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aliens? ...or one mean headache.

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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:50 am

I have just been informed that the controversy among those 'Archaeological Scholars' is the result of a recent suggestion by the 'British Archaeological Team' that the 'Parchment Scroll' might contain some evidence of precisely WHERE the remains of 'Moses' are buried.

Hitherto, there are several suggestions as to where the final resting place might be, THIS document may be able to offer conclusive proof of the exact location and naturally has caused quite a stir among the many who have devoted so much time considering the safest way to decipher the ancient script.

It would appear that a word very closely resembling the 'Greek Letters' forming the name 'Ωσαρσηφ' (which is said to be the original name of 'Moses' before he became prominent) has given some credence to recent theories that the 'Carbon Dating' may not be quite as reliable as thought (in this case), furthermore, if the letters ARE of 'Upper and Lower' case (as of yet unproved), then a whole new voyage of discovery presents itself, such an exciting find will probably lead to a whole new school of thought among 'Archaeologists'.

We can only hope that the 'Parchment' can be unrolled and it's secrets revealed to us BUT, it does look very promising and could possibly hold the key to many unsolved mysteries of the past. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:04 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I do believe the letter 'Φ' (the 'constant of curvature') is a surviving mathematical symbol; a remnant from the calculations of an early Greek, some say pre-Greek, scientist intent on working out the degree of convex/concave curvature found in lumbar lordosis and scoliosis - relative to that observed in dinosaurs, which taught humans bipedalism, don'tcha know? :D

It has been confirmed that the letter 'Φ' is positively identified as the first letter (in upper case) which is impressed on the 'Leather Binding' which bounded the 'Parchment' in it's scrolled condition, it would appear that two other (symbols or letters?) closely follow the 'Φ' before a space and then a further three (letters?) complete the impressed inscription.

The use of techniques which 'X-ray' the 'Scroll' is being very carefully monitored for fear of either destroying or contaminating the contents, however, there is a growing agreement among the scientists examining the find, that the letters in the 'Scroll' ARE remarkably similar to 'Greek' although (bewilderingly) seem to contain both the 'Upper and Lower' case letters of the alphabet.

Obviously, a penetrating 'Ray' through a 'Scroll' will produce distorted images and it is in the unravelling of these images that the difficulties in deciphering occur, as of yet, the word 'Ωσαρσηφ' is the only one which seems to confirm the aforementioned similarities, particularly since both 'Cases' are involved AND the name of 'Moses' is suggested since 'Ωσαρσηφ' or ('Osarsif' ?) IS (according to 'Archaeological Academia') the former name of 'Moses' (and I DO concur).

I will shortly be leaving the 'Yangon' area and I understand that after passing various other locations 'En Route', I may eventually be back in the UK for a brief spell, I suspect that my stay in the 'London' area will be extremely limited before revisiting my base in the 'Bath' area of the UK, thereafter, I will hopefully be able to spend some time back in my home in the mountains of 'Cyprus', as they say in 'Cyprus' "I will let you know !" :lol:

God Bless one and all.................. Schnauzer. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:09 pm

When 'repulsewarrior' opened this thread (28/1/2012) I believe his intention was to introduce a degree of levity to the forum which (at that time) was suffering some decline in popular topics inviting discussion.

Such an opinion was reinforced when (by his own admission) he offered the subject as something of a joke.

Little did HE (or any other member) imagine that his frivolous presentation would lead to such important new 'Archaeological and Scientific' discoveries as are now being revealed as a result of the 'Mexican' find.

Recently in 'Yangon' (and the area surrounding) a certain amount of 'Archaeological Activity' has been taking place and one could be forgiven for assuming that 'Ancient Artifacts' were the prizes sought by those who spent so much of their time in their 'Diggings', however, the REAL purpose of such activity was a venture of discovery by 'Private Financiers' who hoped to locate numerous 'Spitfire Planes' of WW2 which are known to have been buried somewhere in the vast territories surrounding 'Yangon', an area where I am currently ensconced (though shortly to be removed from).

Among the 'Experts' engaged for consultation are a few eminent 'Archaeologists' and among those are one or two quite well known to me personally, thus my friends, I am able to report some of the recent findings connected with the subject of the 'Mexican Skull', some of which have now become quite phenomenal.

I do have a certain amount of 'Free Time' nowadays and have been quite happy to forward such information as I have received from 'Those in the Know' as and when it is given to me, the LATEST snippet is quite astounding and I do not have the time to fully pass it on at the moment, perhaps in another hour or two the opportunity to do so will present itself, meanwhile, there are certain duties I must perform and I assure you they are quite pressing. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:56 pm

...thank-you, Schnauzer.
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:14 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...thank-you, Schnauzer.

My compliments to you RW and as indicated earlier, I am now able to add to my previous observations (as directed) relating to the subject under scrutiny.

