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The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

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Re: The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:41 am

bill cobbett wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Bill we dont want you on this island, you are a trouble maker go home and leave us alone.

BillC is already home...!!!

... now give us the benefit of translations of the above Turkish please.

The Uk is your country go back you are a foreigner here who only makes trouble, go deal with your own countries numerous issues.
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Re: The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

Postby Lordo » Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:55 am

billy boy i will translate all you want when you find me all makarios speeches from 1960 to 1964, and i dont mean the sound bites he did for the press i am talking about the ones he did behind closed doors for his thugs.

now that is as good as you is goin a get. gadalaves charluimu.
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Re: The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:28 pm

One unconfirmed source in the Occupied Areas reporting of trouble at the Environmentalist's Protest earlier today up at the top end of the Karpas.

It says that protesters and locals have clashed near the Occupied Village of Rizokarpaso... :(

Report says that the "police" were overwhelmed and unable to maintain order.

Here's a picky...
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Re: The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:40 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Bill we dont want you on this island, you are a trouble maker go home and leave us alone.

...i suppose all these people are not "Turkish" enough as well.

thank goodness that there are Turks, not so stuck on "Turkishness", and who place Cyprus before the interests of an elite dutiful to a Turkish deep state.

...where should they go vp? (i can only imagine)
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Re: The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:50 pm

..."Karpaz doðal çeþitlilik açýsýndan önemli bir bölge. Bilim insanlarý tarafýndan da bu raporlanmýþ ve bölgenin koruma altýnda olduðu ilan edilmiþtir. Bu baðlamda bölgeye yol yapýlmasý ve özel çevre koruma alaný içine de yayýlmasý büyük tehlikedir. Þu anda Karpaz'da en azýndan bu sýnýrlarýn korunmasý için çabalamaktayýz. Buna engel olmaktan baþka çaremiz yok. Karpaz'ý seven tüm insanlar Pazar günü eyleme gelsin."...

..."CTP döneminde Karpaz'a elektrik götürülmesiyle baþlayan süreç bugün UBP eliyle devam ediyor. Bizlerin görevi Karpaz'a sahip çýkýp bu ekolojik talana dur demektir. Yapýlmasý planlanan bu þey oradaki doðal bitki örtüsünü tahrip edeceði gibi, hayvanlarýn da ölmesine neden olacaktýr. Bu mücadele hem CTP'den hesap sorarak, hem de UBP'ye karþý direnerek sürecektir."...

..."Yaþananlarý tam bir doða tahribatý olarak deðerlendirmekteyim. Karpaz orman alaný bakýmýndan milli park, arkeoloji bakýmýndan site ve endemik türler bakýmýndan da özel çevre koruma bölgesi kapsamýndadýr. Bu koþullarda bölgeye deðil yol yapmak bir çivi bile çakýlamaz. Ancak bugün üzülerek görüyoruz ki çok büyük bir doða ve çevre katliamý yaþanmaktadýr."...

curious Lordo, what would you say to these people if you had a chance to speak to them directly?
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Re: The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:48 pm

Video on youtube of the CY Environmentalists protesting the road-widening and development of the Karpas by "trnc" being roughed up by the "police" of "trnc" during yesterday's protest for their troubles...

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Re: The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

Postby Lordo » Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:30 pm

dont panic dont panic. there is plenty of time to negotiate peace. no time frame suffocations if you please. it served us well for the last 50 years and will do so again for the next 50 years.

but when we do we will be able to reverse all these things in the future. so you have nothing to worry about really. sleep easy you hear.
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Re: The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:33 pm

Reports in the press of the Occupied Areas are that the counter-protests to the CY Environmentalists were orchestrated by agents of the UnGreen Regime of "trnc" using the loud-speakers in the minarets of mosques in the area.
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Re: The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:05 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Reports in the press of the Occupied Areas are that the counter-protests to the CY Environmentalists were orchestrated by agents of the UnGreen Regime of "trnc" using the loud-speakers in the minarets of mosques in the area.

I ve heard the word "ayip"=shame so many times in the video.
Yes shame. So much police how many where they 30-40? against a crowd of what 100, who were actually just standing there? And why did the Police mingle in the crowd dragging everybody for no reason?
What really disgusted me was the fact that 8-10 of them surrounded that old woman from the very beginning trying to arrest her.
Real shame indeed :cry:
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Re: The UnGreen Regime of "trnc"

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:14 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Reports in the press of the Occupied Areas are that the counter-protests to the CY Environmentalists were orchestrated by agents of the UnGreen Regime of "trnc" using the loud-speakers in the minarets of mosques in the area.

I ve heard the word "ayip"=shame so many times in the video.
Yes shame. So much police how many where they 30-40? against a crowd of what 100, who were actually just standing there? And why did the Police mingle in the crowd dragging everybody for no reason?
What really disgusted me was the fact that 8-10 of them surrounded that old woman from the very beginning trying to arrest her.
Real shame indeed :cry:

Yes, disgusting attempt to disrupt peaceful protest by "trnc".

Further... "trnc" authorities up there have got a campaign of mis-information going, targeting the Environmentalists, whom they are calling a group of "atheists", "non-believers" and even "greeks" ... :roll:
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