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aliens? ...or one mean headache.

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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:23 pm

Whereas one may fully appreciate the various 'Archaeological Exhibits' currently on display and available to the general public, it should be noted that such 'Exhibits' are entirely the end product of research carried out by those prepared to devote much of their time engaged upon dedicated 'Voyages of Discovery'.

The resulting 'Finds' are always subjected to the most intense scrutiny and the results of such offered as further evidence to support that which is already known (or assumed to be known) if there be any tangible connection between the 'New' and the 'Old' (bones, artifacts, debris, etc).

BUT !, until there be positive 'PROOF' that the 'Archaeological Conclusions' presented subsequent to the aforementioned scrutiny (be they in whatever field) are absolutely efficacious, then ALL findings MUST be confined to the realms of 'Conjecture' lest they prove to be misleading.

Therefore, it is most important to reserve ALL judgements connected with the 'Extraordinary',perchance the 'Ordinary' may be found lacking in it's profundity, not too difficult to understand when compared to the nonsensical claims made by an 'Interested Party' connected with the 'Deformed Skeletal Remains' said to be those of 'Richard 111' who stated that she "Felt something strange" as she passed over the spot where his deformed bones were buried.

Had 'I' been anywhere near the 'Poor Dear' at the time of her revelation, the only 'Feeling' she would have experienced would be the weight of my 'Toe behind her' for lending herself to such 'Drivel', the 'Royals' love to wallow in the farce that they are something 'Special', it keeps them safe for as long as 'Fools' are prepared to believe it. "Don'tcha know?" :wink:...................................."Thanks for 'pm' will respond" :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:15 pm

I'm detecting a serious gravitational pull. Something akin to space-time. Might explain the curvature in Richard's spine. :?

Fee ... fi ... fo ... fum ....

(Or, should that be Φee ... φi ... φo ... φum .... ?)
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:59 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I'm detecting a serious gravitational pull. Something akin to space-time. Might explain the curvature in Richard's spine. :?

Fee ... fi ... fo ... fum ....

(Or, should that be Φee ... φi ... φo ... φum .... ?)

Your reference to the curvature of 'Richard 111s' spine, prompted me to put the question of it's development to the 'Wisdom of the Scroll', remarkably, I was able to identify a certain response to my question even though I am currently in possession of only 'Four' of the 'Six' important 'Symbols' required for a full explanation, I will pursue the question as soon as I receive those missing (as of yet illegible) impressed upon the 'Leather Binding Thong'.

No doubt the remaining 'Two' will be forthcoming (hopefully within the next 24Hrs or so since I am due for departure) at which time I will be able to pass them on for use to ALL members of this forum.

It has been established that the 'Scroll' is capable of producing a condensed answer to THE most complicated question, this fact I can confirm since I have put the 'Symbols' to the test (even though they are incomplete) and have seen the evidence of it's capability.

Incidentally, it has also been confirmed (now that the 'Parchment' has been almost completely unrolled) that there is evidence of a 'Grammatical Cadence' in the pronunciation of the 'Greek' writings, such findings could prove to be quite significant when the final mystery of the 'Symbols' is revealed. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:16 pm

Well folks, that which I am about to reveal to you now is undoubtedly THE clearest indication of corruption by those in high office EVER foisted upon the general public.

On the very eve which promised the final revelation of the phenomenal secrets contained in the 'Mexican Scroll', the 'Powers that Be' have forbidden the publication of THE most important factor in the deciphering of the 'Symbols' which hold the formula (and method) to the answering of ALL questions.

It was shortly after midnight (last night) that the final 'Two Symbols' were revealed to those entrusted with the task of producing (and explaining) the final definition and it was at THAT time that the process was interrupted by certain individuals who expressed their concerns about 'National Security'.

It was found that the 'SPACE' between the first 'Three Symbols' and the last 'Three' was the 'Key' to solving ANY question (or problem) which required a sound solution, many attempts were made to confuse the 'System' and each attempt was met with complete failure.

The thought of such brilliant 'Technology' being within easy reach of ALL 'Nations', greatly disturbed the representatives of 'OUR CHAPS' and it was decided that the critical inclusion of the 'SPACE' information should be withheld and regarded as 'Top Secret' and kept in a secure location.

The 'Six Symbols' are now common knowledge, they are to be made available to everyone together with certain assurances that the 'Sciences' will endeavour to probe the mysteries of the 'Origin' of them and I am able (with full permission) to publish them, they ARE remarkably similar to 'Greek' (as we were told)

1. (k) 2. (o) 3. (v) 'space' 4.(ζ ) 5. (Φ) 6. (ω) and these are the complete 'Six Symbols' BUT, unfortunately, due to the fact that the 'SPACE' (and the secret information contained therein) is withheld, the 'System' will now only produce ONE answer to ALL questions and even then, only when the 'Six Symbols' are arranged in a certain fashion (still to be discovered).

I HAVE managed to find the correct sequence myself, it DOES work BUT, I am not too sure about the 'Cadence' (perhaps 'Northern Irish') might be one to try as a 'Phonetic' comparison, always assuming of course that such a 'Lingo' could be regarded as having a 'Cadence' when not being expressed in an insulting form.

I am extremely annoyed with those in authority that have prevented the 'TRUTH' to be revealed regarding this matter BUT, only to be expected I guess, why should those in authority start revealing the 'TRUTH' about anything, the alternative has worked so well for them thus far, why change ?. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:45 am

a not unexpected development.....skepticism remains....
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:56 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:a not unexpected development.....skepticism remains....