It has been revealed that the actual material which constitutes the 'Scroll' raises another interesting oddity in that it would seem to contradict the accuracy of the 'Radiocarbon' dating process (in findings, theories and conclusions).

The 'Scroll' is of a material which predates the 'Mexican Skull' by several centuries, in fact, it has been established that it is NOT an ordinary 'Parchment' but rather one of 'Gevil' (un-split 'Cow Hide'), a material that was used in 'Egypt' during the period when 'Moses' was living among them.

Such material was also used to record ancient biblical writings and it is assumed (or known) that the first writings of 'Moses' (or Osarsif) were scribed upon the very same 'Gevil' material as are the writings upon the 'Scroll' now under such intense examination.

The actual 'Writings' upon the 'Scroll', reportedly contain astonishingly accurate factual notations of events that have occurred during OUR PAST (which indicates that they were predictions) and are of such importance that a shroud of secrecy is about to be imposed upon them and publication will NOT be permitted for some time yet.

It is because of these reasons that my 'Archaeological Associates' have decided to pass on such information and I am revealing it to you all.

The lettering IS of 'Upper and Lower' case, it IS almost identical to 'Greek' and the content of the 'Scroll' is such that it forms an incredible source of accurate information on ALL subjects.

ANY question posed, whether it be mathematical, geometrical, medical, philosophical or even political and regardless of it's complexity, will be met with an answer merely by deciphering the 'Six Symbols' on the 'Leather Strap' which bound the 'Scroll'.

It has been suggested that the 'Scroll' is of some 'Alien Origin', the fact that ANY question can be answered so simply, could be interpreted as conclusive evidence that such a suggestion is not quite as inconceivable as we might imagine.

Perhaps 'repulsewarrior' has opened the floodgates to a subject which will soon take the 'Archaeological World' by storm. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:59 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I do believe the letter 'Φ' (the 'constant of curvature') is a surviving mathematical symbol; a remnant from the calculations of an early Greek, some say pre-Greek, scientist intent on working out the degree of convex/concave curvature found in lumbar lordosis and scoliosis - relative to that observed in dinosaurs, which taught humans bipedalism, don'tcha know? :D

I must admit that without being able to verify Schnauzer's report by independent means I retain a degree of skepticism about the scroll and lettering as i'd l be a we bit surprised if any parchment had survived for about 1200 years just buried in the ground: I'd rather expect it would probabaly have perished alomg with the skin and flesh ofthe corpses, unless of course Schnauzer has more information which might show how a parchment buried in the bare earth would survive....

I am less skeptical about Ancients performing some sort of research into spinal shape, both normal and abnormal, but again must admit a great degree of skepticism about this curvature being defined mathematicaly leta lone relative to that supposedly observed in Dinosaurs, particularly since, while they may have come across fossilized bones, I am not sure they knew what a dinosaur was let alone couold have performed an anatomical reconstruction of spine shape. I am however open to education and if GiG could provide a credible link or other references to these ancient studies I'd be happy to review them.

I also have some doubts about spine shape teaching us to walk on two legs: our bipedalsim and our spainal shape developed together over many millions of years and the chances are that it was slow process of evolution (with survival of the fittest, etc., ) of both in parrallel through almost a cyclic development process that lead to us having both bipdlaism and this back shape. isuspect it is however possible to argue that incrteasing bipedalism encouraged this spine shape to develop. It is however a chicken and egg argument ,

Our evolution did however leave us with bad backs... ... tists.html
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:25 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:I must admit that without being able to verify Schnauzer's report by independent means I retain a degree of skepticism about the scroll and lettering as i'd l be a we bit surprised if any parchment had survived for about 1200 years just buried in the ground: I'd rather expect it would probabaly have perished alomg with the skin and flesh ofthe corpses, unless of course Schnauzer has more information which might show how a parchment buried in the bare earth would survive....

The question of (how long or) whether or not 'Parchments' (be they 'Papyrus', 'Vellum' or in this case 'Gevil') might survive the passage of time, is a subject which has been at the forefront of scientific discussion and investigation for many years now and has resulted in much evidence confirming that in certain conditions, survival times in excess of thousands of years are quite feasible, moreover, there ARE examples of such surviving 'Parchments' readily accessible in many museums the world over.

Probing the connection between the similarities of the 'Mexican Skulls' (and other finds) and the 'Mayan' and 'Egyptian' interests in 'Embalming' and many other methods of preservation of human remains and artifacts, might reveal the answer to many questions and perhaps dispel 'Skepticism' BUT, since the subject of such connections are already (and for many years have been) discussed at great length, it might be better (and beneficial) to treat the entire matter as a separate issue and merely accept that, whatever the conditions applicable to THIS particular 'Parchment' may be, the fact that it DOES exist should suffice for as far as THIS discussion is concerned.

