bg_turk wrote:I owe no land in Turkey, but one generation back my relatives used to own land and grow tobacco on what is now called Greece.
sophisticatedbeggar wrote:I'm afraid this doesn't mean anything bg_turk. You keep making the mistake of thinking that only one side is hurt and strangely enough this is always the turkish side...
Talking as the grandchild of refugees I often find your comments uncalled for and partial (for lack of a better word)...
My great grandfather used to own land, a house and a restaurant in Constantinople/Istanbul just like thousand other Greeks... But my family was forced to leave their homeland with hardly anything and return to Greece. And a Turk occupied their land, took over their house and shop...
Should I hold a grudge against this particular Turk or worse all Turks like you do with us Greeks? Well, I don't and I don't see the reason why I should complain... Surely, I would love to be able to have my property and family in Poli and be able to visit but what done is done and you can't change history or turn back time...
But you complain about things like this and in a way I get the impression that me personally and every other Greek or Greek Cypriot here or anywhere in the world should feel guilty and be held responsible for your loss of property/land...
Well, if it makes any difference I apologise for your loss but can hardly do anything (if it makes you feel better may I add that neither I have property in Northern Greece?)...
PS Not all us Greeks have a SBC (Superiority Balkan Complex)... In fact if you ask me I suffer from serious and chronic IEUC (Inferiority EU Complex) being citizen of the most underachieving EU country (financially speaking)... I don't look down on any of the other Balkan countries and what's more I feel threatened (FINANCIALLY speaking) by all of them (mostly on the tourist domain which used to be our "high" point)...
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