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Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

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Re: Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:05 pm

for the most part the slaves were captured and sold by local black African rulers - b perhaps they feel sold-out by their own kind, or is that being to generalist, bearing in mind the tribalism that still exists in large parts of Africa which is often racist in nature and which pervades politics? look at Rawanda.....
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Re: Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

Postby Cap » Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:36 pm

Thanks for pointing that out STUD.
It was relevant, but I thought nobody would believe me - them thinking maybe it was some more 'racist' bullsh** rhetoric, so I never bothered.
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Re: Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:58 pm

Unfortunately, the African rulers who gave up their tribes (actually very few) to be carted off for slavery never knew what they were being taken away for. They were kept ignorant of the real reason for taking away their people. Mostly it was a scramble by the "Whites" to grab as many Africans as possible (not difficult given the superiority of the gun).

- Even if the slave trade, theoretically, ended nearly 200 years ago, in practice the descendants were kept in poverty and without rights until very recently.

The rape that Africa has suffered will take centuries to recover from. Europe was in the dark ages for centuries before they had their Renaissance (thanks to the Greeks) and we need to give Africa time and respect.
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Re: Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

Postby kurupetos » Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:19 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Unfortunately, a lot of "Africans" (aka "Blacks") have caught onto being unable to assign themselves to a "country of origin" because the *White* supremacists ( aka English, French, Dutch, German etc. ) have not told them where their slave parentage arose from.

They've had 200 years to find out.... :roll:

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Re: Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

Postby Cap » Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:45 pm

Not in today's reality GiG.
They're being assisted by the billions of dollars.

The centuries you're talking about is simply evolution. That's a cowardly excuse.
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Re: Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:21 pm's all about plunder, isn't it? it is about the exploitation of resources, those billions of dollars, the Human Beings are a subsidiary to that issue. it is naive to think that the billions are directed towards the Hunger and Disease that comes from the Ignorance of the past.
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Re: Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:31 pm

Zimbabwe is an excellent example of what happens when the white man goes away and leaves the locals to their own devices...

Once the bread basket of Africa... now a basket case...
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Re: Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

Postby Cap » Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:41 pm

Odd, the countries that were never truly colonized, Liberia and Ethiopia just happen to be the worst examples on the African continent.
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Re: Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:11 pm

repulsewarrior's all about plunder, isn't it? it is about the exploitation of resources, those billions of dollars, the Human Beings are a subsidiary to that issue. it is naive to think that the billions are directed towards the Hunger and Disease that comes from the Ignorance of the past.

indeed: the European states were after the resources of Africa, the land, the gold, the diamonds, the cheap labour to work them, and yes the average African was left in the same poverty stricken state as he existed before the European Imperialists, ( the English, French, Germans, Spanish, Italians, Portuguese, and do not forget the Belgians) arrived and the colonialism did nothing to improve their lot and in that respect independence does not seem to have improved the lot of many..Zimbabwe is a case in point but not the only one. ..

However the millions and billions cannot undo the past - they can the only address the problems of the today and hope to prevent the problems of tomorrow.

Unfortunately too much of the aid does not end up helping the people: some ends up in the offshore accounts of the ruling elite, and much goes on grandiose schemes that often benefit foreign contractors (and their local sponsors in the JV structure - who are often the ruling elite) during the construction. Other wise it can end up buying weapons. Simply throwing large amounts of donated food down the populace actually does little to help solve the long term underlying problems, particularly when it ends up in the hands of people who sell it, rather than give it away as was intended.
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Re: Times are tough.. but this is ridiculous.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:19 pm

Cap wrote:Odd, the countries that were never truly colonized, Liberia and Ethiopia just happen to be the worst examples on the African continent.

:D :D :D

give th rest a chance to catch up......
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