My time is very limited at the moment and I can only rely upon small windows of opportunity to secure information, I have put certain questions to those at the source of such and am satisfied that there is much interesting evidence to support the 'Age' of the 'Parchment' (currently assumed to be 5000-1500 BC) and as such would suggest that the remains were in some way protected from the rigours of time. (possibly contained in a sarcophagus?).

What IS becoming absolutely apparent, is the fact that the messages contained within the 'Parchment' are dedicated to the peace and tranquility of 'Mankind' and that reference to the 'Six Symbols' (when used in conjunction with ANY question asked) is the key which guarantees an answer to whatever question is posed, regardless of the subject matter OR the complexity of the question.

I have tested the efficacy of the process (without the full number of 'Symbols') and it already works fine, I have only 'Four' of them at the moment, when I have the complete set and am able to pass them on, I will do so.

Hopefully I will fulfill this task before I depart from here, I am due to leave in a few days (as far as I am aware)....... Good Luck.. Schnauzer. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:48 pm

...can you explain how four or six letters can provide answers to questions?
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:01 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...can you explain how four or six letters can provide answers to questions?

Since the 'Parchment' is currently subject to a great deal of scientific scrutiny and numerous mathematical configurations are in process of comparison, there is no explanation available (as of yet) as to how the 'Symbols' are able to provide answers with such speed and definition.

It would appear that a certain re-arrangement of those 'Symbols' is the basis upon which the answers are (or answer is) given.

It HAS been suggested that 'Alien Influences' might be responsible for the 'Humanitarian Purposes' of the writings coupled with the 'Symbols' BUT, since there have been so many conflicting opinions in the past whenever matters beyond normal comprehension are encountered, perhaps it would be wiser to dismiss the possibility of such sources unless absolute PROOF is made available.

What is not in dispute, is the fact that the 'Objectives' of the writings are clearly an indication of concern for the welfare of 'Humanity' and are certainly the product of an intelligence that does not exist on the face of the earth today. (unless such intelligence is purposely concealed in order to avoid panic).

The 'Four Symbols' (of a possible 'Six' which adorn the 'Leather Strap') have been identified as closely resembling 'Greek' letters and have already produced evidence of the ability to reply to ANY query, the remaining 'Two' are yet to be clearly defined and the 'Team of Scientists' are enthusiastically pondering the possibilities of making a connection with many unexplained discoveries over the past few centuries.

It has even been suggested that 'Time Travel' might be accorded to the fact that 'Accurate Predictions' were made centuries ago which have recently taken place in many parts of the world......................weird and wonderful....................... by all accounts. :wink:
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Re: aliens? ...or one mean headache.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:27 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I must admit that without being able to verify Schnauzer's report by independent means I retain a degree of skepticism about the scroll and lettering as i'd l be a we bit surprised if any parchment had survived for about 1200 years just buried in the ground: I'd rather expect it would probabaly have perished alomg with the skin and flesh ofthe corpses, unless of course Schnauzer has more information which might show how a parchment buried in the bare earth would survive....

The question of (how long or) whether or not 'Parchments' (be they 'Papyrus', 'Vellum' or in this case 'Gevil') might survive the passage of time, is a subject which has been at the forefront of scientific discussion and investigation for many years now and has resulted in much evidence confirming that in certain conditions, survival times in excess of thousands of years are quite feasible, moreover, there ARE examples of such surviving 'Parchments' readily accessible in many museums the world over.

My time is very limited at the moment and I can only rely upon small windows of opportunity to secure information, I have put certain questions to those at the source of such and am satisfied that there is much interesting evidence to support the 'Age' of the 'Parchment' (currently assumed to be 5000-1500 BC) and as such would suggest that the remains were in some way protected from the rigours of time. (possibly contained in a sarcophagus?).

yes the preservation of old parchments (whther Papyrus, Vellum or Gevil,) is quite well known with the current oldest known examples of Papyrus being about 4900 years old (but apparently blank) and the oldest with writing on it being 4000 years old, and for hide based documents - vellum, gevil, etc, these are about 3800 years old. If the alleged Meso-American parchment (or Gevil ) item is any older than that it is definitely a most unique document.

What however I am not at all sure about is when the technique to make gevil, thought to be a predominantly Ancient Hebrew technique, of which the oldest attested examples are 2750 yo or so, was developed, nor am I sure how alleged Greek letters would have appeared on it (unless only later applied) bearing im mind the earliest attested evidence of a recogniseably Greek Alphabet is about 800BC, some 700 years after your alleged latest date of the alleged scroll.

Further the survival of hide based documents depends on them remaining in quite a restricted band for humidity and temperature eg in a particular in suitable cave (as with the Nag Hamadi scrolls) or chamber but the pictures I have seen of the Onavas burials seem to show bodies in the bare earth, and with no sign of mumification (natural or otherwise), which would not bode to well for the survival of any parchment, and the graves are attested to be only about 1000 yo, ie about 2500 years after your earliest date...

The mystery therefore deepens
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