I will not have anybody tell me it is of no concern to me, because directly and indirectly all of it concerns me. Wherever I may live in the world, I will defend their legal rights
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Flying Horse » Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:05 pm

Nikitas wrote:"

Now back to the pipeline. Doing a search yesterday I found comments by a French engineer specialising in undersea pipes quoted in a report in the New York Times two years ago. He voices the same concerns that some posters have posted in here re the pipeline. In the same report a WWF spokesman raises the point of environmental impact from irrigation, as well as the risk of invasive species introduction.

But the bigaboutddity is the comment about infrsastructure belonging to and controlled by the TCs, which obviously is NOT what this project provides. Just the opposite in fact, the water, the means to transport it, even the local distribution system is TURKISH, not TC and definitely NOT Cypriot in the broader context. The TCs rejected two EU financed desal plants that would have given THEM the control of a vital resource and opted to deepen their dependency on Turkey instead. They failed, again, to see the view of the other communities of the island and took one more step towards entrenching partition and enosis of the north with a foreign country. Then you wonder why we are divided!

It only takes a little common sense to notice that all is wrong, both environmentally and politically.....Neither of which have any :lol:
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Lordo » Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:46 pm

if bringing water to the land is with none is somehow wrong for the environment then you must live either on another planet or a swamp.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:59 pm

...Lordo the water is there. It is a question of how it is managed. The water comes from somewhere, it is not "free", because it is a precious resource as we know, where water is scarce.
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Re: Water - The Propaganda Regime of "TRNC" ...???

Postby Lordo » Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:37 am

no rw the water is in the south because of trodos mountains. we dont have as much water in the north. the terggish water is essential for the north. if it costs too much we dont have to buy it. after all we did not pay for the pipe they did.
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