Throughout the night, a team of dedicated 'Archaeological and Forensic Scientists' have been enthusiastically perusing the information they have at hand and the physical evidence they have extracted from the 'Artifacts' found.

I very much doubt if they would be appreciative of your dismissive comment and even less impressed with your confirmed 'Skepticism', particularly since they have discovered 'Undeniable Proof' that the 'Symbols' (if placed in the correct sequence) DO present an answer to ANY question.

In the course of their further studies, ANOTHER attribute to the wonders of the 'Scroll' has been discovered in that certain 'Adages' which have hitherto been generally accepted as 'Recent', are in fact proven to be sourced from an intelligence thousands of years in the past, clearly visible within the 'Greek Writings' which are still under scrutiny, who knows what else might be forthcoming ?, perhaps we should reserve our final judgement until the full facts are known.

I am now about to leave 'Yangon' (One hour hence) and may be out of touch for a day or so, in the meantime., Best Wishes to ALL you good folk. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:58 pm

If indeed there is such access to information or knowledge that can be derived from the scroll then it is hardly surprising that efforts would be made to suppress it: one must recall that the alleged original sin of man was eating of the tree of knowledge and through-out recorded time "the powers that be" have always sought to control knowledge since, as Sir Francis Bacon said, "knowledge is power". Was the possibility that they had found secret knowledge behind the alleged premature deaths said to be connected with a previous significant archeological expedition in 1923 .?
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:07 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:If indeed there is such access to information or knowledge that can be derived from the scroll then it is hardly surprising that efforts would be made to suppress it: one must recall that the alleged original sin of man was eating of the tree of knowledge and through-out recorded time "the powers that be" have always sought to control knowledge since, as Sir Francis Bacon said, "knowledge is power". Was the possibility that they had found secret knowledge behind the alleged premature deaths said to be connected with a previous significant archeological expedition in 1923 .?

Your comments have introduced the subject of 'Religious Beliefs' since you have mentioned the 'Tree of Knowledge' and I think you should not have since, thus far, we have been discussing 'Archaeology' rather than 'Theology'.

However, since we are now about to witness an event which is revered by so many (the election of a new 'Pope'), perhaps we may be able to tie both subjects together and expose similarities between 'Scientific AND Religious Rationale'.

Bearing in mind (of course) that out of deference to those who hold firm to their own beliefs, under NO circumstances should we condemn either. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:50 am

Subsequent to a discussion (this evening) with one of my close associates, the subject of 'The Scroll' came up and yet another remarkable use for it is being investigated by eminent 'Meteorological Scientists' who have tested it's amazing abilities in their particular fields of endeavour.

Apparently 'The Scroll' is able to forecast 'Weather Conditions' and by so doing, raises the point that it should NOT be able to 'Predict' without using the hidden information contained in the 'Space' between the 'Six Symbols', a matter which is certainly likely to cause some concern to 'The Powers That Be'.

The enormous amount of equipment and expertise (not to mention the financial burdens) squandered on the subject of 'Meteorology', is likely to be subjected to 'Economic Challenges' once the results of certain 'Comparative Forecasts' are examined.

Currently, due to the unpredictable climatic conditions affecting many parts of the globe, it would appear that 'The Scroll' is actually closer to accuracy than ALL the sophisticated scientific paraphernalia at the disposal of 'The Experts', it has even been suggested that 'The Scroll' might prove it's mettle in the field of 'Seismology' and other of the sciences which deal (or are dealing) with unknown entities in connection with 'Climatic Change'.

These are interesting times folks, perhaps we are all on a voyage of discovery, the like of which the world has never known. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:29 pm

Good Heavens !, on the eve of my departure to a region of conflict in Africa, I received confirmation from the same source as the one above that the 'Department of Meteorology' at 'Reading University' have applied for permission to study the 'Predictive Capabilities' of the 'Mexican Scroll'.

The 'University of Reading' houses one of the foremost 'Meteorological Authorities' on earth and the fact that THEY have expressed an interest in 'The Scroll' is reason enough to encourage closer interest from WE (who are outside the fields of expertise in such matters).

Furthermore, it has been suggested that 'Cyprus' might be an ideal location for experimental testing of the efficacy of 'The Scroll' for a few particular reasons, among such being the interest directed toward the 'Cypriot' stages in 'Meteorological Development' since the late 19th century coupled with the geographical location of the island.

It would appear that 'Cyprus' (or the authorities therein) has undergone several changes in the study of the climate since records began, indeed, it was not until 1957 that a 'Meteorological Office' existed in 'Cyprus' since the responsibility (for study) was left to the discretion of the 'Public Works Department' of the island.

It is within the field of 'Accuracy' that 'The Reading University' has expressed it's greatest interest, it would appear that the 'Forecasts' of 'The Scroll' are just as reliable (and in many cases more so) than those of the tried and tested methods throughout the entire world BUT, the REAL clincher is the fact that ALL the predictions, forecasts and answers to all questions applicable thereto, are 'ABSOLUTELY FREE' and must therefore be of paramount consideration.

How many times have WE suffered the consequences of inaccurate 'Weather Forecasting' ?, how much CHEAPER it would be for ALL of us if we were to rely upon the 'Predictions and Forecasts' of 'The Scroll' ?.

I am informed that the weather in the region of 'Africa' where I am heading is rather hostile at the moment, I will probably be out of touch for a little while and with such thoughts in mind, I would like to wish ALL members the Best of Luck.....................Schnauzer. :wink:
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